Cardinal Müller: Francis Is "No Heretic" - He Is "Orthodox”

Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 20:30
Article link: 
alex jFeb 17


With in a day or two of his manifesto Cdl. Muller is back to defending the indefensible. When the time comes to 'stand by Our Blessed Lord' will he be amongst the few that CHRIST finds when he returns???


Eric MFeb 16


Cardinal Muller is a complete moron.








Demons love to curse God and the appointed ones of his church. You need to confess this brother....not good look to call a cardinal a moron....


He is being blackmailed or dual personality disorder
eticacasanovaFeb 16
No, he's a communist and communists always lie. The truth is what's usefull for the revolution, according to them. See the photos @Gesù è con noi put below.



LO'BrienFeb 16


Which pope is this now?

 Benedict JosephFeb 18

Self-deception? General denial? Simple dishonesty?
He knows how to work the board. While utterly disgusting, he has to survive in order to have a voice.
This is the level to which we have be debased. Is there no relief.









Own comment: 

If you say moronic things all the times, and things which completely contradict reality, then people have a right to call you "a complete moron", whether or not you dress up like a cardinal.

This certainly applies to Cardinal Müller when he says such moronic things as "this pope is orthodox", unless by this pope he means someone else, which it does not seem he does.