39-Year-Old Woman Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna Vaccine, Autopsy Ordered


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Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 18:15
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Sadly, another death by coincidence. Here's my position: if the medical establishment is so sure these experimental shots are not the cause of deaths of over 1200 people and the over
19,907 adverse reactions, than why are family members facebook pages, twitter accounts, instant gram accounts and the media being censored? why are people who have had the shots and are reporting on their condition being censored if confidence is high for the medicos? They are not stopping this information from being revealed, just making it more challenging to find. 


    They know damn well these are nothing more than kill shots and will stop at nothing to keep the information suppressed. Why anybody in their right mind would subject themselves to this is beyond my comprehension.
    My motto is trust no one and question everything, especially if the government endorses it. 


    Living in the Uk. Declined the vaccine three times. Now have had three calls to ask why from the NHS. Answer, No long term safety and efficacy data, Biologicals still in trial. I am not a guinea pig


  • They are supposed to PROVE it's safe FIRST...

    But somehow that has changed to Assuming it's safe until it can be proven otherwise . :(


I find it shocking, when a person has liver, kidney and heart failure, that they so much as think that they can get away with all of this "correlation does not equal causation". What a lame "Excuse" for sliding out!!! I have lost ALL respect for mainstream medicine and this only caps it off. Shame on them! They think they can get away with this? It takes no more than a pea brain to figure out that such organ failure after an injection HAS to be related to it, it can't be from any other source! What fools these mortals be. Lock up the deniers, the injectors, the manufacturers, the coroners who deny, Anybody who denies the correlation.... absolutely every single one of them! If they have no conscience and no remorse, we are not safe with them walking the street. It is true, isn't it?

The ultimate irony is that correlation implying causation is the very basis for belief in vaccines having been responsible for the decline of disease in the first place!

Though informed people know that the better supported correlation of the decline in infectious diseases was public health improvements, which applied to the decline in non-vaccinable diseases such as scarlet fever and typhoid as well, and that the overall death rate due to disease has actually increased since the vaccine schedule exploded in the mid 1980s in the US!

Vaccination = greatest scam ever!


  • And the rest of the story that not very many people heard.... the father of Kassidi Kurill, 38 yrs, was so brainwashed - a common problem in Utah, where I live - that HE WAS GOING TO GET THE SECOND PFIZER SHOT AFTER HIS DAUGHTER WAS BURIED! His granddaughter, Kassidi's daughter who just lost her mother, BEGGED him to not get the shot. His excuse? "I have type II diabetes (a co-morbidity his daughter didn't even have), and I know the shot is 95% effective." WHAT???????? What does the shot being "effective" have to do with the possibility he could DIE like his daughter from the shot???

YES it must move now to citizens arrests nothing ese will work no one willing until the figures are in the millions then too late reminds me of even in the end of ww11 the unfortunate were being shipped to death camps believing they were going to work in factories walked into gas chambers believing they were going to take showers The rumours were spread they were carrying a deadly disease so everyone accepted the disappearances

ww2 was certainly terrible. 20 to 30 million killed / starved by judeobolsheviks prior to.. to create their war machine. millions of civilians melted into the pavement by bombing even when the war was won by the allies. terrible. but if not for the wars.. no israel in 48. damn banker wars

this medical genocide will exceed all those past horrors the numbers already larger just a matter of time this battle is coming to everyone s door no matter where you live who you are or your color


the only clincher really that puzzles me is the fact they are pushing it hard in Israel which if a death sentence, doesnt make sense to me. It almost makes me think they are trying to create something better in their minds. Maybe not every country or person is getting similar vaccines. Maybe they will vary them in the future. Vaccines will continue. Any future vax doesnt need to even be tested at all, I read. If true they have a free hand. Most certainly, it is either our lives or souls that will be taken.

I understand why this is puzzling you at first glance , here are the likely reasons , they like all major countries cannot sustain financially with their current elderly population and their entitlements and retirements, pensions ect ect secondly there are groups there who will oppose this do their particular religious theologies and many young who dont want to be enslaved even more and of course the Palestinian population they have been oppressing for a long time , Yes most certainly our lives or souls and minds they are after , they intend to move a very different population in there , after getting rid of whom they want to same everywhere under this agenda CHINA CANNOT survive any longer without moving large numbers of their people elsewhere thats in progress

1265 deaths as of 2/26 and that's only the voluntarily reported ones. How many seniors are dying in nursing homes and the homes don't report them as Covid deaths to protect their own business? Just another senior dying of old age that coincidentally got their vaccination a week before.

Just had 30 plus seniors test positive in nursing home in England post vaccination. Authorities here are calling it just coincidental. One has died so far, a few others in hospital. Not the first care home to see this happening. Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania suspend use of Astra Zeneca. Norway advised against o65’s to not be given Astra Zeneca.


Try hundreds of times as many deaths and injuries as your figures. I ran some numbers based on the frequency of serious events reported from the v-safe app data that got out (about 1 per 36 jabs!), and found that to be over 250 times the frequency of similar events that had been reported on VAERS.

So we could actually have on the order of 300,000 deaths and 5,000,000 adverse reactions to date, a veritable holocaust!



Own comment: 

At this point, if you take the 'vaccine' and you die from it, it's on you. There is more than enough information for anyone who can read to find out that these 'vaccines' are lethal, certainly far more so than the supposed Covid-19.