The Beiging of Bishop Barron


Chris in Maryland , Fred Flintstone ,   AvatarTimothy J. Williams  , Jay ,  AvatarJohann du Toit ,  LB236CharlesCarol  


Sunday, March 21, 2021 - 23:45
Article link: 


I no longer recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd when Bishop Barron speaks. He wants an attractive "Catholic-ism." On that note, so did "Rev." Marcel Maciel.

Bishop Baron speaks in political narratives.

He markets himself as "orthodox," but is silent on hard truths.

1 - His own Archdiocese in LA sponsors LGBTQ ideology at its REC COnference, and Bishop Barron is silent.

2 - Serious lay Catholics publish the Report on The Crisis (Sex Abuse) in the US Church in 2004, candidly noting that over 80% of the sex abuse is abuse of teen boys by homosexual priests, and Bishop Barron responds by saying we need to make sure we don't have a "witch hunt."

3 - Thousands upon thousands of teens are sexually abused, and rather than respond with anger at these crimes and solidarity with victims, Bishop Barron twists his response by ignoring the victims, and claiming victim status for the Church, saying "the Church is wounded."

4. The "Vatican" under the Pontiff Francis issues a white-washed report on McCarrick, which the faithful Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Fitzgibbons (who had warned the Vatican about McCarrick) declared in writing at the Catholic World Report to be stocked with "falsehoods and misrepresentations," and which candid Catholics like Phillip Lawler called a white-wash, and Bishop Barron lauds the report as "unprecedented openness."

Regretfully, I find Bishop Barron to be a conformist and a careerist, marketing himself, rather than teaching the truth of the Gospel.

The USCCB is a crazy Leftist echo chamber. It absorbs and transforms all who enter its vortex.


    Bingo! You have nailed Robert Barroncrat perfectly.


    Your response to the question of whether or not traditional Catholics can be mean and judgmental is to lead in by comparing Bp. Barron to Maciel?

    I'm a traditional Catholic, but come on, friend, this is comical. How can you expect to be taken seriously when you do this?

    Jay -

    I was not pointing out the problem of the "make Catholic-ism attractive" theme to be mean (i.e. suggesting that Bishop Barron is a criminal fraud like Maciel), and I understand your point. You are certainly right that it would be wrong to suggest that Bishop Barron is an immoral man, and I was not intending that.

    What I was concerned with in making the comparison about the "Church attractiveness theme" is that it is a big error.

    The truth, or better said, The Truth, is what is attractive.

    My growing sense from years of reading and listening to Bishop Barron is that he will not confront the truth about the Church crisis, and is working hard in recent years to persuade other Catholics to avoid the truth about the crisis in the Church, which is, as one recent article called it, a "Bishops Crisis."

    In leadership training, there is a saying that "there are no personnel problems, there are only management problems." In the military, this is expressed like this: "If the group is failing, it is always because the Commanding Officer is failing."

    Bishop Barron is failing to come to grips with the crisis in the Church, and he is trying to convince other people to join him in not coming to grips with it. He is looking for a way to silence critics who are exposing the truth about rotten and mediocre Bishops. That is bad leadership, and bad shepherding.


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  • I used to love Fr. Robert Barron, and while he still occasionally is capable of espousing wisdom, I feel he sold out when he got elevated to the hierarchy. His problem is not that he is heterodox in his views, but that he is a bit desperate to be liked, and so he will shy away from hard truths (or sugarcoat them), such as he did when asked if it is necessary to be Catholic to enter heaven.

  • He's a company man through and through. That's pretty much the long and short of it. And company men tend to be focused primarily on maintaining the status quo at all costs.

    Priests swear fealty to their bishop. When my son was ordained a priest I learned just how top-down and controlling the hierarchy is arranged. The bishop can fire a priest at will. Private companies have less power over their employees in practice if not in law. It's shocking how scared the priests are of their bishops.
    Cupich gave us lessons on what happens to orthodox priests, they get sent to psychiatric gulag treatment centers and flee for their lives and disappear, priesthoods ruined, lives ruined. The priest who burned the rainbow flag that hung in his Church in the Chicago diocese is still in hiding! Another was run out on a rail and went into seclusion.

    Barron taught seminarians at Mundelein. He seemed to have his head on straight before, but then he went Hollywood. It is disappointing. Brings to mind Lord Acton’s “Power corrupts” could apply to one’s ambitions or motives.


    Own comment: 

    I first learned of now-bishop Barron around 2011, with his Catholicism series. 

    There may have been a good Catholic in that man, but he has discarded virtually all of it to rise in the NOChurch hierarchy and nowadays whenever I read of something he has written it seems like something akin to a press notice by a U.S. White House staffer, obviously obfuscating the truth if not outright denying the obvious for goodness-knows-what.