Will War Derail Trump's Reelection?


SeekerofthePresence ,JimDandy                

Friday, January 3, 2020 - 23:45
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JimDandy says:

Yep. Trump’s supporter’s are rock solid. He allows us to get dragged into a war? That support instantly turns to sand.


Smith says:

War means Trump will lose election.

But seeing as election will fix nothing, maybe a war and a destabilized US will end up fixing things.

I’m down for war then.


JUSA says:

Trump’s economy is another false dawn as usual. He’s coercing Jay Powell into keeping the short term interest rate artificially low to keep the cheap money flowing. All that cheap money that the government is printing is flowing into assets – stocks and real estate, for the 1%. 2019 set a record for number of $100M+ homes being sold in the US, and the Dow is at its highest on record. College cost, food cost and health insurance continue to grow out of sight, yet the government is telling us inflation is non-existent, so they can keep the con going by keeping interest rate low to lower their borrowing cost for continued deficit spending.

Bush kept the con going for nearly 7 years before it all came crashing down. Obama kept it going for all 8 years in office, now Trump is extending it to 11. Let’s see how much longer this show can go on before the house of cards comes tumbling down once more.

War with Iran is just a red herring, like the war with North Korea, to keep the masses entertained while the (((elites))) continue to loot and plunder, i.e. not gonna happen. Trump is dumb but not that dumb.


KenH says:

Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg are white male billionaires

Both are JEWISH. Steyer is a mischling but thinks and acts like a full blooded Jew.

The only way Trump will go to war is if Bibi and his treasonous diaspora rats and shabbos goys demand and lobby for it. Trump’s fanatical devotion to the Jewish people and Israel could get us into another Middle East war that may draw in Russia and China and the specter of nuclear war.


TGD says:

This generation has had its fill of wars.

The hoi polloi don’t count. If the “deep state” wants a new war, they’ll get it. And the mealy mouthed no goods in the US Congress can always be counted on to vote whatever funds are needed to prosecute a war.


Bring the troops home. Let Zionist Jews fight their own wars.


Franz says:

When one looks at the numbers — unemployment at or below 4% for two years, an expansion in its 11th year, the stock market regularly hitting all-time highs

“When one looks at the numbers — ” — One wants to vomit.

Hey, Pat: Get with your fellow former Reaganite Paul Craig Roberts for the short version on how all those number “one looks at” are rigged.

Then re-read your old book The Great Betrayal.

Between Paul Craig and the Earlier You, I smell a sequel. The Greater Betrayal?

ReplyAgree/Disagree/Etc. This Commenter



The Israel-firsters and shabbos-goyim now no longer even hide the fact that the US is Israel’s bitch.


It all depends. If it’s a war with few boots on the ground, most Americans won’t care.

Did anyone care about US destruction of Libya and Syria? And what US did in Ukraine was really an act of war, funding the opposition and pulling off a coup. But no one cared.

Americans care ONLY IF American soldiers die in big numbers. Otherwise, no one cares if the US blows up another part of the world. And both Dems and Repugs love to hear about how all this destruction is great for Jews and Israel.


Eric135 says:

Trump hasn’t built the wall and hasn’t gotten us out of wars in the Middle East (his two biggest campaign promises), but he has created a cult of personality around himself that keeps his supporters loyal to him regardless of what he does. Combine this with the ridiculous clown show the Democrats have put on, and he should easily get reelected even if he does get us into another war.

But his support for mass Third World non-white immigration (legal) and failure to do anything effective to curb illegal immigration (which he could easily do by declaring a state of national emergency on national security grounds) means that no Republican will ever win the presidency again simply because of demographic change.



The future is hard to predict. But the pattern of history shows clearly the direction we are moving. “This generation has had its fill of wars.” Yet the cycle of war is not over.


RVBlake says:

“Iran and its allies” attacked the Saudi oil refineries? I may be uninformed, but the last I heard the perpetrators of that attack had not identified.


“Yet such a move is not without risks. Given the strength of the Taliban, the casualties they are able to inflict, the inability of the Afghan army to hold territory”
excuse the language, but wtf are you talking about?
Is the Taliban a Afghan resistance?
Is who runs Afghanistan a Us problem?
Should the Afghan people decide if they prefer Taliban to US proxies and thiefs themselves?
This is an American mental illness that effects the entire world, i know the “shiny city on a hill” myth and the halucination that murca is exeptional must be hard to shake of after a century off imagining it to be true.
IT IS NOT, you are a rouge terrorist police state and the murcans themselves must stop their regime or else it will lead you to war.
no one but paid proxies want you anywhere outside YOUR borders or like your state ffs.


… attack on a U.S. training camp that killed an American contractor ….

So that’s what we call soldiers of fortune now, but the more interesting thing is that we are willing to take the nation to war for the loss of one.



As Trump recently said: “We need to love Israel MORE!”

Well, as for attacking Iran, Bibi has been demanding it before 9/11. Obama shut him up when he signed the JCPOA, which Trump promptly, and precipitously, tore up – all because he does Bibi’s bidding. That foolish act has paved the way to war with Iran. Trump now thinks himself a modern day Caesar, sanctioning even friendly countries at whim, and with the world’s greatest, unstoppable military.

Trump acts with reckless abandon, as that recent attack in Iraq has again shown. Iraqis are storming the well-fortified green zone, which houses the US embassy, and are demanding that our forces leave the country. But, just as in Syria and Afghanistan, it will not happen. If Iran shoots down another drone, or might be responsible for the death of another US mercenary soldier, there will be war. Who is there to stop Caesar?



Iran is not a helpless fourth-world country. Nor will it be a Turkey Shoot. If war does happen, let it be Caesar’s Waterloo. And let the new decade usher in the end for the Hegemon.

Own comment: 

The readers of the UnzReview are mainly anti-leftists, but it is clear from at least the comments section that most of them have turned against Trump. I do not know if they were on his side as I have not followed the journal long enough, but the term "and it's about time" comes readily to mind.

Whether or not there will be a way is all up to Trump, but unfortunately, he is too stupid to realise that his narcicissm blinds him to the manipulation of those with whom he has chosen to surround himself, who care not one bit for his presidency or his country. Here is a man who knows virtually nothing of the world and seems proud to keep it that way.

As to whether he wins re-election or not, it seriously doesn't matter as he has proved that outside the issue of killing unborn children, he is no different from the demonic American mainstream which seeks only death, poverty and destruction for all those within and outside the country, and I am not even sure anymore whether his opposition to abortion is genuine. Given how hard he pushes what means much to him and how little he has actually in policies opposed abortion, we would have to conclude he is not against it but that it is a simple political ploy.

Either way, if war does come, and whatever comes out of Trump's presidency, his failures will be because he chose to surround himself with zionists - both Jews and gentiles - who were nothing but blood-sucking warmongers incapable of knowing the limits of American power.