Covid Vaccines: ‘The Ends Cannot Justify the Means’

Friday, January 1, 2021 - 21:45
Article link: 


Can there be a clear list of which Covid vaccines are derived from abortions among the various companies that are trying to produce them?

thank-you again Bishop Schneider for being so clear and faithful

Yes. Search Sound Pharmaceuticals or Children of God for Life websites. They both maintain lists of how vaccines are produced.

Go to the National Catholic Bioethics Center-they have, by far, the greatest expertise on hand for such questions. Fr Tadeusz Pacholczyk has a PhD in neuroscience and has done, IIRC, (ethical) postdoctoral work on cloning cells. He has been in the past a leader in Catholic efforts to combat unethical scientific work on fetal stem cells- and b/c of his background could not be dismissed by those seeking to skirt the issues. If you think back to the 2004 presidential campaign there was a sustained effort by Kerry & Edwards to push embryonic stem cell work & disingenuous scientists engaged in semantics to try to aid them-but having Catholics with backgrounds like Fr Tad made that difficult.


This would be EXTREMELY helpful to Catholics so it will probably not be available. <sarcasm> After all, why would ever need facts when we have the lamestream media to tell us what's true? </sarcasm>





    There are clean vaccines, but my understanding at the moment is that there are no vaccines that did not utilize HEK-293 during testing procedures. If the Biden administration believes a significant number of Christians are avoiding vaccination for the reason stated in this article, they will put all their emphasis on making available clean vaccines.

    But if I am correct that all vaccines used HEK-293 in the testing phase, then none of the current vaccines are acceptable, "clean" or not.


      That is my understanding based on the available information as well. The Pheizer and Moderna vaccines, though not derived from illicit lines, both employed these lines in the testing phase.


    Don't expect the Biden administration to seek out alternative vaccines. The Biden administration will force Catholics to accept it through punitive restrictions and taxes.

    Absolutely. The entire Batflu project is designed to squash everything opposed to the culture of death and the Satanic enterprise writ large. This is, primarily, a showdown with Christ and His Church, its primary adversary. The goal will be, and has always been, to harvest as many souls as possible, in this case by scaring them into cooperation with evil.

    They definitely won't seek out alternative vaccines. In fact, if Biden knew of a vaccine that was clean and did not utilize HEK-293 he would not seek funding for it. It's the same playbook Obama used when he yanked all the federal funding developed during the Bush admin for adult stem cells, even though most all the advances in medical research have come through adult stem cells. Whether they know it or not they are agents of evil.

    Having a clean vaccine that used HEK-293 is perfect politics from the devil's perspective. It is an opportunity to frame Christians as having death wishes, as not caring about the millions of people who have or will die, etc.


    Since they are the only ones available, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines can be used.



      The real question is, why would ANYONE take a "vaccine" that has NOT, nor could have possible been, tested for long-term health effects? It takes a LOT more time that 6 months to determine long-term effects. No "vaccine for me & mine. If you think it will protect YOU, it's still a somewhat free country. But if it protects YOU, then you don't need ME to get it. I will not get a "vaccine" for what is simply a FLU, mandate or not.

    tomonthepay is a retired p-harmacist who worships all things pharma.

    Own comment: 

    So we have a 'virus' which if it exists seems to kill nobody and if it does kill anybody it kills only those who were destined to die imminently. Then we have a NOChurch which does not even attempt to make sure that the 'vaccine' against this illness is derived in accordance with morality.

    It is extremely saddening, or at least it would be had we expected any better, that in all of the Church only a handful of bishops have come out against vaccines if these are derived in immoral ways or making use of cells derived through immoral actions. If ever there was a perfect opportunity for the Church to stand up for right, this would be it, but alas, NOChurch being the church of abandonment, creates more confusion by hiding beind remote material co-operation or some other such nonsense, essentially ensuring that immorally-derived cell lines will continue to be used for the forseeable future.

    Even the SSPX joined in on this rationalisation before being shamed into taking a step back. 

    This is what 60+ years of NOChurch have brought us - a Church which abandons the flock and wastes its opportunity to do good whenever this opportunity arises. Let us hope that this year will see us having a new hiearchy which will begin to turn the tide on the mass apostasy and immorality which NOChurch has facilitated!