Bergoglio victim-of-the-week

Training my neck muscles: On drones and the Blessed Sacrament, and NOChurch being good for something - Sunday 1st to Saturday 8th of April - Easter Week

It was Easter week, and a good week it was indeed. Whatever else happens in the world cannot take away from the joy of the Resurrection.

Easter Sunday this year fell on April Fool's day, and Mundabor took the time to make an Easter confession regarding how he had met  a new younger woman and in order to seek happiness he was obliged to follow his emotions and leave his family for her. I recognised it as an April Fools' day immediately, having followed his blog for long enough to realise that he would come up with one, and having learned enough of the man to realise that he would keep his adultery secret, as any half-decent man would, instead of parade it about.

Sadly, not everyone was in on this and we had some of our lost Catholic sheep advising him to have an annulment enough so as to put a NOChurch stamp on his adultery. This again re-inforces the point I have made many times that the annulment process today is little more than a Catholic divorce and furthermore, that is how most Catholics seem to view it as well.

One story which might well have made a good April Fools' day, but which alas, was just another day in NOChurch, was the one about the parish which used a drone to deliver the Blessed Sacrament in  a monstance to the priest. Ringing a bell and walking solemnly to the altar just isn't entertaining enough for modern man, you know.

As the title pointed out, this was neck muscles training time and if there is one thing NOChurch is good at it is getting me to shake my head on account of the sheer volume of the sheer madness which I witness and read about. Shaking one's head is all one can do at times and I admit that I am forced to do it quite often.  I can admit that I never thought I would see the words "drone" and "Blessed Sacrament" in the same sentence, and we have to thank NOChurch for making that happen, I suppose.

Having experienced the pre-1950s Holy Week celebration, Jeff Ostrowski came to realise that he was wrong to Dread the “Pre-1955” Holy Week. One of the most peculiar thing about it was that the vigil was held in the morning - which even I find a bit odd - but he wrote that it didn't seem out of place. That it was much longer did not seem to be as much of a drain as he had feared either.

The Skripal poisoning story still hasn't died, and neither have those who were allegedly poisoned. At this point I am only continuing to use the term 'Skripal poisoning' mainly for categorising reasons, as that is the tag that I gave it at the beginning. Last week we were told that Yulia Skripal had woken up from her coma. This week we were informed that someone had logged into her facebook page when she was supposed to be in a coma. The Russians insist that they   won’t accept probe into Skripal case if Russian specialists won’t take part and who can blame them? There doesn't seem to have been a poisoning at all, one would have to conclude at this point. The Russians are not letting this story die down, and nor should they. The U.K. has to be named and shamed over this, and heads should roll, if not literally then at least figuratively, because we have agents who seem intent on starting a major confrontation and looking for a premise on which to do it.

In this week's entry for the culture of death, we had a German woman jailed for 9yrs for murdering her newborns & keeping bodies in freezer.

It is not all bad news though, so, for instance, in Syria, rebuilding efforts are underway, now that the only major pockets of Islamists remaining are those in areas under American protection. This is exemplified by drone footage from Ghouta showing the clearing of a highway which has been blocked for a long time on account of the fighting.

It would hardly be a week's review if we did not have stories regarding Bergoglio's ongoing efforts to destroy the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith. This week's entries are varied but I shall only pass over them in brief.

First the world's favourite heretic was busy telling missionaries that they shouldn't be missionaries, and this didn't make news any more as we have tome to expect that sort of nonsense. Then we had a story which was issued on April Fools' day but which had not been retracted or revealed as one, regarding how one non-Italian cardinal confronted him regarding his denial of hell, one of his many heresies. I can't think that our cowardly cardinals will let it go beyond faint voice-raising inside the Vatical walls, but it's good that we have that at least.

Louie Verrechio had is take on Bergoglioism in a piece titled "Bergoglianism: An effort to rewrite the Divine Law" which details how Bergoglio's strategy in fighting the Faith is to reduce it to mere rules and ideals. In "Is Francis Catholic? The burden of proof" he lays out the case that it is simply not enough to presume that bergoglio is a Catholic  until proven otherwise, on account of the fact that he was baptised as one and presumably is in charge of the Catholic Church. No, rather he argues that "there are well-established criteria that must be met in order for one to legitimately lay claim to such membership". This is in accordance with the Encyclical Mystici Corporis written by Pius XII.

Bergoglio has, of course, demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that he absolutely abhors Holy Mother Church and the Catholic Faith which she...

The grinch who stole Holy Week, or more honestly put, the attention whore who tried to upstage it - Sunday 25th to Saturday 31st of March - Holy Week

As we all should be aware, but most are not, the Holy Week reforms of the 1950s were quite sweeping. Berfore Holy Week, Rorate Caeli once again re-posted an article on " The Reform of Holy Week in the Years 1951-1956". It is well-worth reading, especially in connection with the news recently that some traditional orders had been allowed to celebrate the pre-1950s Holy Week on a 3-year experimental basis starting this year.

Traditionalists are nothing if not resourceful and it didn't take long before there was a resource for the pre-1950 Holy Week with English translations, aptly called Pre-1955 Holy Week (although I grant that it may well have been present before the announcement). Rorate Caeli also provided us with a clarification on who exactly may chant the Passion. These two interventions by Rorate Caeli were quite helpful to me personally, as I finally came to realise taht the Passion is not actually the Gospel reading for Good Friday, but that we actually have a Passion reading followed by a Gospel reading, at least in the traditinal liturgy, pre-1950s edition in any case. Rorate Caeli was also kind enough to provide us with pictures of Palm Sunday from the pre-1955 Holy Week celebration.

