Bishop Baron's Masonic Prayer at Mason Headquarters


hitherto , Jackiee1959 ,  Roberto 55    

Sunday, November 3, 2019 - 23:00
Article link: 



1 nov.


And this man is suppose to be the new Fulton Sheen?


Jackiee1959 delar detta.

1 nov.


Bishop Barron Masonic Prayer at Mason Headqaurters, No Sign of the Cross. No mention of Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints, Catholic prayers.


Roberto 55

1 nov.


and his cross was hidden,,, not to offend Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Barack Obama, Hillary etc.




Own comment: 

One of the things I like most about is that they are as far removed from the americanist heresy as any traditionalists who do not specialise in the topic come.

This can be evidenced best perhaps by there reference to the U.S. parliament building as "mason headquarters", which of course, it is.

The less said about Bishop Barron the better. Here is a man who knows that toning down Catholicism is the best way to rise up the NOChurch ladder, not unlike Bergoglio before him.