
The greatest fantasy in the Western rogue states' latest attack on Syria

On the 7th of April, I wrote about how Russia, having grown tired of the numerous false flag events that have been deployed in the Syrian war, had tired and decided to pre-empt false flags by warning beforehand of what they believed to be plans to conduct some. I wrote:

Having tired of false flag attacks by the Americans, the Russians decided to pre-emptively warn that the U.S. was planning one with the help of Islamists in Syria. This seems to have worked as we have not had any major false flag propaganda recently, as one would have expected what with the Islamists seemingly being cornered. If everybody knows that you are going to launch a false flag, then all credibility is lost when the false flag attack is carried out. The Russians and the Syrians have played this one very well.

With impeccable timing, the very next day, on the 8th of April, reports came out of an event bearing all the hallmarks of a false flag event; not even that, a hoax. The event supposedly took place on the very same day I released that article. Videos were circulated purporting to show how the Syrian government had attacked its people. Donald Trump went on his customary twitter rant, Hillbilly Haley did her thing at the U.N, and the lap-dogs in Europe of Theresa May and Le Creep Macron chimed in.

As few will have missed, the gang of rogue agents bannered under NATO launched airstrikes against Syria on Saturday the 14th. Only 3 countries did it in the end, but let not that fool you into thinking that the rest of the members are peace-lovers and warmonger-haters. The only other country which could reasonably had joined in was Turkey, and it has its own agenda which would not have been served by going along with this illegal action - although let us recall that Turkey has illegal actions of its own inside Syria.

There will be plenty more to write about this as more details become known, but I'll just mention one thing before getting to my main point: Unlike the events in Syria last year, which may indeed have been a genuine false flag (if the event ever took place, that is) this one appears to be a genuine hoax. In other words, the details which have come to light seem convincing on the matter that there was never any attack involving chemical attacks to begin with.

The term "false flag" is used quite a lot nowadays but it's worth making proper distinctions, given that it's often used wrongly.

A "false flag" proper is an event which takes place, carried out by someone other than the one who gets blamed, with the specific goal of using the blame apportioned to achieve other ends.

A "hoax" is a non-event which is prevented as an event.

Nothing takes place, but it is claimed that something took place, and blame is pinned as though an event had taken place. Before last week I would have argued that hoaxes were much more difficult to carry out effectively than false flags, but given the compliance of the media and the ignorance of the general population, I think the powers-that-be have decided that they do not need to go to the trouble of carrying out false flag events when hoaxes, cheaper and safer as they are, will do the job just as well.

It would seem as though what we had on the 8th of April was a complete hoax, which Donald Trump, the American establishment, the British establishment, the Western European establishment, the media, all of these sorry excuses for adults, fell for like a bitch in heat.

All we know for sure is that the White Helmets were involved. How many others of the aforementioned agents were involved is impossible to know at this point in time. The Russian government has pointed the finger at British intelligence in any case, although they have not yet presented any proof for this.

Back to the main point of this article, which has to deal with fantasies, and more specifically the fantasies which have enabled this tragic situation.

There are many flying around at the moment, far too many to list. One could be the idea that dropping bombs is humanitarian. Another is that the "rebels" are fighting to save Syria from a brutal dictator. Yet another is that the U.S. is an independent actor in all of this, only intervening to make sure that the sides are fighting fairly. Another is that the Western media can be relied upon to report on anything truthfully.

By far the biggest fantasy in all this let's-bomb-Syria-for-the-Syrians campaign is the absolutely ridiculous notion that the United States, that Donald Trump, that Theresa May, that Le Creep Macron, that Angela Merkel , that the media, that any of these narcissists care one bit about the well-being of the Syrian people.

They don't even care about the people in their own countries.

These people have been arming the band of militant head-Chopping Islamists who have terrorised all of Syria over the past 7 years. These people have mercilessly bombed the Syrian Arab Army in order to help the cause of the Islamists. These people have introduced sanctions on Syria to prevent it form being able to re-build after the war is over. These people have done everything in their power to prevent the war from being over. These people have occupied the riches parts of Syria to prevent Syria from having the funds to rebuild.

