Bishops Offer Support for Viganò – Six Prelates Voice Their Concern

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - 23:30
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      I wish I lived near the archbishop. I would offer to give him armed protection free of charge. I know clerics can't carry guns -- a silly rule, in my eyes -- but we laymen can....and some of us do.

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      When Cardinal Achile Ratti, (sp?) who later became Pope Pius XI, was sent on a particular mission to Poland, he found that it was extremely dangerous. He immediately requested clerical friends in Italy to send him a pistol. A revolver was sent to him by way of a diplomatic pouch.

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      I know; the incident is recounted in Kertzer's book The Pope and Mussolini. But I believe since then the rules have changed for priests. As in so many other matters, Church authorities have followed the lead here of a world corrupted by liberal sentimentality.

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      I stand (happily) corrected. Like Fr. Z's interlocutor, I was under the mistaken impression priests could not arm themselves. I am delighted to learn that this is another piece of bogus secular liberal balderdash that has been unfortunately imported into the thought of some Catholics. Thanks for alerting me to this post of Fr. Z.

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    That is correct but I think it's probably time for the use of epikia. Since this is a human law and not a Divine or Natural law, epikia or as some would call it - equity could legitimately be invoked. I know that it must be invoked only after serious consideration by someone with a morally correct conscience but it is evident to me that the Archbishop's conscience fits into that category.

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    I believe clerics can carry guns for self defense, but certainly a well trained bodyguard would be in order.

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    Some of us carry baseball bats, too. I've been using Cardinals Cupich's and Marx's fat heads for batting practice in my mind for months now.


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      On the other hand, the usual suspects are rallying to the defense of Bergoglio. Wuerl has denied the allegations, Cupich the Weasel has criticized the allegations calling them "astonishing" and Bad Tobin has also gone in to bat for the Heretic-in-Chief.

      Vigano has performed a great service. His testimony has drawn a line in the sand and we are now seeing the hirelings and sodomites position themselves on one side of the line while those who still cling to some vestige of Catholicism are assembling on the other side of the line.

      Kinda like a schism.

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        The news is coming fast and furious now with the Ed Pentin banner headline at C212 about how Maradiaga, McCarrick and Daneels were all promising sticks and carrots for Bergoglio votes ahead of the conclave, in crystal clear violation of Universi Dominici Gregis. It begs the question: should it become blazingly apparent that the Bergoglio conclave was doubtful at best, does it entail that his picks for the college of cardinals are also invalid? Can an anti-pope make valid selections for the college of cardinals? Seems reasonable and I believe that history also bears out that, no, an anti-pope's picks for the college are not legitimate.

        Taking that line of thought further, again, if it becomes apparent that multiple tenets of UDG were violated to get Bergoglio elected and his status as Pope is doubtful, are his episcopal appointments valid, or like cardinals are those selections also doubtful?



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    My brother informed me that, of all people, Bishop Konderla of Tulsa has issued a statement in support of Vigano. I find this development to be outstanding because anyone who is familiar with the saga of Fr. Ripperger's priestly society of exorcists can tell you that Konderla is no friend of Tradition. This means it's not just "Cardinal Burke and those crazy Traddies out to get Pope Francis" anymore...

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      I had once heard that the only example of collegiality in the Gospels occurs at Mark 14:50 - "Then his disciples leaving him, all fled away."

      It is possible that some bishops, even some liberal/Francis bishops, will see which way the wind is blowing, and go that way. Or like running with the bulls in Pamplona. (we are now the bulls).

      I will take it. For all I know, being more charitable, Bishop Konderla may now see the consequences of the chaos and disorder, and has seen the light. These Bishops should be supported in this: maybe they will realize it is good, to be good.

      Matthew 11:29-30. - "Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light."

      It must be terribly wearing to be scheming, and plotting, and working for world domination and cultural revolution all the time. Why not just be Catholic? That's really all that the people, and God, want.