Cardinal Sarah: “Vatican Not Syncretistic”, “Follow The Bishops”

Saturday, November 30, 2019 - 22:45
Article link: 


If Sarah admits syncretism and idolatry in the Pachamama ´synod´, then he would say that he is Bergoglio's accomplice.


Sarah's Malice shows us that Sarah is a traitorous Judas who sells Christ in the darkness.



But Cardinal Sarah fails to denounce that the 'Abrahamic' House evil Plan is not syncretic but heretical and masonic because it promotes the heresy of religious indifferentism and the Masonic fraternity.


The evil plan approved by Bergoglio to build an amalgam "Abrahamic" with Muslims and Jews is Masonic, schismatic, heretical and apostate. This heresy of religious indifferentism is considered the greatest blasphemy against God. Archbishop Fulton Sheen warned that the false prophet who would usurp the papacy would create a false ecumenical church that was to promote this Masonic fraternity that denies the Fatherhood of God. In fact, it is necessary to remember that Islam was invented by the false prophet Muhammad after the Church condemned as anathema the denial of the incarnation of the Son of God and Scripture points to this as the work of the Antichrist. Islam is anathematized and is considered a syncretic heresy that mixes Judaism and Christianity with the pagan and superstitious customs of the Arab tribes. Muhammad did not choose Yahweh but Allah, one of the false gods that the Arabs worshiped. The false Abraham that Muhammad used in his new syncretic religion is not Jewish but an Islamic invention. Nor is Jesus the same Isa of the Koran, the Islamic Jesus is not even Jewish therefore he is not a descendant of Abraham but is another invention of Muhammad and same with the Islamic Mary and so on.
The term Muslim or Mohammedan does not refer to the Arab tribes that existed before Muhammad invented Islam but to the practitioners of the false Islamic religion who consider Muhammad as their prophet and the false god Allah as their god. This heretical idea that Muslims worship the same God of Abraham is a falsehood that was introduced by modernist heretics in the Lumen Gentium document, which is why it has spread widely after the fateful Vatican Council II that contains self-destructive heresies like this one.


Bob B

23 nov


This is just not rational. It's not.



"You have to follow your bishops," not the pope... Which bishop? The one that pledges full obedience to the Francis and says not a word to him about his apostasy? How can I follow a bishop who won't correct Francis? If he doesn't care for his soul, whose soul does he care for?



If we only should follow our bishops if they do not declare a differente doctrine from the Church, then why are YOU Cardinal Sarah following Bergoglio? -- Please explain that...



23 nov


What a ridiculous spot to be in as a Catholic. "Follow the shepherds and the pope IF they are Catholic." Somebody tell me how this isn't protestant? By our own shepherds garbage!



23 nov


Fitts to his other comments



23 nov


Does not want to expose himself because afraid to be reprimanded by the vatican.


Own comment: 

I do not really know what Cardinal Sarah is playing at here but it is clear to me that he is playing politics with the truth.

As some commenters point out, his advice is hardly helpful: "Follow your bishop unless he teaches you a different doctrine" would be much better expressed as "Know thy faith!"