We are then supposed to believe that Donald Trump, Le Creep Macron, and medicore May care about Syrian lives, Arab lives, any lives. All the while they are claiming this, they are not only doing nothing to stop a genocide in Yemen on account of a naval blockade initiated by Saudi Arabia, but they are actively involved in helping Saudi Arabia enforce this blockade which is starving millions as...

The doomsday that wasn't, but could still spell doom for Bergoglio - Sunday 17th to Saturday 23rd of September

There was great apprehension about what was going to happen on the 23rd of September, 2017. This was on account of an astrological constellation which only appears about once every 7,000 years,  something about 12 stars being aligned in a particular way, with possibly a planet or a 12th star above them. This alluded to the scriptural passage in Revelation, which is taken to refer to the Virgin Mary having the stars under her feet.

The day came and I did not notice anything. The world did not end and life went on as normal, or so it would seem...

What transpired was that a group of established Catholic scholars released a filial correction of Bergoglio, urging him to denouce the heresies which have spread like wildfire on account of Amoris Laetitia. It was titled "Correctio Filialis de haeresibus propagatis". Since I first read it on the 24th of September and much of the fallout has come since them, I intend to cover this document and surrounding events as part of the analysis of the following week.

I would like, however, to point out that the truth is out: Bergoglio is an unrepentant heretic and the whole world knows that prominent Catholics are onto him.

Over on the other side of the pond we had the whole hoopla about kneeling. It evidently began on Friday in a speech held by Trump in Alabama in which he called the kneeling players "son of a bitch", "sons of bitches" or both. Here was a point at which the media could have acted as a uniting force, criticising Donald Trump for his choice of words while villifying the players for their actions. Instead, the media chose to make Donald Trump out as some kind of nutcase who wanting his country's flag respected.

At best, this whole kneeling thing is a distraction from real issues, so I'll not waste too much time on it. Suffice it to write that Donald Trump is right on the substance.

I have always found it ridiculous that in the U.S. they play the national anthem before sporting events. It has a very Orwellian feel about it: "Fun, brought to you by the state". I would much rather see that kind of nonsense abolished altogether. There is also a deeply unhealthy and psychotic association of the flag of the U.S. with the military, which is just another of the many absurd tenets of the americanist religion.

Nonetheless, it is good decorum to stand up for one's national anthem, and frankly, even those of other nations. It is a simple mark of respect , shallow as it may be. It shows a lack of class to show disrespect to one's country if one chooses the singing of the national anthem as the moment of personal protest.

I would remiss if I did not take this opportunity to take a shot at the Novus Ordo. No doubt many of those upset at this kind of behaviour are Catholics of the Novus Ordo persuasion. Many of them will be church-goers. I submit that it is far more disrespectful to fail to observe basic Christian dress codes in church than to kneel when the national anthem is being sung and anybody who fails to observe the former has no right whatsoever to criticise those who fail to observe the latter.

This is specifically aimed at women who refuse to cover their heads, as I have never seen a non-Muslim man in a Catholic church with head-covering, not even in clown masses - and any Muslim man invited into a Catholic Church for feel-good purposes has every right to disrespect those who invite him. The rules are apostolic and very clear and very simple: Women, head-covering; men, no head-cover. There is no 5-year old of ordinary capacity who would not be able to understand and apply those rules if so required, so I am at a loss to understand why Catholic women nowadays find it so impossible to grasp or apply.

It would certainly seem as though divinely-inspired apostolic commands such as those deserve far more respect than standing before a national anthem, whether it is being played in or out of place, as the case may be when national anthems are played before domestic sporting contests.

Speaking of distractions, although more positively-charged ones, we  had note that the awful Lady Gaga was going through somewhat of a spritual/mental crisis and had even postponed her tour. I only mention this because a while back I had mentioned that she was Catholic after having read it. My statemet was something akin to "you wouldn't know she is Catholic and she even goes to Church, sometimes". I had seen a picture of her with her parish priest, in which the parish priest was defending her from what he thought was uncharitable accusations. The point of this story is that I had almost started to wonder whether I had imagined the whole thing, until she posted a picture of herself holding a Rosary as she goes through trying times.

