Novus Ordo

NOChurch lives up to its moniker and becomes "no church"

For quite a while now I have referred to the Church of Vatican II as NOChurch. This is obviously a moniker derived from my usual reference of it as "Novus Ordo church", as opposed to the real Catholic Church which is obscured by this pseudo-church of Vatican II.

Little did I know that NOChurch was actually going to give up even the pretence of Catholicism and forbid Mass attendance, and even celebration, altogether. The occasion of this prohibition was the now-pervasive Covid-19 Chinese coronavirus, which has spread like wildfire in Italy and has by now shut down much of the country. The frightening thing about it, however, is that NOChurch shut down Masses in Italy even before the government required it. Even confession has been cancelled in many places.

Presumably they wanted to show that they cared more than anybody else, but at least part of it probably has to do with the fact that they don't see the Mass as something all that important. To many of the hierarchy in the Vatican it's just a pasttime, something pious or pious-seeming people get up to on Sundays, as opposed to hiking or canoeing. That might explain also why they don't see it as such a big thing inviting non-Catholics and public heretics to the 'banquet', as they call it, because if it's just a gathering then there is no reason why protestants or other non-Catholics (heretics included) should be denined the chance of a communal gathering hightlighted by a communal stroll to the front of the church.

What is has allowed everyone to do is conclude this very thing. One need not even be a traditionalist to see that the NOChurch hierarchy doesn't believe much in the 'mumbo jumbo' as they would probably call it.

Let us recall that - if my information is accurate - they cancelled Mass while there was still no general prohibition against frequenting public spaces! My understanding is that restaurants and pubs were still open, as was public transportation. I would assume that these have now been shut down but at the time that NOChurch decreed this they were still available. In other words, if they actually believed that the Chinese coronavirus was dangerous, it was apparently not dangerous enough to keep one from work, but dangerous enough to keep us from the Mass.

Worse was to follow still as Bergoglio then ordered all churches in Rome closed. This seems to have backfired and he seemed to pin the blame on his vicar-general, but we can assume that Bergoglio was definitely in on it if not the chief instigator of the decision. It would seem typical of the man to shun responsibility when put to task.

Outside Italy things were not much better as even though churches were not closed everywhere, many bishops took the opportunity to ram hand Communion down our throats, or hands, as the case may be, proving yet again that these people never waste a chance to desacralise. This was certainly the case in Germany, and before that the Diocese of Hong Kong and Singapore had done the very same thing. In fact, Sweden is one of few places where the Church has had a measured response, and for that the bishop and his vicar-general and the Church hierarchy in general is to be commended. The Church in Poland also deserves praise for not losing sight of priorities.

It is certainly easy to understand why the Church would want her flock  to be physically safe, but given that we must put God first and that our souls are eternal, it seems very telling that the hierarchy chose to prioritise the physical well-being of the few who frequent Mass over their spiritual well-being, by denying them the very tools they need to reach eternity at the very time of the year when the Sacraments and sacramentals are likely to bear most fruit - the Lenten season. We must conclude that we are dealing with a largely unbelieving hiearchy. It has been reported that in times past the Church urged the faithful to participate in public processions and acts of atonement at times of plagues and epidemics, and yet today we are left with a hierarchy which in places has attempted to deprive us of even personal use of our sacred spaces. Others have remarked that Bergoglio and his henchmen, in shutting down the celebration of the Mass, managed to achieve what emperors and communists never managed to do.

Another consideration is worth pondering: If the faithful can go without Mass for a month, and manage to occupy themselves with other pursuits, what is to bring them back to Church after that month? I mean, we have already established that the Church and God definitely take a backseat at the very least to the professional life. Perhaps resting out on Sundays so as to be fit and ready for Monday work is a better pursuit of one's time then.

In any case, God does bring good out of evil, and in the response to the Chinese coronavirus scare, He has afforded a good opportunity to those resistant to facing reality to see just how far from Catholicism NOChurch has fallen.

NOChurch at this moment in time literally entails "no church" and that is not even an exaggeration. It matters not that the abscence of Novus Ordo masses probably ought to be cause for celebration. I might disdain the Novus Ordo Mass, but the hierarchy insist it is a valid, licit and dignified Mass. I am willing to grant that it is valid but definitely not licit or dignified, and their treatment of it and the Sacraments in general says much more than their protestations to the contrary.



