Bergoglio anti-Catholicism

The evil clown is coming to town

The title of this piece is a bit less sanguine than normal but I couldn't resist it, especially given that it rhymes a bit. Furthermore, I am not ashamed at my indignation over a pope coming to this country to celebrate errors against the faith of Holy Mother Church.

On this day next week, barring divine intervention, Bergoglio will be in Lund celebrating the longevity of one of the Church's arch-heresiarch's heresies. Sure, his enablers call it commemoration, but a celebration by any other name is still a celebration.

Yes, believe it or not there are still people hell-bent on defending everything that man does. Some do it because they approve of his approach to de-Christianise Christianity, others because they want to play 'devil's advocate' (FYI: the devil's advocate was not actually there to promote the devil's work), others because they simply do not have the courage to muster a defence of the faith, and no doubt we can jot down reasons to escape reality till our life's breath gives way, but suffice to say that those looking for excuses will always find them.

In the Nordic countries, we were treated to a scandalous letter from the bishops, the contents of which I hope to assess at a later date, so the warm-up act to Bergoglio's main jumboree is in full sing.

Since a lot of the people claim to be Catholics, and not a few of them claim to know what the Church teaches - including our weak bishops -, it has left me wondering just what it would take to get them to acknowledge that Bergoglio is an enemy of the faith. I have seriously begun to wonder whether there is anything the man would say which would get these people off their comfort zone and actually denounce the anti-Catholic actions of the man.

So, taking my cue from The Remnant Forum, in which Michael Matt proposed that Bergoglio's defenders make a list of things so scandalous that if he ever did them they would disown him,  what follows is a list of brazenly outrageous actions which I propose to be the 'red line'. If you find yourself thinking, "the pope would never do that", just keep in mind that you would probably had said the same thing had I listed (before he did these things) that a pope would say that most marriages are invalid and many non-marriages are valid, that nobody is damned forever, that adultery committed enough ceases to be a mortal sin, and so on.

Some of what is on the list he has already done anyway, but it is so outrageous that I could not leave it out.

Here goes a list of outrageous statements which may be uttered the the man:

  1. Insists that the Miracle of the multiplication of the loaves was that of sharing and not , as the miracle is called, "the multiplication of the loaves".
  2. Claims that the Apostles made up the story of Christ's miracles.
  3. Claims that the Apostles made up the story of the resurrection, that we do not need to believe in a historical resurrection.
  4. Insists that most priests are laymen.
  5. States that many laymen are priests.
  6. Includes pets' feet in the washing of the feet ceremony on Maundy Thursday.
  7. Includes people holding pets in the Maundy Thursday foot-washing ceremony.
  8. After years of abusign the foot-washing ceremony, changes rubrics to allow the washing of women, thus confusing the faithful, but limits the washing to "the people of God".
  9. In defiance of his own regulations regarding the washing of the feet, washes the feet of non-Catholics and pagans.
  10. Shouts "Allahu Akbar" from the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square.
  11. Shouts "Allahu Akbar" from a mosque.
  12. Insists that most married people are not married.
  13. Insists that many unmarried people are married.
  14. Claims that single people can be married.
  15. Insists that married people can be divorced even without seeking an actual divorce.
  16. States that those in adulterous relationships should need not leave those relationships behind in order to live virtuously.
  17. States that people in adulterous relationshpis may receive Holy Communion.
  18. Re-inteprets the 4th Commandment to include mother nature.
  19. Uses a Marian feasts to desecrate the facade of St. Peter's Basilica with vulgar images for crass humanistic reasons.
  20. Calumniates a pope by claiming that he had previously allowed nuns to use contraception - twice.
  21. In spite of his constant nagging about how we must be kind and merciful to others, states that good works are not needed for salvation.
  22. States that virtue can be a sign of vice.
  23. States that vice can be a sign of virtue.
  24. Tells people that having doubts about God is necessary in order for one to grow in one's faith.
  25. Insists that certainty about the moral law is bad because life consists of shades of grey.
  26. Calls evangelisation "solemn nonsense" outright.
  27. Calls proselytisation "solemn nonsense" and calls it a crime against ecumenism.
  28. Says that without protestants we cannot be truly Catholic.
  29. Says that many protestants are Catholic and many Catholics are protestants.
  30. Calls Muhammad an authoritative intepreter of the Gospel.
  31. Calls Christ a foreshadow of Muhammad.
  32. Tells Muslims they need not convert to Christianity and that they should grow more in their faith instead of seeking Christ.
  33. Tells atheists they do not need Christ and that they only need to do what they feel is good.
  34. Claims that Catholics need to study the works of Muhammad in order to understand the Gospel message.
  35. Compares the command of Christ to evangelise to the Islamic jihad.
  36. Says that one need not confess one's sins and that it is enough to show up in a confessional with virtually a nod and a wink to the priest.
  37. Encourages protestants to receive Holy Communion without renouncing the protestant errors.
  38. Encourages Catholics to receive bread and wine in protestant ceremonies.
  39. Receives himself bread and wine
  40. ...