Anybody who knows anything about Christianity knows that Easter is the biggest event of the Church year (yet it seems that professional journalists writing for major state-sponsored publications don't have a clue about what Easter is all about, to nobody's surprise, and they are probably even proud about it). We shall also know that Holy Week is the most august week of the year. It is for this reason that the secular anti-Catholic world generally steps up its attacks on the Catholic faith and the Catholic Church. It is also the week that the world's most popular attention-whore gets up to his usual attention-seeking antics in order to seemingly steal attention away from the Church's commemorations and celebrations.

This year was no exception, but having noticed that his Maundy Thursday foot fetish doesn't get the attention it used to , Bergoglio decided to get a little help from his now 93-year old atheist friend Euginio Scalfari. Every time he speaks to that an he can be guaranteed a few scandalous headlines and this time was no different. Just in time for the Holy Week Celebrations, in which Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist and died to save us from the fires of hell and allow us too spend eternity with God, Bergoglio told his friend that there is no hell, and that those who die in sin simply vanish, while those who repent before end up spending eternity in the presence of God. This interview was timed to coincide with Maundy Thursday, and naturally overshadowed his feet-washing ceremony, which was once more carried out in prison and against the rubrics of the Novus Ordo, rubrics which he himself amended, it has to be mentioned.

The reactions were not long in coming, and predictably, much of the Catholic press tied itself up in knots, blaming the poor atheist fool Scalfari, instead of pointing to Bergoglio as the culprit. The Vatican issued a non-denial denial, informing us, as we all know, that Scalfari does not record his interviews so it cannot be ascertained whether what was reported was the exact phrasing that Bergoglio used. In other words, they were saying loudly and clearly that Bergoglio is a heretic, as we all know, but we can use the he-doesn't-record-interviews card to get us out of a very serious doctrinal situation. They could really have done little else, for had they said that Bergoglio had actually admitted that he doesn't believe in hell, then they would efffectively have been confirming what we all know, that the man is not Catholic. Had they come out and denied that Bergoglio said that, then they would have had to explain how it is that a man who, as far as I know, hasn't faced many accusations of total misrepresenation in his work before - save for when he speaks to Bergoglio - could get such a fundamental thing so wrong.

Bergoglio himself did not come out and deny it, so we can rest safely in the knowledge that Bergoglio told his atheist friend that. It must be noted that this is not the first time that Bergoglio has denied that souls end up in hell, as Scalfari has reported on this before, and even in Church documents Bergoglio has written something to the tune of everything been on its way to Heaven. His defenders have pointed out that Bergoglio mentions the devil quite a lot, and so he must be misquoted if he has said that the devil does not exist. That is a logical fallacy if ever there was one, as it is entirely possible to believe that the devil exists and yet believe that nobody ends up in hell; that the devil would spend eternity in hell with his demons. In any case it was dishonest of them as they could easily have found multiple instances of Bergoglio telling us that those who die in mortal sin never end up in hell, assuming that anybody can even die in mortal sin, which Bergoglio does not seem to believe - save for traditional Catholics who use doctrine as stones to throw at people while sitting in the judgment seat of Moses. That's his phrasing, not mine, of course.

On the topic of attacking the Church's doctrines, Bergoglio could not resist taking a barb at the notion of truth, insisting that priests ought not to make "idols of certain abstract truths". This was in a separate speech, mind you, proving beyond doubt, if anyone is still not convinced, that the man is in constant heresy mode, and not just when speaking to his atheist anti-Catholic friends who, if you are to believe his enablers, have nothing better to do than...

It turns out NOChurch is actually good at something, and Bergoglio's heresies are of his own free choice - Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th of March

We can really only start in one place, and that's with what has become known as 'Lettergate'. I tagged it as "Vigano lettergate" because I can only assume that there will be more scandals involving falsified letters from this dreadful pontificate and I therefore need to prefix 'lettergate'.

The basic story, as I have understood it is as follows. Vigano, who acts as some sort of communications director, asked Pope Benedict XVI to write a letter in promotion of a series of theological papers due to be released in 'honour' of Bergoglio's 5-year anniversary as pope. The Vatican released an image of 2 pages of the letter, only the first of which could be seen, with the signature on the second page.

It soon became known that they had blurred out the last paragraph on the first page. In this section, Pope Benedict wrote that he had not read the books and had no  intention of reading them. What seemed to be a mild endorsement had transformed into a complete non-endorsement of the books, and a less than complimentary take on Bergoglio's pontificate thus far.

In stage 3 of Vigano lettergate, it became known through Sandro Magister that the Vatican communications department had omitted virtually all the text on the second page, barring the signature. This part made it clear that Pope Benedict had refused to touch these papers on account of sections of the bundle being written by 2 theologians who had become known during his pontificate and that of Pope John Paul II for all manner of heresies. In other words, the non-endorsement had turned into a condemnation. If one was to read between the lines, one could see that what Benedict was saying was that people who have had all sorts of problems with the Church's teaching are now being used to endorse Bergoglio's theology, which can only mean that Bergoglio is more or less a heretic himself, and this coming from a 'pope emeritus'.

A lot of people wondered why Bergoglio's handlers had to go to such great lengths to turn a non-endorsement into an endorsement, and in such a bad way in which they were bound to be found out. Perhaps their incompetence simply doesn't allow them to know any better. Perhaps they do actually want Bergoglio exposed as the true fraud that he is. It's anybody's guess at this time. What is claimed to be the full text was then finally released, and Edward Pentin has done a good job covering the timeline of this scandal.

In any case, people realised what we have long suspected: Bergoglio's pontificate is burning itself to the ground to such an extent that they require some sort of endorsement from Pope Benedict XVI, whose reforms have been dismantled by Bergoglio virtually from the top down.

