
Anonymous, Fr. Allan J. McDonald , 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 23:45
Article link: 


Anonymous said...

"What to do? What to do? O! What are we to do?"

Stop waiting for the Cburch to tell you when you pee, who to vote for, and/or what your reaction to a gay sone or lesbian daughter should be; use the intellect God gave you, be informed regarding the Church's principles, and make a decision based on that well-formed conscience.

Oh, and stop whining.


March 4, 2021 at 8:19 AM 


Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I will as soon as you stop your whining about me, which will be NEVERRRRRRR.


March 4, 2021 at 8:52 AM ...
Anonymous said...

You asked, "What are we to do?' and got a response, and then complained about the response you got...

TJM has infected your brain.

March 4, 2021 at 8:59 AM 


Anonymous said...

Anonymous K,

Yes, keep on voting for the Abortion Party which clearly demonstrates you have a malformed conscience. I have known dozens of priests and you are the most juvenile and silly I have encountered.


March 4, 2021 at 9:11 AM 


Anonymous said...

Anon819....That was inexcusably rude and foul speech, where you hide behind anonimity to say such things. You are a coward.

I post anon simply over privacy concerns, while you misuse it to be purely insulting in the safety of your mother's basement, where somebody would punch your lights out if you spoke to them that way in person.

In answer to the original post query, in conflict learned opinion, we are left with prayer and informed conscience. Personally, I abstain from any medical treatment of even questionable derivation, as life is always too short, while eternity means forever, and I would prefer the happy version vs the guilt ridden.


March 4, 2021 at 11:35 AM...  Anonymous said...

And Anon819....just for the record, I am also wanting to go wash my brain with hot soapy water after the nastiness of replies to some of your trouble making posts.

These ugly posts on both sides wreck a public comment section, but it seems public nasty squabbling is the point. I note a decided lack of civil posts in general, the decent folk run off by it all.


March 4, 2021 at 11:45 AM 


Anonymous said...

The USCCB should have issued a statement in simple language as to which vaccines they approved or disapproved of and why. Each individual vaccine could have been given a simple one paragraph explanation in language suitable for an eighth grader. No charts or graphs needed. It seems that much of the arguments for these vaccines revolve around cell lines used for their research and development or in their testing. Which of these cell lines are morally acceptable, and which are not? Plain simple language presented in a timely fashion.

I also wonder if USCCB should address the fact that a large number of these vaccines ignored Catholics. President Biden did direct Merck to aid in the production of a vaccine that is morally compromised. What does he expect Catholics to do? Seems like a letter writing campaign calling for a vaccine acceptable to Catholics might be justified . I read in one science article that the Catholics concerns were from “a minority fringe group.”


March 5, 2021 at 9:43 AM 

Own comment: 

If there is confusion coming from NOChurch on the supposed Covid-19 'vaccines', then it is just one more area in which NOChurch has introduced confusion into something which should by all accounts be straightforward.

Assuming Covid-19 is real, and caused by SARS-Cov2 (if it exists), then you still have a more than 99.9+% chance of survival. It is incomprehensible to me why any thinking moral person would find it morally acceptable to receive a concoction created from dead babies even if the 'vaccine' worked, which it demonstrably doesn't and even if it had been tested and found to be safe, which it hasn't.

All these facts should have been major points in the document that the Vatican issued on the 'vaccines' and yet they were not, which tells us that Bergoglio's Vatican regime is not fit for purpose, if there was anyone left which thought it was.

Credit to the Archdiocese of New Orleans for stating simple truths simply and shame on everyone else involved.