Abuse Hysteria: Young Priest Commits Suicide

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - 23:00
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sourappleSep 23
What a sadness that he felt such despair. He did not know the Lord's mercy.
RIP Father Jean-Baptiste
Since the priest Sebe is an expert on the heretic Hans Urs Von Bulthazar having written a doctoral thesis, he may have presumed that all men have a reasonable hope of salvation, regardless of the manner in which they die. How utterly tragic, that a priest who gives himself completely for others, has been so damaged in his formation that he can do the act of ultimate selfishness. If a priest looses hope, what chance is there for his congregation?
CarolineA03Sep 22
Is this definitely a suicide? It says "No charges" were brought against him.
It seems a bit strange!

....also, The Archbishop informs us of the Priest's "Confession" of having committed a "misdeed " What "misdeed"? Is he telling us that the Priest made a full confession to him of the crime he was accused of, - ie, that of having committed a " misdemeanor" with "an adult woman?"

....also, Why is the Confessional Seal being broken? It is forbidden by Canon Law to do so - it leads to a Priest being defrocked.

To sum up.....It's not a common occurrence for a Priest to "commit suicide." Or for others to just assume he has done so. It says elsewhere on the internet that this Priest wowed everyone with an inspired homily just 3 days before the alleged "suicide" - which indicates that the Holy Spirit was with him and He doesn't go that easily if the Priest is willing to speak the Lord's words. 
It just doesn't add up.





Own comment: 

It is sad whenever anybody commits suicide, and even worse when the person involved is a priest. I share CarolineA03's insistence that a proper investigation be conducted to ascertain whether it was actually suicide.

I am also in agreement with St Cuthburt Mayne Ora pro nobis that if it is the case that the man considered himself an expert on a thelologian who taught that everybody might be in Heaven, then this presumptuous attitude towards salvation might have contributed to his suicide.

Whatever the case, false sexual allegations have consequences, and those making them ought to be extremely severly punished. We have a right to our good name. Anybody who destroys another's reputation through malicious lies ought to face the same punishment that the person accused would have faced had he been found guilty, as was the case with Susanna in the Bible, where her 2 accusers were put to death for this very grievous crime.