
Bergoglio outdoes himself in Bergoglian mercy, this time back in his old stomping ground - Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th of June

This will have to be one of my shorter entries, as I have fallen hopelessly behind schedule in my commentaries. I shall attempt to limit myself to this week's Bergoglian attack on the Church - every week has one - as well as the most important news otherwise.

As we are all well aware by now, Ireland is no longer a Catholic country, and in fact has not been for a while. In Ireland: A Chronology of De-Christianization, attempted to chronicle various low-points which led to where we now find ourselves.

Some have not given up on saving the lives of unborn in Ireland, however, and Another big rig in Ireland mentions that there were many irregularities with the referendum, to the extent that some are calling it rigged. As proof of this, the author cites the large discrepancy between the polling data and the outcome. I have no doubt that the elitists would have rigged it had they felt it necessary, I just doubt that it would have been necessary to do so. This is, after all, the same country which voted for sodomitical unions just some 2 or so years ago. It is the same country which has a sodomite as its political ruler, an elected one at that to boot. Having voted for one of the 4 sins which cry out to Heaven, it is rather fanciful to think that the Irish would not want to complete the set and vote in another one.

As if to emphasise my point, Eamon Martin, an archbishop, came out after the referendum and said that abortion should be "safe and rare" - not necessarily a direct quote. He had to walk back those words but it is nonetheless instructive that a Catholic - and I use that word extremely loosely - prelate uses the language of abortionists in response to the referendum. The very fact that protection of the unborn was removed from the constitution does not in itself mean that the battle is over. His duty should have been to make it known that Catholics are obliged to oppose legalising abortion. Alas, we have one of our effeminates mouthing off support for the culture of death.

At this point I am forced to ask: Would anyone follow this guy? Part of the problem with NOChurch is that it has given us such spineless leaders that one is ashamed to say as a Catholic that these people represent any form of hierarchy. Can anyone actually see himself lining up behind Martin in a sort of campaign for the common good? Why is it that NOChurch popes think that being an effeminate non-believer is some sort of qualification for being a bishop? It's no wonder a lot of people think that priestesses  can be acceptable clerics.

It is not all doom and gloom though, and I was happy to see that the Portuguese parliament rejected euthanasia. It is a sad state of affairs though when it is the communists who come to the aid of  Catholic values in what was a Catholic country just 2 generations ago.

After much consternation, the Vatican released a document saying that the Church in Germany ought not to proceed with issuing heretical guidelines which would allow protestants to receive Holy Communion. The term "heretical", is of course, one I added myself, since this term seems to have been forbidden in the 1960s even for the most obvious of heresies. The Germans were, true to form, most displeased at having to hold off on their sacrilege jumboree. The point to take home in all of this, however, is that Bergoglio only informed the Germans that it was inopportune to do it, not that it was wrong. In other words, it is a bit too early to celebrate! Wait for this one to come back to the forefront when Bergoglio finds his moment!

Whether the prohibition of sacrilege at the hands ordained ministers is cause for celebration, is obviously another matter entirely, but these are desperate times, and there is so little good news to go around.

In the Diocese of Buffalo in the U.S., a couple which attends SSPX services was barred from acting as Godparents . So much for reaching out to the peripheries.

Staying on the theme of the U.S., but this time in the secular realm, we were informed by the 9-man junta which runs the country - the supreme court - that a  baker does not have to bake a cake for a sodomite pair  which enters his bakery. Most of us would call this common sense, but the decision is not the victory of common sense that some have made it out to be. From what I have been able to understand, the supreme court found that a lower court had been openly prejudicial against religious arguments in siding with the sodomites. My reading is that if the civil rights court had not been as openly hostile to the baker's religious motivations, the decision would have stood. At the very least, it is unlikely to think that 7 of the judges would have come to the baker's aid in those circumstances, although we can still hope it would have been a 5-4 decision on the side of sanity (or what's left of it in the Western world anyway).

Finally, I would like to conclude with another act of Bergoglian mercy. It turns out that there is a bishop in Argentina who did not see eye-to-eye with Bergoglio in his time there. This was the bishop of La Plata - apparently an important see in Argentina - Archbishop Héctor Rubén Aguer. This bishop reached the arbitrary age of 75, which NOChurch has set as the age of sending in one's resignation letter to the pope. To the surprise of nobody, the resignation was accepted immediately. This is where things really get interesting...

His hypocrisy  Bergoglio then had the bishop...

