Desperation Makes For Strange Bedfellows


AMDG,  Wanda,  S. Armaticus, Michael E. Dowd            

Friday, March 17, 2017 - 23:45
Article link: 

A bunch of neocommunist Agenda21 pushing rag-tags sitting on crumbling bureaucrat seats are enlisting a fellow communist (pretty sure being a communist makes you an anti-Christ) ‘bishopofrome’ Bergoglio to conserve the neocommunist EU?
Birds of a feather flock together.

May their plans fail in this year of Our Lord 2017. the centennial of Our Lady of Fatima.



“…has the skills and the vision to say things that transcend the obvious…” Is this a joke? ’cause I’m laughin’. I took note of the somewhat arrogant desperation in Mr. Juncker’s comments. Does the EU have a “bully pulpit” because I think he’s going there.


Yes, I thought the “phraseology” was hilarious. If this is really the way in which these people think, no wonder the EU is in such a horrible mess…


E.U. is nearing a crisis point just like the Catholic Church. Perhaps Pope Francis can do for the E.U. what he is doing for the Church—bring it to a point of near extinction. Pope Francis has remarkable abilities to be sure.


They are doing a good job on there own.

But if Francis can help, why not…