Bergoglio's stupidity catches up with his perversion - Sunday 12th of August to Saturday 8th of September

It has been far too long since I wrote, and it has not been for lack of topics, rather perhaps the exact opposite. There has been so much to write about that it has been difficult to know where to start.

Most of what has caught my attention has been Church scandals, but there have been some siginificant secular news as well. I shall make the unusual choice of starting with the secular news, although I shall only cover  the secular world in brief.  The rest will be taken up by Bergoglio's most headline-grabbing scandal to date, so perhaps it is just as well that my update-rate has been sub-optimal, for otherwise I would have been writing about that very thing all this time; so dominant has it been.

The most significant news was that China may scrap it's abhorrent two-child policy after 40 years of callous murders. What has often been called a one-child policy was for most people always a 2-child policy, since people outside the cities were 'allowed' 2 children, as were those without siblings. I write allowed in quotation marks because I cannot get over how absurd it is that the government sticks its nose into how many children  a couple has. A government can no more allow people to have more than 2 children than it can allow its citizens to breathe, which is to say that having children is a natural right which the government has no right to infringe upon more than it has on our right to breathe. It can only allow it only insofar as it has violated that right in the first place.

In any case, the 2-child policy created a childless society en large, which was not helped by the Chinese traditional preference for boys, or Chinas world-leading suicide rate among women. China is on course to have the oldest population in Asia in a few decades,  and all because of its communist ideologues. When you fight against nature, you will always lose.

I have, however, long maintained that China might indeed become the first country in modern times to outlaw the killing of unborn children, after having allowed and even mandated it. This is because the Chinese are not as ideological as their Western leftists. To them abortion was what they thought would bring them out of poverty. To the Westerners, abortion was a way to rebel against God and former Christendom's cultural and moral heritage, through the 'liberation' of women, which of course, has been the enslavement of women to their sexual appetites. The Chinese have no time for this nonsense; they are materialists. If killing hundreds of millions of children is what they think will bring them wealth, then kill hundreds of millions they shall. They have finally realised that children are not a cause of poverty, but rather a nation's greatest resource, and now they are despreate to increase the birthrate. The easiest and cheapest way is to simply outlaw the killing of children, and you can be sure that if they think that will help their bottom line, then it is exactly what they will do.

I recently read that the Chinese have spoken about introducing a tax on those who don't have children. In other words, my prediction is not far off from being realised.

A bridge collapsed killing at least 35 in Genoa, Italy. This collapse affected me more personally than most other tragedies since I am certain I drove over that very bridge last summer on my way to Florence. In other words, I could have been one of those people. The Italian government, with Salvini at the helm, blamed it on the EU, given it has forced Italy into budget cuts. I hope that was a statement brought out more by being overcome by emotions more than calculated political opportunism, because even by modern political discourse, that is stretching political truthiness beyond breaking point. I do like Salvini a lot, but that was well below the belt. There is much blame to go around, but the EU cannot be blamed for this.

The EU, to the extent it can even be blamed for forcing the Italians to attempt to live within their means, simply called for budget cuts. I am quite certain they never mandated that these cuts be on vital infrastructure. As one good piece pointed out, if Italy did not invest so much on the NATO racket, it might have had more to invest in its infrastructure. Instead of buying fighter jets costing hundreds of millions of euros, they could build very good bridges for much less than that, and save lives while doing it, instead of taking them.  Instead of going along with sanctions on Russia which could have brought billions which might have been used on infrastructure, they decided to go along with the American racket. They could have stood for their sovereignty in both cases. Instead they decided to put the money into the hands of the U.S. military-industrial complex, and the lives this and similar decisions took just ended up being their own.

Russia kept warning against a false-flag chemical-weapons attack in Syria, even providing evidence to the OPCW and the U.N.. The U.S., meanwhile, continued to protect its Syrian Islamists by making the militants know that any false or hoax flag conducted on them would lead to strikes on Syrian government positions, and being the lap dogs they are, the British and French followed suite. This comes as the Syrians and their Russian allies are preparing the final assault on the last major Islamist strong-hold in Syria, having cleared most of the country, despite American interference. The Netherlands, in turn, decided to end support for Syrian militant groups, which confirmed what we have been saying all along - that militants in Syria have been backed up by secular Western countries - in addition to Arab sheiks and Jewish zionists...