Training my neck muscles: On drones and the Blessed Sacrament, and NOChurch being good for something - Sunday 1st to Saturday 8th of April - Easter Week

It was Easter week, and a good week it was indeed. Whatever else happens in the world cannot take away from the joy of the Resurrection.

Easter Sunday this year fell on April Fool's day, and Mundabor took the time to make an Easter confession regarding how he had met  a new younger woman and in order to seek happiness he was obliged to follow his emotions and leave his family for her. I recognised it as an April Fools' day immediately, having followed his blog for long enough to realise that he would come up with one, and having learned enough of the man to realise that he would keep his adultery secret, as any half-decent man would, instead of parade it about.

Sadly, not everyone was in on this and we had some of our lost Catholic sheep advising him to have an annulment enough so as to put a NOChurch stamp on his adultery. This again re-inforces the point I have made many times that the annulment process today is little more than a Catholic divorce and furthermore, that is how most Catholics seem to view it as well.

One story which might well have made a good April Fools' day, but which alas, was just another day in NOChurch, was the one about the parish which used a drone to deliver the Blessed Sacrament in  a monstance to the priest. Ringing a bell and walking solemnly to the altar just isn't entertaining enough for modern man, you know.

As the title pointed out, this was neck muscles training time and if there is one thing NOChurch is good at it is getting me to shake my head on account of the sheer volume of the sheer madness which I witness and read about. Shaking one's head is all one can do at times and I admit that I am forced to do it quite often.  I can admit that I never thought I would see the words "drone" and "Blessed Sacrament" in the same sentence, and we have to thank NOChurch for making that happen, I suppose.

Having experienced the pre-1950s Holy Week celebration, Jeff Ostrowski came to realise that he was wrong to Dread the “Pre-1955” Holy Week. One of the most peculiar thing about it was that the vigil was held in the morning - which even I find a bit odd - but he wrote that it didn't seem out of place. That it was much longer did not seem to be as much of a drain as he had feared either.

The Skripal poisoning story still hasn't died, and neither have those who were allegedly poisoned. At this point I am only continuing to use the term 'Skripal poisoning' mainly for categorising reasons, as that is the tag that I gave it at the beginning. Last week we were told that Yulia Skripal had woken up from her coma. This week we were informed that someone had logged into her facebook page when she was supposed to be in a coma. The Russians insist that they   won’t accept probe into Skripal case if Russian specialists won’t take part and who can blame them? There doesn't seem to have been a poisoning at all, one would have to conclude at this point. The Russians are not letting this story die down, and nor should they. The U.K. has to be named and shamed over this, and heads should roll, if not literally then at least figuratively, because we have agents who seem intent on starting a major confrontation and looking for a premise on which to do it.

In this week's entry for the culture of death, we had a German woman jailed for 9yrs for murdering her newborns & keeping bodies in freezer.

It is not all bad news though, so, for instance, in Syria, rebuilding efforts are underway, now that the only major pockets of Islamists remaining are those in areas under American protection. This is exemplified by drone footage from Ghouta showing the clearing of a highway which has been blocked for a long time on account of the fighting.

It would hardly be a week's review if we did not have stories regarding Bergoglio's ongoing efforts to destroy the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith. This week's entries are varied but I shall only pass over them in brief.

First the world's favourite heretic was busy telling missionaries that they shouldn't be missionaries, and this didn't make news any more as we have tome to expect that sort of nonsense. Then we had a story which was issued on April Fools' day but which had not been retracted or revealed as one, regarding how one non-Italian cardinal confronted him regarding his denial of hell, one of his many heresies. I can't think that our cowardly cardinals will let it go beyond faint voice-raising inside the Vatical walls, but it's good that we have that at least.

Louie Verrechio had is take on Bergoglioism in a piece titled "Bergoglianism: An effort to rewrite the Divine Law" which details how Bergoglio's strategy in fighting the Faith is to reduce it to mere rules and ideals. In "Is Francis Catholic? The burden of proof" he lays out the case that it is simply not enough to presume that bergoglio is a Catholic  until proven otherwise, on account of the fact that he was baptised as one and presumably is in charge of the Catholic Church. No, rather he argues that "there are well-established criteria that must be met in order for one to legitimately lay claim to such membership". This is in accordance with the Encyclical Mystici Corporis written by Pius XII.

Bergoglio has, of course, demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that he absolutely abhors Holy Mother Church and the Catholic Faith which she...

Even converts show us yet again why nobody likes NOChurch, and for good measure, Bergoglian scandals abound as well - Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th of February

It is quite often to hear people saying that the Church needed to change because it was not effective in evangelisation, or was losing members, or whatever other tripe the ill-informed or ill-intentioned will give us about the pre-Vatican II Church. They say this to rationalise or justify the rapture which took place at Vatican II, whose negative effects are growing by the day.

