Declaring Elections Illegitimate - By Rejecting To Send Observers


dave,AtaBrit,  Richard Steven Hack,  vk              

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 23:00
Article link: 


I guess there's no arguing that the elite are eliminating the old world order of sovereign countries and replacing that system with corporate industrial zones ran by corporate boards.

Corporate fascism and it's elitist cult members are reorganizing the world into a cashless and morally bankrupt system where only they have privacy and security while the rest of us live in a permanent underclass where upward mobility depends upon your service to the neofeudal lords that have been hand picked by the covert agency useful idiots.

Hold on to your arses folks, things are going to get really different really quickly going forward.

Stay safe and remember not to let other people choose your enemies for you.


Posted by: dave | Sep 13 2020 11:07 utc | 1




Byelarus is a participating country of the OSCE so it seems strange but very convenient that observers be withheld.
What about regional elections?
Will observers be present at Russia's regional elections today?

Posted by: AtaBrit | Sep 13 2020 11:31 utc | 3




Ever since the Nicaraguan elections in the 80s, when the ex-Somozista fascists, now rebranded as democratic forces, were given instructions by Washington not to participate in order to invalidate the expected victory of the Sandinistas, this practice is followed whenever convenient. Of course, one might credibly question the sincerity of the US & Vassals to democratic institutions when they have been consistently supporting dictators and fascistic thugs for so long (such as Somoza in Nicaragua), but torrents of propaganda can produce the desired effects.

The question is when the targeted countries will finally start to invalidate the "guardians of democracy and freedom", a.k.a., the defenders of corporate fascism and neoliberalism. At some point it must be obvious that the OSCE, the EU organs and other similar entities must be openly declared unfit and disregarded. In the distant possibility that some people are genuinely committed (even for selfishinterests) to see remotely objective institutions to address such international issues, there must be a message that the current ones won't do for a number of countries in the world due to political interference or downright servitude to the Anglo-American empire and its vassals.

Posted by: Constantine | Sep 13 2020 12:09 utc | 4


Posted by: dave | Sep 13 2020 11:07 utc | 1 Stay safe and remember not to let other people choose your enemies for you.

Trust me to perform on both counts.

Posted by: Constantine | Sep 13 2020 12:09 utc | 4 At some point it must be obvious that the OSCE, the EU organs and other similar entities must be openly declared unfit and disregarded.

Precisely. Virtually every "international" organization is under the thumb of the US either directly, or via funding, or via indirect influence, to the point where there is literally *no* such thing as "international order" any more (if there ever was.) Right-wingers who worry about "One World Government" already have that - it's the US (except for countries like Iran, China and Russia.)

Bottom line: The only way to "free the world" is to get rid of the US government - by any means necessary. Notice I don't say "overthrow it" or "destroy it" - that would be illegal under 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government. So I don't actually use those words... You are free to believe that I mean doing so by legal voting (if you're really stupid.)


Posted by: Richard Steven Hack | Sep 13 2020 12:33 utc | 6


And the buck, obviously, doesn't stop with Belarus:

EU tries not to lag behind US in its attempts to ‘punish’ Russia - Lavrov

As I've been trying to say here, this is part of a bigger, overall process happening in the European Peninsula since the post-war period, marked by an unbroken streak of decline in every possible facet.

This process, however, is multifaceted and is an amalgamation of many variables, historical and economic:

1) most important of all, Europe went from imperial to colonial status in a big bang event (WWII);

2) Cold War cut it off from the rest of Eurasia;

3) this status as USA-oriented (American colony) ossified beyond the Cold War, in the form of the ideology of Atlanticism and social-democracy ("socialism" in American terminology);

4) collapse of social-democracy and rise of neoliberalism as a manifestation of a transition from socialization of wealth (post-war miracle) to socialization of misery (tendency of the profit rate to fall, long depression in European capitalism);

5) degeneration of social-democracy into a demented form of "humanitarian imperialism";

6) cannibalization of Europe by Germany with the creation of the EU and, more importantly, the EZ;

7) the institutionalization of the Atlanticist ideology in Germany with the creation and codification of the EU (a dialectic reverse of point 6);

8) a desperate German attempt to expand eastwards (the "3% deficit rule", the destruction of the Ukraine, the attempt to destroy Belarus), in the vacuum of NATO expansion to the same direction, i.e. the EU as the "institutional/governmental" branch of NATO. This one also has a dialectical pair, which is the exhaustion of the American Empire.


Posted by: vk | Sep 13 2020 13:17 utc | 7



Own comment: 

Few seemingly-independent outlets have lost credibility during this Covid-19 hoas than MoonOfAlabama. However, on this one, he is right: Most definitely election oberservers have over the past decades or so shown themselves to be tools of globalism by interfering with the perceived validity of elections, virtually always to the advantage of the zio-con cabal.