Novus Ordo is to Catholicism what the West is to Christendom - Sunday 27th of May to Saturday 2nd of June

This was a very eventful week; in fact, far too eventful for me to do it any justice, especially having fallen so far behind my weekly reviews that I am forced to be brief. I shall therefore only pick out 2-3 stories which I found to be of paramount importance, and anything beyond that will get a simple passing mention.

For honourable mentions alone, I must begin with Cardinal Sarah who in his homily at Chartres told us that "The West Has Nothing to Offer but Emptiness", at least as headlined by I must admit to not yet having read the whole transcript but these are sobering words, for several reasons.

The most important reason is that his words are the bitter truth. When Cardinal Sarah said that “the Western society, chosing to organize itself without God, has fallen into lies and selfishness”, he was only saying what any open-eyed Catholic can tell from reading the news, or looking around, or reading various statistics. He then went on to state that Western society “has embraced the craziest ideologies and has become the target of an ethical terroism more destructive than the terror of the Islamists.” That is a point I have made too many times to recall, and often ended up in heated conversations about it.

The fact of the matter is that the suicidal policies of the West - and I don't simply mean the governments alone here - are what has brought the Western world to the edge of destruction. It's not Islamists who got the West to kill off a vast number of their children. It is not Islamists who got the West to squander the investments of their forefathers and get itself into a debt it is unlikely to ever climb out of peacefully. It is not Islamists who turned men against women, women against men, women against children, people against their very nature. It is not Islamists who destroyed the great heritage of Christianity in Europe, and even the Americas. All these things have been done by Westerners. Granted, they have been driven by the rulers of Western states, but with every missed Mass, with every modern interpretation of ancient wisdom, with every vote cast for a morally dubious candidate, with every bomb dropped unjustly, the West has turned itself into the enemy of the very Christendom which built it, and I feel, has brought itself beyond the point of salvation.

Virtually all of the most dangerous ideas of the 20th century all originated from the West , be it all-out homosexualism, transgenderism, feminism, communism, nazism, freemasonry, warmongering, ethnic cleansing, eugenics, the killing of the unborn, the killing of infants (although China gets a dishounourable mention here), the killing of the elderly and I am sure the list could go on and on.

It has become common among many so-called Alt-Right or generally 'conservative'-leaning people to proclaim the West is best without specifying what is good in the first place. If an alien landed on Earth today and used Christian metrics to measure a society's standing, I can assure all that the West would not indeed be best. If another alien was to use metcis of sustainability - and I don't even mean eco-stuff, but simple demographics - the West would not be best. If yet another alien was to use metrics of economic sustainability, even there the West would not be best. If yet another alien was to use more natural law metrics, such as quality of family life, value of human life, number of friends, or what not, the West would trail even here. The warmongering NATO would also drag the West down on any metrics measuring peaceability.

In fact, the only area in which the West is clearly best is that which has to do with self-indulgence, but it is precisely due to winning this particular 'award' that the West trails on so many other fronts.

Christendom was the best culture. The West is the monster that chewed up Christendom and is trying to dump what remains of it in the deepest sewer it can find. The sooner we realise that, the better.  We must never conflate 'the West' with Christendom for the former is a morally decrepit empty shell of a society with very bad future prospects, whereas the latter is what built up virtually all the good that we enjoy today. Europe without Christianity is likely to be no different than the Soviet Union - a cold, sterile, ugly, violent, hateful place.

The sooner we work to restore Christendom, the sooner Europe can in any honest sense attempt to reclaim moral or even existential superiority.

It has escaped nobody's attention that the Irish voted to remove legal protections for the unborn. This means that before long the sodomitical prime minister of theirs will be able to introduce legislation to kill all the unborn, if he so desires. No doubt he will play it safe by introducing an age limit on those who can be killed, but we can expect this to be the top of the slippery slope. I am not going to waste much time on this, except to state that this is yet another win for the Novus Ordo. Everything the Novus Ordo touches, it kills, and Ireland is the best example of that.

As the author of the piece May 25th was the burial, not the death, of “Catholic Ireland” notes and as I have mentioned many times before, the Catholic Church runs most of the schools in Ireland. According to the piece, 93% of primary schools are run by the Catholic Church. This means that virtually each and every one of those people who voted to kill the unborn will have been touched by NOChurch in no meaningless way.

Ireland is not the Novus Ordo done badly, but the Novus Ordo done well, almost to perfection. This is what the Novus Ordo does: It kills the faith, then poisons society, then destroys the...

Was it all about Roy Moore? In other news: At least perversion is still considered a bad thing - Sunday 12th-Saturday 18th of November

A short entry this week, hopefuly.