There is one thing which Pope Benedict wrote which is worth drawing attention to and in my opinion this is the take-away. These most important words of Pope Benedict XVI's letter are the following:

I applaud this initiative that wants to oppose and react to the foolish prejudice in which Pope Francis is just a practical man without particular theological or philosophical formation, while I have been only a theorist of theology with little understanding of the concrete life of a Christian today. 

What Pope Benedict XVI is telling us here is that Bergoglio's heresies and idiocies are of his own making and nobody else can be blamed for them.

It has become very common to excuse Bergoglio by saying that he had a bad formation, as a South American Jesuit in the 1960s. In other words, what these people are implying is that everybody is to blame for Bergoglio's stupidity than Bergoglio himself. The list of these people can indeed be made long, and would have to start with his parents, then his school teachers, his seminary directors, his bishop, his Jesuit superiors, and probably a whole big cast, not least of which is the case which surrounds Bergoglio today and is said to offer him bad advice.

Pope Benedict XVI utterly rejects this view and points out that Bergodlio did have a good formation and that his heretical ways are entirely of his own choosing.

This brings us to our next point...

One of the most dreadful individuals on the face of the Earth, Cardinal Kasper, came out with his usual tripe about Bergoglio and  contraception. This time though, Kasper is right on the money. It cannot be denied that Bergoglio has subtly endorsed contraception on multiple occasions, and while not endorsing it he has minimised its moral gravity. Kasper argues that Bergoglio's "silence" on the issue shows that he approves of it, and I could not agree more. As I commented on the day:

It creeps me out to agree with Kasper on anything, but I would have to agree with him that Bergoglio's silence on contraception reveals that Bergoglio is in favour of it.

However, even in that statement Kasper cannot help but be true to himself and lie.

It is far from accurate to tell us that Bergoglio has not spoken about contraception. It would be like saying that Theresa May of U.K.-poodleship fame has not accused Vladimir Putin of acts of aggression simply because she does not mention his name when making all kinds of anti-Russian statements implicating the Russian government.

Bergoglio has indeed spoken out multiple times against the Church's stance on contraception. In at least one instance he insisted that the Church "must not obsess" about "contraception, homosexuality and abortion". In another he said that Pope Paul VI changed his mind on contraception, allowing it for certain cases; a blatant lie and one of many.

Anyone who claims that Bergoglio has not attacked the Church's teaching on contraception ought to be ashamed that on this issue even Kasper the terrible cardinal is more truthful.

As if to accentuate the Novus Ordo's chronic ability...

Proof, if anyone needed it, that NOChurch is the devil's creation, from the mouths of Novus Ordites themselves - Sunday 4th to Saturday 10th of March

They say that polls can be used to tell us just about anything, and it's true that the way questions are posed does make a big difference. If the questions are posed in the same way year after year, however, then the polls must tells us something of value, if it is the case that there are variations year on year, of even if there are no variations, to the very same questions asked in much the same way.

This, I assume, is the way that the Pew Research Center has been conducting its various surveys aimed at Catholics on various issues. The latest survey is quite telling in may ways and some will indeed choose to focus on the fact that Bergoglio has lost a lot of trust among most Catholics. Mind you, by 'Catholics' the researchers mean people who self-identify as Catholics. Had the term 'Catholic' been defined to mean people who actually believe in everything that the Catholic Church teaches there is little doubt that the figures would have looked much worse for Bergoglio, but then again, there might not have been a big enough sample to go by, given that believing Catholics are virtually an endangered species after almost 60 years of NovusOrdoism.

I could go on and ask this and that question, such as "how can an overwhelming majority of Catholics still maintain  positive opinion about this man?", or "how can a majority think he is a force for good?". That really wouldn't get us anywhere because the point that traditionalists have been making for a long time is that 'Catholics' for the most part nowadays are practitioners of a religion that would have been deemed abominable by virtually any practising Catholic before 1950.  I'll not dwell much on Bergoglio except to point out that Bergoglio has only accelerated  a loss of identity and virtue that began even before the Second Vatican Council, probably since they re-made the Holy Week liturgy in 1950, and it is not hard to see why because the psychological effect of these changes must have led to the conclusion that Christianity is a man-made religion.

If you don't believe me then simply ponder what I wrote on the day I read the survey:

In other NOChurch apostasy news, we have a poll measuring attitudes of Catholics in the U.S. to various topics, althouth most of the piece focuses on Bergoglio. A lot of people will focus on Bergoglio but I thought the most telling point was the following:

The share of U.S. Catholics who favor allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry has grown from 54% in 2012 to 67% in 2017.

In other words, the mass apostasy within NOChurch began long before Bergoglio began homosexualising and anti-evangelising through his voluminous seemingly-never-ending rantings.

In a discussion that I had some while back, it was mentioned that Vladimir Putin does not give full freedom to the Catholic Church in Russia. I am unsure what that means, as the Catholic Church in Russia seems to be under less oppression than in say, the U.K.. In any case,  my response was simple:

If I was in charge of Russia I wouldn't allow the Catholic Church to operate either. This is a country coming out of 80 years of communist propaganda, with a president trying to rebuild the moral fabric of the nation. On the other side we have the Catholic Church, which in its NOChurch guise seems to do nothing other than promote homosexuality and feminism.

The survey of American Catholics confirms pretty much what I said then. Whatever NOChurch touches is worse off for it.

Many will say that one needs to make a distinction between people who self-identify as Catholics and those who actually go to Mass every single Sunday. I agree that the distinction is not irrelevant, but I have always argued that the greatest argument against the Novus Ordo is not the vast number of Catholics who never bother going to Church on Sundays, but rather a good conversation with a large number of those who do. I have had many of these discussions, and I can disabuse anybody of the notion that the statistics for Sunday Mass-going Catholics would be anything other than horrifying.

