Details of Simon Dolan's Court Action against the government's oppressive and possibly unlawful policies.


Jill Matthews ,julie parry, Janet,                   John O'Toole , Eileen Tierney

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 22:00
Article link: 




The House arrest has introduced me to the most amazingly Frank authors such as Peter Hitchens. I have discovered a wealth of highly educated, amazingly articulate and reasoned people who debate in detail with facts their point of view regarding not only coronavirus but the hypocritical democracy we live in. I knew that we were being bombarded by Government waffle on all the regular news channels which I have always thought were censored to serve the establishment but now I have a wealth of intellectuals on U tube who give me the facts instead of propaganda. When will the rest of our society wake up to the truth. These professors should be running the country.


watched UK Column today and it is frightening what they are planning for our future while we are locked up. They openly admit they are trying to frighten us into accepting whatever they have planned. I really feel for those without incomes and families to support whilst our govt and scientists all have their noses in the trough of Gates. We need to take action now before its too late. This isn't about a virus but about taking control of every aspect of our lives and minds. Think of your children and speak out for their sakes.


Families have been torn apart, children have missed education and social contact ,people are living on the breadline, suffering metal health problems,victims are having to live with their abusers and the elderly are told to stay indoors as if they are lepers. My Husband and I were turned away from a supermarket as we were told that we could not shop together and I refused to shop alone while he waited in the car.
Why aren't more people questioning these decisions and illegal rules that we are living under.
The Politicians could string us along for months ,all the time they are being paid and will not suffer as a result of their decisions nor their families.



I went to my local Sainsbury yesterday morning, I took a basket and made my purchases without problem. I had a few more items to get in the afternoon and the nice gentleman at the door explained that the rules had changed and that, now all had to take trolleys. I went along with this but when I got to the second isle there was a long queue of trolleys. I went by in the middle only to be verbally fiercely assaulted at the end of the isle by a Sainsbury staff member.

She loudly told all around that I was spreading Coronovirus by walking within 1 foot past people. She wanted that all trolleys wait in line in the isles behind other customers, some of whom take a long time with their purchases. Getting an extra few item at Sainsbury’s could take a very long time.

The local Sainsbury is too small for all customers using trolleys. I have noticed that M&S staff are in general, more appreciative of customers and even help with cleaning trolleys & baskets.



We were advised to social distance and self isolate as voluntary actions. Suddenly people were being shamed and fined for not taking the advice Still the advertising suggests it is voluntary. This is confusing and feels like a trick. I will not accept forced requests now.



Own comment: 

I have never known anyone to win a lawsuit against the British government in Britain, so although I applaud efforts to take legal action agaisnt the government, I doubt it is going to lead anywhere.

Still, judging from the comments section, we have a lot more people waking up to the reality of the new world order being foisted upon us, and to the fantasy of democracy which many people have for long swallowed.