From the most judgemental non-judgemental pope in history we have yet another condemnation. This time it is that we are perverse if we do not believe the scientism on climate change. The only thing that caught my eye regarding this is that Bergoglio still considers perversion to be a bad thing - judging from the way he phrased his rant. Given his many utterances promoting all sorts of perverted acts, I had almost come to suspect that he sees perversion as something virtuous. This is, after all, the same man who has said that people who act uprightly often have something dark in their closet.

Something tells me Bergoglio knows a thing or two about closets....

More allegations of sexual misconduct have come forth from all and sundry, also in Sweden funnily enought. It has indeed become the new fashion. I must admit that when this thing first broke I didn't get why it had broken out over Harvey Weinstein, of all people, someone who was not exactly known as a prude, and in Hollywood of all places, which seems to be some sort of vice capital. It was, after all, an open secret that he was as promiscuous as a bee is to flowers, if not outright predatory. Others were dragged in subsequently but even before it had left that particular pervert I thought it was going all over the top. The allegations got all the more fuzzy and it soon became the fad to accuse him of sexual harassment. Given that Hollywood is a place given to fads, I stopped taking any of the accusations seriously, especially since they got just quite nutty. We have one, for example, of a woman who says that she invited him to her house twice and he raped her, twice!

We do know that there is some sort of coordination in the news media so if a story gathers more pace that it deserves at first hand there is often a reason for it. It occured to me that perhaps the whole reason why Harvey Weinstein had been thrown into the mix was because they wanted to create a firestorm of hysteria regarding sexual assault allegations, so that they could suck up Roy Moore into it. It seems far-fetched but one has to understand that Roy Moore is quite a lightning-bolt into the political establishment in the United States. This is a man who says that the "United States cannot be great before it is good", so he is far from a neo-conservative. He is exactly the sort of person they absolutely would not want on the Senate floor, debating one immoral act over another.

If you thought Trump was a shock to the system, then imagine how hazardous Roy Moore would be! With Trump and Roy Moore all of a sudden we are not dealing with an isolated incident, but rather a proper movement with proper momentum. This has to be stopped!

For that reason whoever pulls the strings in the media and political establishments decided that it was enough to whip up a storm regarding sexual accusations, even if it included sucking in a few of their most high-profile agents. The prize was too valuable and it could come at a high price. Enter the Hollywerid perverts then! They had to be sacrificed to create the initial storm, and on top of that, the accusations had to get more and more diffuse to such an extent that any man was going to be considered guilty just by having an accusation levelled towards him. This then created the proper feeding ground for accusations against Roy Moore, which true or false - and some of them are fanciful at best -, would probably not have gained this much traction had not the Hollywood perverts been caught up in the media storm. After all, the case now is such that there is a presumption of guilt for anyone accused, and a presumption of victimhood for any woman who comes forward with an accusation.

It is a good old-fashioned witch-hunt. There are probably more people who have been caught up in this mess than the power brokers were counting on, but the prize is too valuable and it can cost what it may. I predict that this hysteria will die down after the Alabama elections, at least if Roy Moore loses. Expect it to go on for a while further if he wins!

Regarding the Harvey Weinstein issue, there is an interview with E. Michael Jones in which he brings up the issue that in Talmudic Judaism, perverting the morals of non-Jews - gentiles - is seen as a virtuous thing. I do not know enough of Talmudic Judaism to falsify or confirm this claim, but it does not seel all that far-fetched. His theory is that this particular Hollywood pervert has fallen victim to the old Jewish custom of scape-goating, indeed a Biblical concept.

Another Vatican conference brings yet more anti-life speakers and more immorality promotion from Bergoglio's anti-Catholic fraternity. Population experts and abortion activist abound.

Some news stories from Russia, the most noteworthy being that Patriach Kirill informed/claimed that the Russian Orthodox Church has built over 5,000 new churches and ordained 10,000 new clergymen in just 6 years. I am skeptical to the claims, but if I take the patriach at his word, the statistics are completely staggering. They are beuilding new churches at an even faster rate than the Novus Ordo is destroying them! The same website from which I read that also informed its readers that its youtube channel is being censored - actually has been removed. One would think that such news would warrant attention, but our new Christophobic tech masters simply do not want to have such good news spread. It might interfere with their anti-Russian propaganda.

Speaking of which, the OSCE finally spoke about against labelling media...


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