I really do not want to spend too much time on other news of the week, because nothing out to detract from the frightening news contained in that survey, which I urge everyone to read.

In other weeks, I might have spent more time on a new homosexual priest scandal, this time in Italy, on account of the news that a homosexual prostitute made a list of 40 sodomitical clerics with whom he has been involved and this list has now been presented to the Vatican. As I wrote last week, we seem to have sodomy news from clerics almost every week and it is utterly depressing, yet it explains so much of what is going on in the Church today.

I could mention that an African cardinal, a certain Cardinal John Onaiyekan, is bemused at why the Catholic Church in Europe is attempting to tackle the 'isolation' of homosexuals, instead of tackling its empty Churches.

In another week, I might have written extensively about the Italian elections, in which anti-immigration and anti-EU forces won the majority of the votes, very much in oppsition to Bergoglio's and the Italian bishops' conference's prodding.

We might have been able to tackle comments by Cardinal Brandmüller taking issue at the German bishops' conference promoting and authorising protestants to receive 'Holy Communion' on Sundays if they are married to Catholics, a move based on "utterly dishonest" premises. After all, these would be protestants who long so much to receive the Eucharist that they couldn't be bothered to enter the Catholic Church in order tod o it.

Also of mention is the fact the truth regarding the...

Communists and sodomy-pushers abound, but shepherds are in short supply in the Bergoglio's NOChurch Vatican - Sunday 4th of February to Saturday 10th of February

In the article On Francis and sedevacantism, Louie Verrechio laid out why Bergoglio must without doubt be considered a heretic. It is not only the sheer volume of his actions against the faith, but the fact that he obstinately persists in his errors despite very public corrections. He holds that Pope Benedict XVI is the real pope, although this has more to do with the strangeness surrounding Pope Benedict XVI's abdication and his subsequent life as "emeritus", with little incomprehensible statements issued from him from time to time. It is a piece worth reading.

He also called out a truly scandalous movie review by Greydanus, a regular visitor on Catholic Answers, at least when I used to listen to them, and if I am not mistaken, still a writter for the National Catholic Register. The movie has pederasty as its theme and the deacon did not condemn either the message or the movie, which raised some eyebrows. I used to think that the guests on Catholic Answers were orthodox Catholics, but I have to question that now. Truth be told though, he might have been orthodox before and become a scandal-rouser to emulate his pope. Either way, one more example of Novusordoism-in-action.

On the topic of Novusordoism, things have really been happening and the scandals keep coming so fast that I more or less have a hard time keeping up.

We have Cardinal Marx in Germany saying that the Church should bless homosexual relations/unions. What I think of Cardinal Marx ought not be written here, but let's just leave it at that he is obviously a sodomitical apostate. If we had any faith in NOChurch, we would have a whole raft of condemnations coming his way, but instead we have crickets. There has been some negative reaction from a few prelates in Germany, and we can assume that the normal gang of generally faithful cardinals and bishops are against, but the ones who really ought to address this - the Vatican - have been silent.

Mundabor wirtes that Cardinal Marx Should Be Defrocked Yesterday, to which I can only add that he perhaps ought to be tarred and feathered as well. If what some say about names is true - that the name of a child in large part determines his destiny - then we can surely note that in the case of Cardinal Marx at least, they have the very best evidence of their notion.

The sexual impropriety scandals regarding Bergoglio just keep coming. We have the Bishop Barros case in Chile, whose details are now coming to the fore, and even being picked up by the secular media, Bergoglio's most loyal allies to date. We can only hope that this will continue, because there is a whole treasure trove of scandals touchig Bergoglio for any journalists willing to do any slight amount of detective work. Of that I am entirely sure.

It would be very ironic, many have noted, if Bergoglio was to be brought down by a paedophilia scandal, given that the Barros affair is pretty much the least of the offences he has had against the faith. The secular world cares not for morality in the least, but it still manages to work itself into some sort of (false) outrage when paedophilia is concerned, , mainly, it would seem, so as to attack the Church and the wolves we have had within Her since the 1950s, who went unpunished.

Bergoglio, with his bottomless pit of perversion, only needed to stay clear of paedohilia, and the press would have lauded him every day of the week for doing so. Alas, the man is too much of an idiot to realise even that, so it would be the irony of ironies if Bergoglio, who ever since he was elected has done everything to sell out to secularism, was brought down by the only sin the secular world still manages to pretend that it condemns, by the very same secular world to which he has been pimping out the Church.

Did you know that "China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine"? Neither did I, and neither, I would bet, did the Chinese. Yet according to one of Bergoglio's sodomy-pushing entourage, this is precisely the case. This is, of course, the same country in which the unborn and the born alike are killed with impunity if they are born in the wrong order, or  are of the wrong sex, or fill-in-your-reason.

According to Sorondo though, since China implements Laudato Si laudably, they are the best implementers of Catholic social doctrine. We can disregard that they raze houses, put clergy under house arrest, murder the laity and ban children from attending Church; other than that they are exemplary Catholics.

It would not take a particularly conspiratorial mind to notice that what Sorondo is saying is that those who hate the Catholic faith the most are the ones to be emulated. I would argue that has been the very theme of this dreadful diabolical pontificate.

We were also informed that some cardinals had approved the 'miracle' attributed to Pope Paul VI required for his canonisation. Without divine intervention, we are therefore likely to be treated to yet another NOChurch pope canonised for loyalty to the revolution.

In "Vale Vatican II: Moving On", Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman argues that it is time we put Vatican II to rest and move on from it, given that everything about the council has been a failure at best, and more honestly speaking, a diabolical catastrophe. The theme was picked up and expounded by Brian Williams in "Time to Let Go of Vatican II".

