Archbishop casts doubt on Benedict’s resignation


Theresa, Paul M,  Evangeline

Monday, March 13, 2017 - 00:00
Article link: 


  1. Theresa March 9, 2017



Paul M March 9, 2017


THIS is the issue: Is benedict still pope? I can’t judge but everything I’ve seen indicated that both the resignation and subsequent election were invalid.
Just read pt 5/6 of SSPX’s argument, presumably leading to a defense of the validity of Francis’ pontificate. Fr Gleize makes a distinction… PF is not guity of ‘heresy,’ but instead is guilty of ‘promoting heresy’. OK, I get it. In other words… he gets off on a technicality. I presume that means the SSPX must still obey him if he wants to do a deal with them… I wait for instalment 6.
For some reason, a bit of scripture kept trying to pop into my head, something about ‘straining the gnat and swallowing the camel’. What’s the point worrying about the difference between whether he’s a ‘heretic’ or whether he’s ‘promoting heresy’, when the reality is (even as Bp Fellay alluded to): he may not even be pope.



Evangeline March 9, 2017

I feel ya.
You know, about the time that Obama was running, the first time, I started having, and could not shake, feelings of dread and consternation. Something bad was happening, changing, you could feel it. Many others sensed it as well, I often read people who’s comments reflected my own feelings, we knew it, something dark this way came, and things have never been the same since.
God bless WikiLeaks. Whoever it is seems to be on the side of good. They are revealing gobs of information about how demonic Obama was/is, and most of the Democrat zombies and ideology. I completely see it as plausible these people were involved in getting Benedict out of there to get Bergolio in. Obama was their guy. Bergolio is their guy. This is the time of the Globalist Push, and it has been so vividly successful…but….
President Donald Trump was elected. I do believe Providence provided for this, nothing, and I mean, nothing, has gone our way for almost a decade. The only reason he made it is because the Left’s vision was clouded for some reason, they didn’t see the possibility of him being elected, because if they had, they would have committed such massive fraud as to make sure one way or another she was found to have enough electoral votes. I am positive about that, and if they ever get another chance, you can bet that is what will happen. We are dealing with people who are wildly drunk on POWER, and they will do anything to get it and retain it now. And look how many zombies they have willing to help them!
Right now, the Roman Catholic Church as we have known it, is only underground, as was stated. The longer this pontificate goes on, the worse it will get. He’s got three pet projects coming up, and they’ll get done.
I no longer believe for a second we are going to see any pronouncements, public corrections, or anything of the sort. I stopped believing that as a possibility about two or three weeks ago, right before Cardinal Burke went to Guam.
Not going to happen.
Divine intervention. That is what we have. Hope for it, pray for it, wait for it.