In this context, and given that we are approaching the 'canonisation' of Paul VI, it is timely to have a look at how the Church actually was, statistically, at the death of Pope Pius XII. Indeed, Rorate Caeli never gets tired of reminding us of how booming the Church was, and even though the figures are for the U.S., I am quite certain that the trend holds world-wide. In a piece titled "The Canonization of Vatican II: The case for Pacelli, revisited", they did just that.

Long story short, if the Church today was to have even 1/4 of the numbers that the Church was pulling in 1958, it would be seen as almost miraculous, given how bad things are today.

These are only the positive numbers. For a complete picture we would have to also find out the number of apostates every year, how many priests became laicised, how many monks and nuns left religious life and the number of divorces and annulments. With regards to annulments, I know for a fact that there were less than 1,000 in the whole world in the reign of Pope Pius XII, compared to more than 60,000 in the U.S. alone just some 10 years later and today probably. I suspect the other negative numbers from the reign of Pope Pius XII would put NOChurch to shame.

'Shame' and NOChurch are never far apart, and this week was no different. From Rome we had a high-ranking member of the Apostolic Signatura sentenced to 18 months probation for child pornography possession. This particular pervert was revealed as he groped a man at a market and was then run down by the young man, only for the police to intervene. Upon looking him up they noticed he had prior convictions for indecent exposure and this led to a search on his apartment wherein the perverted material was found.

In the U.S., we had one of Bergoglio's most popular sodomy-pushers, Cardinal Tobin - a Bergoglio appointment - tweeting out "goodnight baby" before promptly erasing the tweet. He claimed that it was to his sister, but I am not sure how many people believe that, as I certainly don't. The best we can hope for is that he was writing to his mistress, although it doesn't take much of an imagination to suspect that he was sending to someone with not quite so squishy parts...

In Germany, they have gone full-blown apostaste, with news that protestants will be allowed to receive Holy Communion, if they are married to Catholics. I'll not spend much time on this, but it is amusing to note that Catholics who do not pay the Church tax are barred from all sacraments, whereas protestants who share the same bed with Catholics are welcome, even though they do not believe any of the Chuch's imporntant doctrines. That's NOChurch logic if ever we had it. wondered when Muslims will be up for some Sunday bread.

The Remnant wrote a piece on sacrilegious Communion by protestants and traced the rot all the way back to the documents of Vatican II, in 1965. It is very fashionable by many who dislike Bergoglio to pin all the blame on him, but the fact of the matter is that Bergoglio is only a very virulent strain of the Novus Ordo virus. The rot began a long time ago and there are very many people to blame, and no Novus Ordo pope gets off lightly, with the exception of Pope John Paul I whose reign was too short and not excluding even Pope Benedict XVI, however much good he did. These are the same popes, by the way, who are automatically canonised at death, with Bergoglio even blasphemously joking that Benedict and he are on the waiting list.

We are supposed to believe that the greatest crisis and apostasy in the Church's history has been overseen by a series of holy popes not seen since the early centuries, when many of them died to save the faith.

One of these supposed 'heroically holy' popes, Bergoglio the terrible, has this past week been implicated in a financial corruption scandal. It involved the transfer of money to a scandal-ridden hospital on Bergoglio's behest, to the tune of $25 million from an organisation which normally limits itself to donations of $100,000 and in exceptional cases to $200,000. The cardinals in the U.S. voted for the money to go to the hospital because Bergoglio urged them to do so. We would all like to know how much of that money has gone to its proper use and how much went off to pay off people for their silence.

In " Peronism and Corruption" , Fr. Ray Blake attempted to explain why Bergoglio surrounds himself with so many perverts. He puts it down to Peronism, in which people are promoted not due to competence or virtue, but out of loyalty to the head honcho. Hilary White picked up on this and pointed out that part of the reason why Bergoglio wants perverts around him is because they are easier to control since he has more dirt on them. That he is one of them did not get a mention, but perverts of a feather perve together.

The now rather famous Jordan Peterson revealed in an interview to former Catholic Answers host Patrick Coffin that he needs 3 more years before he can give his position on the "historical Jesus". I remember getting into a discussion regarding whether the man was a Christian or...

