Amazonian Savagery


Kate R., Michael Dowd

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - 23:45
Article link: 

Kate R. | June 18, 2019 at 4:17 am

Just a cursory glance at this debacle of the Amazon, it is so far past anything resembling Catholicism and in fact is a finger in the air to Catholicism, bringing in cannibals and savages, fawning over their paganism, and using this to bring in married priests? I mean, these people are cruel polygamists for Pete’s sake. This is a joke, an utter joke, but the joke’s on us. I am going to write a letter to my bishop for no reason other than to get it off my chest, for God’s sake do something about this diabolical man. Are we sure he is not the Anti-Christ? For sure he is the False Prophet Forerunner if not the Anti-Christ. How much more destruction do we need to see. He goes to the land of witches and demons and declares they are the true Catholics practicing Catholicism. God what a sadist this man is. He’s enjoying every minute of this, dragging Christ into the mud, wringing the necks of faithful Catholics like chickens, bringing violent invaders into the West, laying waste to Christendom.
I really cannot imagine what he will think of next, no doubt it’s already in the planning stage, openly homosexual married priests, will it become mandatory?
God deliver us from this human plague soon.


Michael Dowd | June 18, 2019 at 7:28 am

Yes, prudence becomes cowardice when fear overcomes courage.

Own comment: 

Let us indeed expect the worst from the coming synod!

Hopefully, we shall have a new pope when it comes time to implement it and the new pope, being Catholic - we must hope - will condemn it in the strongest terms.