Argentine Bishop Refuses Kneeling Communion to Faithful


JBQ ,John F. Kennedy , Damian Malliapalli, Anonymous        

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 - 23:45
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JBQ said...

Drip, drip, drip; change in minuscule steps to a preset agenda.

John F. Kennedy said...

The Francis Effect in action.

Anonymous said...

This might sound crazy, but this is actually a great thing. It is great because the actions of this bishop, who was appointed by Francis and reflects his agenda are rousing the anger of faithful and traditional Catholics. They are stirring up against this bishop and his agenda, and by extension, against Francis. The same is happening in Mexico. The same in Italy.
The people hate the "Francis Effect", and are rising against it. First they are rising up against the Francis-style bishops, and before too long, against Francis himself.
If the majority of the cardinals had any sense, and realize which way the wind is blowing, they would add their voices and influence and rise up against Francis as well.
Francis and his Vatican would not be able to stop it.
Damian Malliapalli

(Hey, I have not seen any posts lately from Boris,Clement, Clem Courtney, etc.etc. ) Not that I miss him, of course.

Anonymous said...

How are you? You havent seen posts from that person because our host is not letting his poisonous comments through. Also, you theory that perhaps there wasnt just one of them, but a small circle of angry homo-heretics, is quite plausable :)
I too hope Francis Effect will create more faithful Catholics. If only God would give us a real pope, we had a horrible streak for the last 50 years. One more like Bergoglio, and the End would come (not that is a bad thing).

Anonymous said...

Anon at2:38

I'm fine thank you....hope you are the same. I'm getting ready for another overseas trip on my job.... in three weeks, off to a one week photo shoot in Greece. Been there 2-3 x for longer stays. Beautiful country, great people, and of course awesome history,culture, and religion. Unfortunatly they have the same kind of problems with pervert priests (not many though), compared to our Church, or the Anglican Church which is filled with them. But their Divine Liturgy is magnificent....even their simple Sunday liturgy is sometimes 90 minutes, but beautiful. Of course our TLM is the most awesome...but what we have now is garbage. As is our Pope.
I worry about our Archdiocese of Philadelphia, speaking of bishops. Chaput is nearly 75, was never made a Cardinal by asshole Bergoglio, and I'm nervous about what kind of loser he will fill the See with when Chaput retires. There's really nothing left of the Archdiocese to speak of. Only about 320 priests (1,700 before Vatican II) with an average age of 70, only 2,200 nuns (7,800 before Vatican II), with an average age close to 80, only 50 seminarians for Philly (562 before Vatican II), and on average, about 15% of the faithful attend Mass each Sunday (85% before Vatican II). We don't TECHNICALLY have any Catholic cemetaries administered by the Archdiocese anymore. They were turned over to the individual townships in which they exist. No more Catholic Archdiosecean newspaper, down to about 200 Parished (340 before Vatican II), 7 Archdiosecean highschools (21 before Vatican II) etc.etc. You get the picture :)
But when I read about this Latin American Bishop, I got to thinking about my own diocese. Not much left of it, and I am sure Francis will try to bring it down with another radical guy imposed on us.
But hopefully, in God's Mercy, He will see the wreckage of the Church caused deliberately by Francis, and remove him to his reward by this time next year.
Damian Malliapalli