Finally, some good news, with the Polish president having recently signed a bill which will outlaw Sunday trading. It is little more than Sunday Sanity, Mundabor tells us, as he writes about fond memories of his childhood in what was still a Catholic Italy. We should pray that the Sunday...

Extremely malicious or mind-numbingly incompetent or both; the only ways to understand U.S. policy in Syria and the wider Middle East - Sunday 21st to Saturday 27th of January

It was a relatively slow news week so I hope my summation of the week's events shall be quite brief.

In Syria, American bungling is reaching titanic levels - in the modern conception of the word "titanic".

The U.S. said that it would back a Kurdish border force, upon which Turkey promptly initiated a military campaign against Kurdish regions in northern Syria. Now the U.S. is telling Turkey that it should be careful about what it is doing there, and Turkey is responding by asking the Americans what gives them the right to be in Syria in the first place. A major political confrontation between NATO allies is at hand, and if we are lucky it could escalate to a military confrontation and help bring about the end of this out-dated organisation.

I am at times left wondering whether the American leadership - and this is no different under Trump - is simply incompetent or malicious, and I always fall back on malicious because I have a hard time believing that anybody could be as ignorant as the Americans would have to be to think that they would be able to arm a 30,000-strong Kurdish militia while expecting Turkey to sit on the sidelines watching by. My take on this is that the Americans want Turkey in Syria and in order to do this they had to provoke them into a military confrontation. The resentment from the Turks over this certainly seems genuine, so I dismiss the notion that both sides are acting.

That theory at least leaves the Americans in control of their senses, and is about as charitable as I can be towards American imperialist aggression. We cannot dismiss the notion that they are totally intellectually inept, however, and the number of flip-flops that TIllerson makes would be able to give an ordinary man whiplash.

The Syrians threatened to shoot down Turkish jets if they cross into Syria, but I doubt they will follow through on that threat, given the NATO-menace. This is why we must all hope for the quick disintegration of NATO.

The Bergoglio Vatican continues to lie to us, this time telling us that the award it gave to a pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-euthanasia Dutch politician was not done in order to honour her, but in order to insult her. No comments needed on that one.

Sticking to the most perverse pseudo-pontificate in history, we were told that Bergoglio's Vatican is asking faithful bishops in China to resign so that the Vatican can reach a deal with China to have communist-appointed bishops. The strange thing about this whole scenario is that Cardinal Zen seems to have been under the impression that Bergoglio was unaware of the Chinese Catholics being sold out. Alas, the Vatican has been quick to issue a correction to his narrative and assured us that the shenanigans of the Vatican diplomatic corps are in lock-step with the thoughts of the most openly communist pope in history.

I have pointed out before that if you do not feel betrayed by Bergoglio, then you have to question your Catholic credentials. Alas, we now know that the Chinese underground Catholics are true Catholics, because they have joined the large group of faithful Catholics which Bergoglio has sold out at one time or another.

The actor Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus Christ in the movie "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson, recently gave a speech to Catholic university students. It is well-worth watching and listening to if you can stand the annoying introduction which lasts less than 80 seconds, or simply skip the firssty 80 seconds - it's somewhat NovusOrdoist ending not withstanding. In brief, it is more Catholic than what virtually any Novus Ordo bishop in the Church has said since Vatican II. It really put our effeminate episcopacy to shame.

VoxCantoris is angry that Catholics in Canada put the most anti-Catholic ruler they have ever had in that country in power. He referenced an earlier post in which Canada's supreme court came down softly on a bestiality case. I sympathise with him, but must point out that under Anglo-Saxon custom, one can only be charged under crimes which are in the statutes. If the wording of the statutes produces undesirable or immoral outcomes, then the statute has to be changed. This is partially why we have had such broad statutes of late that virtually anybody can be found guilty of some kind of law in the Anglo-Saxon countries. That is not a suitable alternative.

A more suitable alternative would be an Old Testament kind of system in which the judges are presumed to be wise and therefore have much greater leeway in issuing their judgements. That however, reminds me of the old Soviet joke, that "if we had ham, we could make eggs and ham, if we had the eggs". One would need wise judges - who are in short supply in the West nowadays - and a moral code which is virtually universal in society, another thing which doesn't exist in 'modern' Western societies.

Finally, we were treated to a very good quote from Joseph Sobran by Laura Wood, regarding Western aggression in the Middle East:

 “Let’s face it: Christianity and Islam are eternal enemies. Each makes uncompromising claims of exclusive truth. But this doesn’t mean that the secularist-Zionist war on the Islamic world serves any Christian interest or deserves Christian support.”

I naturally agree with that completely, and it more or less sums up my view on zionist and Western secular aggression directed against non-Jews in the Middle East - many of these victims being Christians even. It would seem the zionists have co-opted the secularists and the Christian zionists (ignorant as they are of both history and theology) in a battle-of-civilisation which rests on completely false grounds - namely, that Christians and Jews stand on the same side religiously, or even morally.

We were also informed that a traditionalism-leaning monastic community in Germany was closed, and that it didn't...

The man who might be pope, and actually seems Catholic - Sunday 7th to Saturday 13th of January, 2018

This was, for NOChurch Bergoglian times, a relatively scandal-free week, although this did not spare us notions which would have horrified any even slightly-decent Catholic some 60 years ago or so.

In an interview, Bishop Athanasius Schneider was keen to point out what everyone already knows: Bergoglio has by his intransigence, demagoguery, promotions/demotions and affirmations already answered the dubia questions which were presented to him. In other words, we are in completely uncharted waters and it will no longer do to pretend that Bergoglio is leading the Barque of St. Peter into safe waters, but rather we must face the realisation that he is trying to scuttle the ship. The good bishop did not say that, but  a little creative reading between the lines will tell us that.

