Bergoglio invents a new sin!

Monday, January 21, 2019 - 23:45
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Anonymous said...

Everything bar sin is a grave sin.

Restore-DC-Catholicism said...

I knew I had to check this out, for if Pope Francis says something is a grave sin, then I am probably committing it. Still, I don't think I will take this one into the confessional.


Dan said...

So I'm guessing Francis doesn't mind if I check out that "Christian" community presided over by lesbian priestesses that incorporate a little wicca in the celebration.

Irenaeus said...

What a wonderful Pope we have. Not.


Stephen Lowe said...

Is this opposite day again?

Joseph D'Hippolito said...

Vox, with all due respect, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox who love the Triune God and are faithful to Him will enter the heavenly kingdom before the most lukewarm Catholics, who mistakenly confuse mere group identity with salvation.


Peter Lamb said...

Dear Joseph, Yes they will, PROVIDED their ignorance is INVINCIBLE. If they consciously (pertinaceously) reject one iota of the Faith they have their ticket to hell. All protestants are per definition heretics, but if they are invincibly ignorant, they are material heretics (they don't know that what they believe is heresy), and they are guiltless of sin and will be saved THROUGH THE MERITS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. I can't remember how the last bit works. It was once well explained to me, but I am getting geriatric. I would be grateful if someone would tell me again.

Stephen Lowe said...

Yet another in a long line of SAD (scandal a day) moments with Francis. It could be Francis Undoes Catholic Kinship Every Day.





Own comment: 

Bergoglio giveth and taketh away, sins that is. He seems to have no trouble making up new ones, just as he seems to have all sorts of trouble speaking out against that which is condemned by God and the Church.

We ought not to be surprised that he considers it a sin to affirm that protestants sects are not avenues of salvation, bur thrather that he considers it a sin to say that these communities are are not blessed with the grace of God. True, some protestant communities are less diabolical than others, and the conduct of many protestants - as well as Muslims and others - is vastly superior to that of many Catholics, but that still takes nothing away from the fact that any grace found in these communities comes through the Catholic Church.

We are more likely to see him growing a functioning brain than to affirm that - or any - truth for the love of truth's sake.