Doctrine to a fool is as fetters on the feet, and like manacles on the right hand

A while back I had intimated that I would write a 3-piece exposé on Bergoglio and his agenda. When I opened the article which I had begun writing, I noticed that the timestamp read

2015-09-07 22:39:09 +0200

In other words, this is a piece which has been more than 1 year in the making; shameful stuff. One would think given such a revelation that it will be long. One would be wrong.

In fact, I have abandoned the original idea totally and only aim to highlight what I think is my input into the dreadful pontificate of a faithless ravenous incompetent duplicitous Argentinian Jesuit who manipulated his way into the top of the mediocrity-promoting NOChurch. Hmm, here I was thinking I would work up to that,  but evidently, hand me a keyboard and I can't stop writing what I really feel about Bergoglio, just like hand Bergoglio a microphone and he can't stop talking about how much he hates God's Holy Church.

Before I get too worked up, I thought I might try to explain why I never really got around to writing the piece, whose unfinished version I shall leave unedited in order to kind of hint at what I had in mind.

Basically, there are 4 primary reasons for why I abandoned the idea, although the struggle to abandon it was a long back-and-forth tale:

  1. However much it might seem the case, no faithful Catholic (and I do make a genuine attempt at being faithful) likes to write about Bergoglio and what the modernists are doing to the Church. It is disheartening, and frankly, a lot of us feel it distracts us from the real mission to which Christians are entrusted - that of proclaiming the Gospel. I genuinely would like to write about positive news, or at least positive things, of which there is no shortage. That being the case, we cannot simply ignore the errors being fed to the unsuspecting, which is why many faithful Catholics feel themselves reluctantly bound to write about the unfortunate Bergoglio pontificate.
  2. A growing realisation that no matter how many scandals and heresies Bergoglio spouts, far too many will refuse to see that he is an enemy of the Church. They either do not have the faith or the love for truth to learn about what the Church actually teaches. Embracing the whole of the Catholic faith is a daunting prospect, not least because it forces us to leave our comfort zones and actually engage in spiritual warfare, often to the detriment of our social relationships or economic opportunities. It is far easier to be a NOChurch Catholic with no idea that much of what one defends has been condemned by the Magisterium and actually is still condemned, though tolerated (even promoted) by people who have no authority to change what the Church actually proclaims (since the message comes from Christ) so settle for confusing the faithful either through misleading them or leaving them in ignorance.
  3. The fact that in most of the faithful Catholic circles (i.e., traditionalists) the idea of Bergoglio as an enemy of Christ and His Holy Church is now a mainstream opinion. In fact, it is a mainstream opinion even among believing Novus Ordo Catholics, who for the most part cannot bring themselves to make excuses for the man any more. When I originally planned to write this, those who had concluded that Bergoglio was an enemy were a small and shunned minority - basically Mundabor, a few others and I - even the Remnant couched its criticisms in soft gloves. Now though, there is no shortage of articles and writers listing Bergoglio's crimes against the faith, many of whom are more eloquent, learned and thorough than I am. Some of those articles are linked at the bottom of this piece. The gloves have truly been taken off,
  4. The sheer volume of the insanity coming from the man and his comrades in arms make it impossible for me to keep up, and would have made any article showing examples of his assult on Catholicism outdated nearly as soon as it was published.

With that out of the way, I would still like to think I can make a small contribution to the debate not by highlighting what Bergoglio is doing - his agenda, as it were - but in sifting out his overall strategy.

Now you might be wondering: Why write anything about this if you abandoned the plan? To this I answer that it is for 2 reasons:

  1. I would like to think of myself as a man who keeps his word, so if I write that I shall do something then I either do it or at the very least offer an acceptable reason for refraining.
  2. With Bergoglio on his way to this God-forsaking country for his heresy jumboree, I felt duty-bound to at least wrap this up, not least because I intend to write about the heresy fest, and anything I write about that will make more sense in lieu of what I have to write.

So here is my small contribution to the greatuer unpacking-Bergoglio debate. Basically, I have Bergoglio's actions down to a 3-pronged attack on the pillars of the Church:

  1. Attack the doctrines, dogmas and teachings of the Church
  2. Attack the defenders of the faith and the hierarchichal structure created by Our Lord, especially the papacy
  3. Attack the family

 Those are the 3 pillars upon which all of Bergoglio's actions are based, his 3-pronged armada aimed at the barque of St. Peter, our Holy Mother Church. In fact, with these in mind anything which seems odd, creepy, stupid or downright  perverse on his part soon begins to make sense.

I'll just pass over them in brief.

Attack the doctrines, dogmas and teachings of the Church

Whether it is in his promotion of adultery, his attack on the holy institution of marriage, sacrilege in the form of Holy Communion for lechers or...


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