A group of converts from Islam has also come to the same realisation and they posted an open letter urging Bergoglio to change his attitudes toward Islam. They point out that conversion to Christianity from Islam comes at great personal cost, so Bergoglio should not be going around minimising the sacrifice that converts make, or confusing the faithful by promoting the notion that Islam, or any other religion for that matter, is the way to God, or even worthy of praise.

The big Bergoglian scandal of the week came with the news that Bergoglio had awarded a pontifical award to a homosexualist abortion promoter from the Netherlands. The award is titled "The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great" and is supposed to be given to those who through their actions have shown great devotion to the teachings of Holy Mother Church, so we are all longing to know just which of these miscreant's multiple acts of violence against the Catholic faith Bergoglio thinks should be incorporated into the Catechism. The Vatican's defence was that she was awarded the medal for being a visiting diplomat, which as far as excuses go, seems to have been plucked from the equivalent of meat which isn't fit enough to go into  sausages for dogs (if there even is such low-grade meat that is).

The curious thing is that nobody was particularly surprised: We have all got used to the fact that Bergoglio is a death merchant. "Does Pope Francis Have No Shame?", we were asked. The answer, of course, is "no, he is utterly shameless!"

Sticking to the topic of Bergoglio and his death merchant and perverts, a member of the 'Academy for Life' appointed by Bergoglio informed us that couples (by which I, not wanting to waste too much time reading his filth, suppose he means married coupes) are in certain circumstances obliged to use contraception.

Fr. John Hunwicke picked up on an article written in the Catholic Herald titled "How to save the English Church" and was supportive of the ideas proposed. These ideas are that there are places in England which have shown that it is possible to revitalise parishes, if only they are handed over to people who have a sense of purpose. Those parishes entrusted to the Institute of Christ the King in particular have borne great fruit. The author wondered why some of these parishes should not be also handed over to the Ordinariate.  We would all like to know.

Over in Iran, they have now banned English in primary schools in an effort to end/combat "Western cultural invasion". Maybe when they are done trying it over there they can export the idea abroad. I am actually in 100% agreement with them that without English the moral corruption of the youth through popular culture is likely to be much more difficult. Let them learn Chinese or Russian, or Latin!

We were also informed that Bergoglio might have plans in the making to force every priest to swear allegiance to him, as opposed to the Church. We shall keep a watchful eye on this story. It certainly seems to fit the personality of the man, but I doubt it will happen. He doesn't need to anyway, since he has much, if not most, of the NOChurch establishment doing his bidding.

Okay, having written this much, I now realise that the week was actually yet another horrible NOChurch week, but I am done with the bad news...

We did have good news the best of which came with the installation of Archbishop Michel Aupetit in the Archdiocese of Paris. I am not quite sure how this man has managed to slip the Bergoglian drag net because he actually seems more than decent. We are, after all, talking about an appointment by a man who seems to seek out the darkest corners of the Church for the most devious perverts before he makes an appointment, and who seems to reject decent choices in favour of indecent ones, so this appointment is a schock, frankly speaking. Even The Remnant lauded the man, and praise from The Remnant does not come cheap; nor should it. I have previously written that I see this man as papabilia, and I have yet to come across bad news regarding him. He is anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia, seems actually Catholic, and has a hollistic view of medical ethics which he has presented in a well-reviewed book, so he is likely to dive arm-deep into the ethical issues plaguing France at the moment. Having been a doctor, he is more than capable of holding his own against those who use trade jargon to promote inaccuracies and outright falsehoods.

I look forward to learning more about the man and if he is even half as good as he seems then it seems promosing.

Our sometimes-friend-sometimes-foe always opinionated Fr. Allan J. McDonald had a piece on how to "popularise ad orientem without disorienting the laity", in response to a piece written by Msgr. Charles Pope. I am in agreement with one of the commenters to the piece who wrote:...

So perverted they insist on soiling the nativity scene at St. Peter's Square, not just their apartments - Sunday 10th to Saturday 16th of December

The big issue of the week was without a doubt the blasphemous and distasteful horror show that Bergoglio's Vatican decided to label a nativity scene and parade in front of everyone to see.

It is as though their perversions run so deep that Bergoglio's gang cannot keep their homo-eroticism to themselves but must parade it to everyone. The overriding concern form me is: Just what is so unedifying about the miracle of Christmas that it requires other stuff to complement it? Yes, I know there is such a thing as a Neapolitan nativity scene, in which more characters than those central to the nativity are displayed, but those are done in good taste and the Holy Family is never obscured, nor are one's sensitivities offended. In Bergoglio's nativity scene, what we have is a set in which one struggles to locate the Holy Family amidst the rubble floating in front, above, below and to the side of them.

Nobody objects to the corporal works of mercy, but "to everything there is a season" and surely nobody believes that Bergoglio and his gang pulled this stunt innocently? No, they must have known what an offence it would cause and how it would detract from the Christmas miracle! Then we have the homosexual themes of it, which, coming as it does from Montevergine, stretches far deeper than what one might have first thought, as we were informed by Lifesite News. The sexual deviancy part of it was well highlighed by Fr. Ray Blake in a piece which made my comment-of-the-day:

A more real concern, which one blogger highlighted was the 'clothing the naked' scene, he highlighted it with the caption, "I was at Cocco's (Cardinal Cocopalmero) place partying and the next thing I woke up here", The naked figure does indeed look more like someone from a gay gym or party, rather than an emaciated beggar forced to sell even his clothing, which is unfortunate in the Roman Church which is torn by gay scandals and homo-eroticism.

The best take on the nativity scene was by the sedevacantist Novus Ordo Watch in "The Frankie Horror Picture Show: A Look at the Vatican’s harrowing Nativity Scene". They analyse almost every piece in some detail and point out more than anything else the lack of joy in the figures. Enough of that sordid mess, because the fallout from Bergoglio's suggestion to ammend the Pater Noster rumbled on.