Communists and sodomy-pushers abound, but shepherds are in short supply in the Bergoglio's NOChurch Vatican - Sunday 4th of February to Saturday 10th of February

In the article On Francis and sedevacantism, Louie Verrechio laid out why Bergoglio must without doubt be considered a heretic. It is not only the sheer volume of his actions against the faith, but the fact that he obstinately persists in his errors despite very public corrections. He holds that Pope Benedict XVI is the real pope, although this has more to do with the strangeness surrounding Pope Benedict XVI's abdication and his subsequent life as "emeritus", with little incomprehensible statements issued from him from time to time. It is a piece worth reading.

He also called out a truly scandalous movie review by Greydanus, a regular visitor on Catholic Answers, at least when I used to listen to them, and if I am not mistaken, still a writter for the National Catholic Register. The movie has pederasty as its theme and the deacon did not condemn either the message or the movie, which raised some eyebrows. I used to think that the guests on Catholic Answers were orthodox Catholics, but I have to question that now. Truth be told though, he might have been orthodox before and become a scandal-rouser to emulate his pope. Either way, one more example of Novusordoism-in-action.

On the topic of Novusordoism, things have really been happening and the scandals keep coming so fast that I more or less have a hard time keeping up.

We have Cardinal Marx in Germany saying that the Church should bless homosexual relations/unions. What I think of Cardinal Marx ought not be written here, but let's just leave it at that he is obviously a sodomitical apostate. If we had any faith in NOChurch, we would have a whole raft of condemnations coming his way, but instead we have crickets. There has been some negative reaction from a few prelates in Germany, and we can assume that the normal gang of generally faithful cardinals and bishops are against, but the ones who really ought to address this - the Vatican - have been silent.

Mundabor wirtes that Cardinal Marx Should Be Defrocked Yesterday, to which I can only add that he perhaps ought to be tarred and feathered as well. If what some say about names is true - that the name of a child in large part determines his destiny - then we can surely note that in the case of Cardinal Marx at least, they have the very best evidence of their notion.

The sexual impropriety scandals regarding Bergoglio just keep coming. We have the Bishop Barros case in Chile, whose details are now coming to the fore, and even being picked up by the secular media, Bergoglio's most loyal allies to date. We can only hope that this will continue, because there is a whole treasure trove of scandals touchig Bergoglio for any journalists willing to do any slight amount of detective work. Of that I am entirely sure.

It would be very ironic, many have noted, if Bergoglio was to be brought down by a paedophilia scandal, given that the Barros affair is pretty much the least of the offences he has had against the faith. The secular world cares not for morality in the least, but it still manages to work itself into some sort of (false) outrage when paedophilia is concerned, , mainly, it would seem, so as to attack the Church and the wolves we have had within Her since the 1950s, who went unpunished.

Bergoglio, with his bottomless pit of perversion, only needed to stay clear of paedohilia, and the press would have lauded him every day of the week for doing so. Alas, the man is too much of an idiot to realise even that, so it would be the irony of ironies if Bergoglio, who ever since he was elected has done everything to sell out to secularism, was brought down by the only sin the secular world still manages to pretend that it condemns, by the very same secular world to which he has been pimping out the Church.

Did you know that "China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine"? Neither did I, and neither, I would bet, did the Chinese. Yet according to one of Bergoglio's sodomy-pushing entourage, this is precisely the case. This is, of course, the same country in which the unborn and the born alike are killed with impunity if they are born in the wrong order, or  are of the wrong sex, or fill-in-your-reason.

According to Sorondo though, since China implements Laudato Si laudably, they are the best implementers of Catholic social doctrine. We can disregard that they raze houses, put clergy under house arrest, murder the laity and ban children from attending Church; other than that they are exemplary Catholics.

It would not take a particularly conspiratorial mind to notice that what Sorondo is saying is that those who hate the Catholic faith the most are the ones to be emulated. I would argue that has been the very theme of this dreadful diabolical pontificate.

We were also informed that some cardinals had approved the 'miracle' attributed to Pope Paul VI required for his canonisation. Without divine intervention, we are therefore likely to be treated to yet another NOChurch pope canonised for loyalty to the revolution.

In "Vale Vatican II: Moving On", Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman argues that it is time we put Vatican II to rest and move on from it, given that everything about the council has been a failure at best, and more honestly speaking, a diabolical catastrophe. The theme was picked up and expounded by Brian Williams in "Time to Let Go of Vatican II".

Finally, some good news, with the Polish president having recently signed a bill which will outlaw Sunday trading. It is little more than Sunday Sanity, Mundabor tells us, as he writes about fond memories of his childhood in what was still a Catholic Italy. We should pray that the Sunday...


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