"Abuse Crisis": Francis Kneels In Front of the Media

Monday, January 14, 2019 - 23:15
Article link: 


Jim DorchakJan 3
Yadda de Yadda de Yadda da da.....
JungerheldJan 3
"The Church's credibility was seriously undercut by the popes' and bishops' betrayal of the Faith and Liturgy since Second Vatican Council." Amen.


Jim DorchakJan 3
I have fancied the saying "Pope Who?"..........
And to add to Jim Dorchak's post: "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah"..........


TesaJan 3
Only since Vatican II the Church has needed "running", before that we were led by Tradition.


LalanzJan 3
Vatican 2 needs to be dismantled immediately and the traditional mass needs to made maditory all across the world( expecially in the USA)...


I listen to nothing of what Francis says. I only look at his actions



Own comment: 

Bergoglio indeed needs to be ignored.

Nothing good can come from the mouth of a self-confessed coprophagian so until someone takes him out, we had better take a leaf from teh sedevacantists and just ignore the pitiful old fool.