Over at AKA Catholic, Louie Verrechio had an exclusive of what Bergolio's new prayer would look like:

The Bergoglian Pater

Our Father, who art full of surprises

Known by many names

Thy Bible strange

Thy doctrines change

On Earth we make our own Heaven

Give us a break from all you said

And forgive us our trespasses

As we give illegals free-passes against us

And worry us not about tradition

But deliver us a pizza

It was obviously in jest, but it's a good summation of what Bergoglio thinks we ought to be doing in stead of praying to God for our eternal salvation, and using the Church to help us get there.

Fr. Hunwicke also had his take on it, and compared Bergoglio to a spoilt toddler brat - in an insult to spoilt brats everywhere:

What repeatedly ... it seems, almost daily !! ... irritates me about PF is his endless propensity to treat the Depositum Fidei, the Universal Church and what she has inherited from the Apostles or from the generations since, as something which is at his disposal to change, to criticise, or to mangle in any way that appeals to his personal whimsy at any particular moment. He is like a toddler who has been given toys to play with ... a big, boisterous and wilful child who likes to play with them rather roughly; whose commonest phrase is "I want ...". If anyone suggests that he should perhaps handle them rather more gently, he throws a tantrum.

Finally, Mundabor in his anti-Bergoglian manners titled his piece "Our Pope, Who Art An Idiot", which pretty much summed up the content of his piece, and of Bergoglio's general behaviour. His most telling piece follows:

As pretty much always, the problem with Francis is that he does not believe in God. Not believing in God, he thinks that the church is a purely human construct. He also clearly believes that this human construct has done pretty much everything wrong before electing him Pope.

That article also made it to my comment-of-the-day.

"The Dictator Pope" continued to propagate, and once again, I must bring in Fr. Ray Blake for his thoughts on this one, in another piece which made it as the day's comment:

I finished that book, 'The Dictator Pope', a few days ago. There was very little that was new in it but it is shocking when scandals are brought together in a catalogue of vice. This is certainly not a book I would recommend most people reading, especially those who are easily shocked.

It portrays a picture of an arbitrary self-seeking princeling with few virtues and practically every vice. For those who hear confessions regularly it gives an insight into the cup which is clean on the outside but full of corruption on the inside.

One of the things that the book shows is just how fake Bergoglio's popularity is. I have long maintained that Bergoglio's popularity is an invention of the fake media. The book more or less confirms this, showing that attendance figures from Bergoglio's general audiences have declined very starkly. It is so bad, that we were informed that they have stopped counting (or at least publishing) these numbers to avoid further embarassment for the attention-whore-in-chief. True to form, this one also made it as a comment of the day.

An interview with the author was published,...

A 2000-year old mistranslation, corrected by his humbleness - Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th of December

In a good stroke of luck, I discovered a blog through Rorate Caeli, by a young woman who has now become a nun. From what I could tell she went from being your ordinary run-of-the-mill Novus Ordo Catholic, to taking the faith seriously, then to embracing tradition and finally becoming a postulant. From what I understand she would much rather have joined the Fransican Sisters of the Immaculate, but on account of Bergoglio's attempt to strangle that order, she had to choose another order.

Her blog is well-worth reading - although it is not actively maintained nowadays - as is her entry on the topic of veiling. In many ways I do feel that the Church will never improve unless we get back to doing the simple things right, and there is surely nothing easier than the rule in the Church regarding head-covering.

Over in Moscow, they are getting tired of American propaganda and aggression towards all and sundry. The comment by Sergei Lavrov that the U.S. should come out in the open regarding whether it is trying to provoke North Korea into a military confrontation as a pretext to destroying it or not was very telling. Fortunately, North Korea has now demonstrated that it has both a powerful nuclear weapon and the means to deliver this nuclear weapon to parts whose victims the U.S. would not dismiss simply as collateral damage - i.e., much if not all of the continental United States.

Being on the side of North Korea on anything is certainly something I never thought I would ever do, but on this issue the lines are perfectly drawn and North Korea is completely in the right and the U.S., as usual, completely in the wrong.

The speed with which the North Koreans have developed their missile capacity is nothing short of striking. It gives me the impression that they have received help, and I suspect this came mainly from China. We have all seen how aggressively the U.S. has approached the border of Russia in Europe and the Chinese will have been taking notes. The last thing they want is to have the U.S. doing the same thing next to them - and Russia, I suspect, would do a whole lot to prevent this as well. In that context, although the Chinese would certainly want to keep the nuclear club as tiny as possible, helping North Korea along its nuclear weapons programme would certainly seem a much more acceptable solution than having the world's most warfaring state right on their doorstep, and it is not unlikely that the Chinese have had a big hand in helping the North Koreans with their weapons so as to maintain the status quo rather than forcing the Chinese into countering the U.S. militarily  head-on.

Whether or not the warfare industry in the U.S. has received these very clear warnings is something else altogether. I am almost at the point whereby I want the U.S. to do something in the Korean Peninsula as I am certain that it would be the end of U.S. hegemony and would bring down their murderous foreign policy to a grinding halt more or less for good. Naturally, I do not want to see anyone dying either so I would much rather the U.S. stopped acting like a bully and came to its senses.

On the topic of 'failed' U.S. policies, we now find that Libya once again has slave markets. We can certainly dismiss the notion that the U.S. is in any way interested in fighting Islamists as the only thing the U.S. has done consistently in the world over the last 30 or so years is to put Islamists in power, and make it harder for local Christians to go about their lives. In the latter case, this even applies to their domestic policy. The editors of the Catholic Herald should hang their heads in shame given how strongly the pushed for a war in Libya.

