America’s Recessional: Time to Bring the Troops Home


Paul Greenwood , VinnyVette A123 Dutch Boy ,mark tapley            Daisy CutteCarlton Meyerwootendw  , anonymous[289

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - 00:00
Article link: 


Those troops in Germany are not combat troops. They are mainly SIGINT especially in Wiesbaden. Clay Kaserne is supposedly NSA and the restructuring of the housing and supermarket in Wiesbaden represented a concentration after closure of Mainz-Kastel and the other barracks in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden.

When you see the grossly overweight civilians in tow at Globus gorging on chicken and burgers you wonder why 35,000 military need 17,000 civilians – quite a support ratio !

Poland dearly wants US to move forces from Germany to a provocative posture in Poland because Poland is consistently governed by Kamikaze Politicians who want Anglo-Saxons (British 1939) or US (2020) to make them intoxicated with hubris so they can threaten (1939) Germany or (2020) Russia.

If US taxpayers want to pump taxpayer dollars into Poland instead of Us neighbourhoods that is an option


Bring the troops home and park them in downtown Seattle.
Trump has allowed a para military coup to happen on U.S. soil, while still spending billions of dollars and wasting the lives of soldiers fighting the penny ante wars the Neocons have been fighting in the middle east for decades. There is a bit of a disconnect there to say the least.


A123 says:

@Paul Greenwood

Poland dearly wants US to move forces from Germany to a provocative posture in Poland because Poland is consistently governed by Kamikaze Politicians

Poland needs U.S. assistance to defend it against Mullah Merkel’s Great Muslim Replacement and EU Authoritarianism. It pure breed SJW Globalist propaganda to misrepresent Poland’s legitimate concerns as provocative. As long as the Reich at The Dark Heart Of Europe is pushing violent Islamic rape-ugees on its neighbors, the U.S. has a place defending Christian allies.

There is huge potential to improve relations between core Christian countries such as Russia, Poland, the U.S., And Hungary. However, it is Russia’s devotion to Mullah Merkel and her caliphate that is the problem. The current Nordstream 2 routing is a gift to SJW Globalism and against the interests of the Russian people.

Imagine how powerful the message would be if Trump and Putin stood shoulder to shoulder in joint opposition to Merkel’s anti-Christian aggression.

As far as Afghanistan goes, President Trump and many others have said that it no longer serves a purpose. He has been jammed by the Deep State when trying to remove them. A perfect example of this is the open sedition and treason of retired General Mattis.

If you want Trump to withdraw from Afghanistan, you need to vote for GOP Senators this November. The Deep State has to be routed before those troops will be brought home.

There is no chance of a drawdown under Biden.



Dutch Boy says:

In my time in an infantry division in Germany, I got to know a young German in the German/American friendship Club. He liked having American troops in Germany and was frank about the reason. Without the Americans, the German Army would have to be increased and that meant a longer term of service for young German men (e.g., him). The German government no doubt feels the same way.


Donald shabbos goy Trump is merely an obsequious lying political actor for the Jews. Anyone who thought otherwise was stupid. All of the Presidents are Zionist puppets and Trump even more so. He inherited ap. 250 million fro this shabbos goy father and his first big project was with the Pritzker Jews that were key to putting “hope and change” Obama in his position as top Presidential puppet for the Jews. Trump had a personal debt of over a billion from his Casino debacle and was bailed out by current Sec. of Commerce Jew Wilbur Ross, former managing director of Rothschild Inc.

Trump frequently makes remarks (lies) to bolster his fake conservative image, but his real purpose is to rubber stamp policies for advancing the zionist cause and promoting Greater Israel. The Israeli Foreign Legion (U.S. military) acts as an extortion racket for the Jews against any country that does not comply with their demands such as Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran. The Zionist plan is to balkanize into weak ineffective ethnic enclaves any countries that resist, as happened to Yugoslavia and Milosevic. This is the purpose of the Yinnon Plan now being used in the phony “War on Terror” to break up all the Arab Countries in order to establish Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates.

It is also critical for the Jews to continue to bleed Jewmerica with never ending military spending in order to make the U.S. less competitive and to reduce living standards for the goyim. This objective is also being met with the wealth transfers of 08-09 and now under the fake virus. The Jew Bankers of course have sovereign immunity from prosecution as provided by our shabbos goy Congress. As Israel becomes more powerful, Jewmerica needs to slip further toward 3rd world status.

The Russians and Chinese are becoming militarily stronger with U.S. technological aid. Therefore it is likely that The Zionists will pit their combined forces against Jewmerica in another Hegelian Dialectic struggle resulting in the establishment of the totalitarian NWO.


There’s a rejoinder, namely, “Trump is the biggest warmonger EVERR!!” which cites all the great-power confrontation of his term. But that falls apart when you compare Trump’s putative saber-rattling with CIA’s response to the Eisenhower-Herter peace initiative: the two provocation campaigns are the same. CIA basically did everything they could think of to piss off Stalin (including the sugar in Francis Gary Powers’ gas tank.) To demonstrate good faith, Eisenhower would have had to purge CIA, and even then heads of state were too bashful to try that.

