The Blessed And The Buffoon

Thursday, December 12, 2019 - 23:15
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  1. Agree. But God’s deal is to turn evil against itself and ultimately produce good. Patience is required.





Own comment: 

Everything Bergoglio touches is tainted, so in a sense, the postponement of the beatification of Archbishop Fulton Sheen is good in that if he is actually beatified, it might be under a Catholic pope. It is , for instance, suspicious that Bergoglio allowed, perhaps even pushed, for the canonisation of Cardinal John Henry Newman, despite the fact that Newman condemned pretty much everything Bergoglio has tried to do.

The statement by may be Catholic Muscle (@Byron26526892), but it captures the general informed sentiment regarding Bergoglio's canonisations and beatifications:

The only person Francis hasn’t beatified is his chauffer. No one else is left.