She wrote that she had sold her soul to the illuminati and that her fibromyalgia was the price she was now paying for it. I am sure I am joined by many fellow Catholics in hoping that this wretched woman who nonetheless still seems to cling to some notion of God and some notion of the Catholic faith finds the peace which only God can provide. We should all pray that she can turn her back on all her wicked and blasphemous ways because  it would seem as though deep under all that filth there is a sensitive soul crying towards the LORD, and honestly wishing to find Him.

It is a mark of the Novus Ordo that we have so many crypto-Catholics, which is to say, people who one would never assume were Catholic at all until they all of a sudden claimed to be.  NOChurch seems intent on promoting the notion that...

Sanctions and excommunications for everybody for no reason! - Sunday 30th July to Saturday 5th of August

We had news of a Colombian professor , José Galat, who was excommunicated for criticising Bergoglio and raising questions about the legitimacy of his papacy. If we leave aside the fact that the man didn't actually utter any heresy, and contrast this with the fact that heretics abound against whom nothing is done, we are still left with the issue of the bishops of Colombia effectively making something which ought to be legitimately debatable forbidden to speak about.

The fact is that we have 2 people who wear white in the Vatican. The fact is that one of them resigned under very suspicious conditions. The fact is that the other was elected under very suspicious conditions. There is also the fact that Bergoglio has issued numerous and repeated statements which are impious and heretical. Then we have the multiple prophecies which warn about false shepherds, including false popes.

It is difficult to see why somebody should be excommunicated about this when doubts about Bergoglio are perfectly legitimate, but then again it's difficult to find much of anything which makes sense in NOChurch.

I wrote about this in one of my daily comments.

Not to be left behind on the irrationality race, the U.S. political establishment issued new sanctions against Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea, sanctions which Donald Trump signed into law this week.

Let it be clear that sanctions are considered acts of war! Let it also be clear that none of the countries here have done anything illegal, and that includes North Korea - which having pulled out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is free to pursue nuclear weapons, and as a sovereign state has an unassailable right to develop missile technology! Let it also be clear that they were all bunched together to create the impression that there is the same sinister thread in all of them!

The sanctions on Russian in particular would seem to be nothing more than protectionist measures, something even the Europeans have realised. They claim they will take measuers against the U.S. if these sanctions harm its economic interests. We should not feel sorry for the EU, of course, given that it is not opposing the immorality of sanctions but rather that they were imposed without their involvement, denying them the chance to make sure that while harming Russia, their companies are not harmed. My understanding is that also within 2 days of these sanctions against Russia, the EU imposed other sanctions of its own against Mother Russia.

The sanctions againsty Iran seem to be even more sinister, as even Donald Trump has admitted that Iran has complied with the nuclear deal they signed some 2 years ago or so, the one good thing that the previous evil regime of the U.S. did.

I sometimes have difficulty deciding whether Trump does these things because he believes the lies he is told or because he feels helpless. Either way, he has made himself seem even more helpless as these sanctions tie his hands if he ever wanted to improve relations with Russia, who themselves have seen fit to finally expel U.S. diplomats from Russia, some 8 months after the U.S. expelled Russian diplomats from the U.S. on the same false premises. He could have refused to sign the bill, in which case it would have gone into law anyway as it was veto-proof, but at least he would have signalled his independence.

By signing them he essentially proves himself either a hostage or a stooge of the political establishment, the very swamp he vowed to drain. If he thinks that making bad compromises will help him then he is greatly deluded.

Finally, some football news and a world record transfer of €222 million. I must admit I didn't think it would happen and probably the selling club never actually thought the clause would be met. I commented on this on the day it broke, and I'll briefly restate my comments here.

Though I do not bother reading much from secular newspapers, no doubt there are those decrying the amount of money in football. The statement "they make milions while hospital nurses make much less" is not unusual, as if there are not easily-understandable explanations as to why this is the case.

All the same, if you have something against the money involved - and I must admit to being repulsed by it - just remember that it is €200 million less for ISIS and other jihadists. It is not as though the Qataris were going to use the money to fund a raft of Catholic orphanages around the globe, after all. Neither were they likely to use the money to help their poor fellow Yemeni Arabs who are being bombed to smitherines by Saudi Arabia and its Western allies. This is probably the least harmful way the were going to spend the money.



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