So Trump’s putative militarism looks more like helplessness, as CIA antagonizes the world to get us all daggers drawn and hype the threats. It would be an interesting experiment if Trump campaigned on old-time GOP isolationism (which we would now call peace, as it culminated in the Kellogg-Briand agreement.) Trump would win overwhelmingly with it. But after the election CIA would probably just end-run him or whack him like JFK.


Since Trump waited until an election year to act and presented no specific plan, I call BS. Nothing will happen.

There will be costs associated with removing or relocating the troops in Germany, to include constructing new bases somewhere else,

No, domestic bases have plenty of room, but most troops in Germany fill unneeded base, headquarters, and support positions that can simply be eliminated. There are several options presented here:

And for those of you who are unfamiliar with NATO’s massive expansion eastward to restart the Cold War, here is a short overview.



wootendw says:

“…downsizing of the U.S. military across the board. That would be strongly resisted by the Pentagon, the defense industries and Congress.”

One away to address the politics involved with downsizing the military would be to find something else for military/security people to do. It’s not a good idea to have large standing armies on US soil anyway and the founders who wrote the Constitution were aware of what happened after Caesar crossed the Rubicon. So what should be done with these guys when, if ever, they are brought home (alive).

One thing that might be considered is creating K12 military schools or military programs in K12 schools in ghetto areas, high in crime. Military schools aren’t for everyone (I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to attend one) but, in areas where armed criminal gangs proliferate, the discipline offered by a military school education might be a good thing. For young children such a kindergartners, this would be more akin to the cub scouts than a bunch of kids marching around, toting rifles. If enough children attended them, we wouldn’t need a standing army – which the Constitution does not even permit.


anonymous[289] • Disclaimer says:

@Dutch Boy

If the main countries of the EU formed their own military pact and continued to only spend 1% of GDP on the military would it not be enough to ensure European security?

Or from the Western European perspective NATO does bolster security at lower cost? Some guesses.

1) Exaggeration of the Russian threat. Therefore a US guarantee is needed or else spending by Europeans must be bolstered to an expensive 2% of GDP to do it themselves. This could make some sense but shouldn’t there be more awareness that Russia is less formidable than Western Europe combined? And NATO is threatening rather than defensive causing Russia to spend more than if only faced by a European security pact?
2) US nuclear umbrella. Anyone understand this dynamic?
3) Even Europeans feel their security requires bombing North Africa and the Middle East at times and NATO is the vehicle to do this. Libya proved Europeans do get the urge to bomb sometimes.
4) Russia and China in the Arctic. The Arctic isn’t a high priority for China so this s highly speculative.

None of these reasons are satisfactory. So it seems Western Europeans are guided mainly by inertia. Or am I missing a lot?


A123 says:


If the main countries of the EU formed their own military pact and continued to only spend 1% of GDP on the military would it not be enough to ensure European security?

By main country do you mean Germany? And, Brown Shirt Macron’s France?

If NATO dissolves there would be two replacement bodies driven primarily by the history of WWII:

— The Axis Powers — led by Germany. Supported by submissive nations such as France and Sweden.
— The Christian Alliance — led by the U.S., UK, Poland, and Hungary.

2) US nuclear umbrella. Anyone understand this dynamic?

Yes. U.S. nuclear warheads would be targeted at Axis Power cities (Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Paris, etc.) to protect Christian Allied Forces.

I could go on, but you see the point. The EU, despite its name, is a not a Union. It is a collection of Sovereigns with diametrically opposed objectives.

Any attempt to form a European military under German command and control would shatter the fragile EU.




Own comment: 

It amazes me that in the year 2020 there are still people under the illusion that the U.S. or the U.K. are Christian nations in any way, sort or form. Both of these countries exhibit an animosity to Christianity only matched by your Israels, your Saudi Arabias and your Chinas.

Frankly, if you don't see or know that, then nothing else you say will be of any value.

In any case, one of Donald Trump's main selling points in 2016 was ending U.S. wars. That he has been unwilling or unable to deliver that is the greatest disappointment of a very disappointing presidency, which has done virtually nothing - despite some valiant efforts by Donald Trump, almost entirely on his own initiative - to trim the hedges of the culture of death within his own country. As regards foreign policy, he has been as bloodthirsty as any, with his only bright spot being not starting new wars, although to be fair that has had as much to do with his feigned enemies not engaging in the same sort of aggression that he himself has conducted - and I mean especially with regards to Iran, Venezuela and North Korea - whether out of inability or patience.

It is not certain the world will be this lucky for long. From the looks of it, there are people within the U.S. administration itching for a fight against foes who can hit back and hit back hard, and Trump has done nothing noticeable to stop them.