The Age Of The Stupid Philosopher


Akita, Stéphane MercierMundaborP C      

Saturday, June 16, 2018 - 23:00


I was having after-dinner cocktails with my pagan in-laws on their sumptuous deck in a fabulously wealthy Southern California community last summer. One brother-in-law, an attorney, comments “well, at least we all share the same family values”. I say, “I’m not sure we do”. This pricks up their ears. I say, “I believe you all endorse same sex marriage”. (They do). I went on to express my dismay that young children are taken from their mothers and are allowed into homes where two men are regularly sodomizing each other and I think that is abominable. The men squirmed. A sister-in-law (an educator) chimes in, “I know a lot of gay couples and they are lovely people!”

I wish I had the wherewithal at the time to propose a scenario in which their own children were deprived of their motherly or fatherly influences —and why would they legislate such depravity for other children.

So many clue-less champagne liberals out there.



Hopefully some philosophers still try to speak the truth. You might like my recent speech at the Rome Life Forum a few weeks ago, especially the last part of it:

“We do need to stand strong and firm; and for this purpose we feeble men and commoners from the pew like me need leaders, we need shepherds. Not the kind of effeminate romantic shepherd gently relaxing on the sunny slopes of an Edenic landscape; rather, we need a David ready to deal with wolves and lions with his slingshot—and also very capable of turning that very weapon against the giant Goliath.” Etc.

I had your kind of prose in mind while I wrote this and what follows in my paper. Keep writing and fighting! I’m just another “warrior ant,” as you’d say, and your vigorous words are heartening. Please pray for me.

Many thanks for your kind words, and I sure will!



Countries hosting the olympics generally showcase their culture and immemorial customs during the opening ceremony. But what was the UK to showcase (back in 2012)? Piracy? Opium? Slave trading? Church robbing? Hooliganism? Elton John? They exported protestantism to the world, that’s their real legacy, and much of the world is their offspring.

The National Health Service. No, I am not joking….