Where is the Vatican going?

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 21:45
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M. Prodigal said...

This pictured stamp is better than the one with luther and melancthon (sp?) taking the place of Our Lady and St. John at the foot of the Cross...


Unknown said...

Most important question is (for a while already):
- Who among us, still thinks that we are on the SAME SIDE?!
There are WE and THEY. Those who are they are against our Lord and His Holy Church. Therefore THEY must be called with the right names.

"All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics." St. Pope Pius V.
"The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather cowardice of the faithful." St. Pope Pius X.


philipjohnson said...

It is a travesty just like everything from Rome today.Just remember Rome has lost The Faith.


William Tighe said...

"This pictured stamp is better than the one with luther and melancthon (sp?) taking the place of Our Lady and St. John at the foot of the Cross..."

That depiction of Luther and Melanchthon is a reproduction of a 19th-Century depiction of a mural placed in the tympanum above the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, where Luther is supposed, almost certainly falsely (*), to have posted up his 95 Theses on October 31, 1517; see:


The churches was destroyed by Austrian artillery fire in 1760 when occupied by Prussian forces during the Seven Years War. After the town and neighboring region was taken from Saxony (which remained too long an ally of Napoleon to escape his defeat unscathed) and given to Prussia in 1815, King Frederick William IV had the doors repaired in 1858, and the painting installed above it.

(*) See the first chapter of The Making of Martin Luther by Richard Rex (Professor of Reformation History at Cambridge and Fellow of Queens' College there) for documentation of this claim. The book was published in September 2017 by Princeton University Press, and is well worth reading.

Marcus Josephus said...

The Body of Christ still bleeds from many wombs. I am reading Jeremiah for Lent. There is no need to mention the parallels.




Own comment: 

To a very dark and hellish place, it is, if I may answer the good Fr. Blake's question.

They are determined to take as many as possible with them as well, it would seem.