Staying on the topic of U.S. mess-ups, we have Saakashvili creating a mess in Ukraine- all the while proving to everyone that he is rather messed up - , the same Ukraine which benefited from one of the customary Western-backed coups that make things much worse than they were before. It is frightening to think that we had senior members in the U.S. establishment saying that the U.S. should take in Georgia as a member of NATO and therefore leave the decision on whether to start a NATO-Russia war to these types of madmen, a point that Pat Buchanan makes with not a little bit of gloating and bemusement. To be fair though, madmen don't come loonier than McCain and some of the other warmongers in the U.S. establishment. We now have the comical scene of a Georgian stooge creating political instability for the Ukrainian stooge in Ukraine. The only thing which would make the situation more comical were if the media was to start calling a man who has spent much of his adult life denouncing Russia - Saakashvili - an agent of Vladimir Putin, which seems to be the extent of the intellectual depth of the mainstream Western establishment. Thumbs up for Western interventions!

It would not be an entry without coverage of NOChurch madness. This week's comes in the form of Bergoglio calling for the Pater Noster to be changed. Well, he did not call for an exact change, but rather he wants it to be translated in such a way as to change the meaning of the original. Evidently, we have a pope who cannot take the time to explain that the LORD does not lead us into evil and temptation, so he wants the prayer changed so as to leave Catholics non-confused about it. 

Look, this is just another Bergoglio strawman. Which person on the Earth has ever picked up the Pater Noster as the first thing he did on his Christian...

Unholy cow! The persecution of sanity continues - Sunday 19th-Saturday 25th of November

Just when one thought that the brazen public apostasy in the Novus Ordo cannot get any clearer one gets surprised. This time it is an 'art' exhibition in Belgium which feature sa 'crucified' cow sitting atop 5,000 litres of milk. It was, allegedly, supposed to highlight the wastefulness of consumerism, in its own morbid way, of course, it did.

This is not one of those things which are one by some obscure apostate priest in a far-off parish. No, this particular blasphemous act had the express permission of the bishop in question. He even defended it on the grounds that the shock value might bring back people into what are otherwise empty churches.

The good news about this is that the display took place in a church which appears deserted - i.e., not an active church in which we have Mass. The bad news is that the Church is unused the rest of the time, of course. It's no wonder why because with a bishop like that, one cannot help but wonder what other kind of madness takes place in the many unholy parish churches of Belgium.

"Double excommunication": A new term for this week. It turns out that Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella in Italy has been threatened with a double excommunication for speaking out against Amoris Laetitia - presumably in tones which were too direct for his bishop's liking. He received a 9-month gag order - with which he complied - but upon return resumed his criticism of Amoris Laetitia. 

The particular terms of his excommunication ( which I suppose has now been promulgated) I did not quite understand, but it was 2 execommunications all the same, both - it would seem - intended to persecute sanity and truth.

Given the madness at Svenska Kyrkan - the Swedish Lutheran church - it is difficult to know what is a fake news story and a real one. They seem to have been victims of a misinformation campaign in which it was alleged that there had been a proposal to get rid of masculine pronouns in reference to God. This story made the rounds internationally.

I have little doubt that somebody had indeed proposed that but nonetheless the falsity of the news story was that they would stop doing it. The  story as it was put out was denied, and with fair grounds.

The truth though, it turns out is not much farther from the false story. What they will start doing is allow an option to refer to The Holy Spirit in the feminine form, something which they say is generally allowed in spirit - where one can say "anda" or "ande" for spirit. So one will be able to say "Den heliga andan" instead of "Den Helige Anden". This should cause much outrage as well. The Holy Spirit is masculine, and it matters not whether one can use the feminine form for spirit in Swedish when Christ clearly refered to the Holy Spirit in the Masculine form. It is extremely disingenous of them to pretend that this is not a stark deviation from the Christian faith. What was clearly understood to be masculine may now be understood as feminine, by those not in the know - the vast majority, that is.

There is little doubt that as the Swedish language is debased by gender mainstreaming there will one day come a serious proposal to allow non-masculine pronouns for God, and at the rate of madness with which Svenska Kyrkan conducts itself, there is little doubt that this proposal accepted if not outright mandated. A tranny god is what they want to make themselves, instead of the true God. It is blasphemy, at the very least.

Over at Novus Motus Liturgicus, the eminent Dr. Peter Kwasniewski compares the collects of the Novus Ordo Missae with those of the authentic Roman Rite and finds the Novus Ordo gravely wanting. The theological differences are so great as to almost prove the charge that the Novus Ordo is a new religion altogether.

Bergoglian scandals at the Vatican continue, this time with a representative of the world's largest for-profit child-killing company invited to speak at another of Bergoglio's environmental/population control conferences.

Then we have William Kilpatrick wondering why it is that the Church's hierarchy is so friendly with Islam and glosses over the vast differences with regards to the dignity of man, and morality. His point is well-taken, but he is too tinged with a neo-con ideology in order to be taken as a fully-reliable analyst on this. A mark of neo-cons is that they speak of Iran all the time,  and so he does, so I assume that he is one of them.

Whilst I agree with him that NOChurch's stance on Islam is bizarre to say the least, the point he misses is that NOChurch is indifferent to all religions, not just Islam. Furthermore, NOChurch seems to have no stake in reviving what was once Christendom, and one might argue it seems to have a stake in destroying Christendom so as to create something anew.

Since Kilpatrick is a neo-Catholic and not a traditionalist, he seems oblivious to these aspects of the Novus Ordo, and that's why in the end his goal seems to be more to stop Islam (not a bad goal in and of itself) as opposed to reviving Christendom, or at the very least, Christianity.

This week's Bergoglio-victim-of-the-week is without a doubt  Fr. Allesandro Maria Minutella of double excommunication infamy.



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