Voris Lies About His Opus Dei Backing


Anonymous,  Angelo Colombo  , Tancred , Jolly Llama  , Amateur Brain Surgeon   , P.M.LADUCA,Jim Wizz,  Dave Lewis , Irenaeus ,  Tancred  , Giles Dickerson   , Aqua  

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 23:45
Article link: 


Anonymous said...

It's all a pack of lies

Remember when Voris was outed? There wasn't a Vortex for a few days. We thought they were done for. Then he rebounded and started a program called PAUSE for young men and teenage boys. Joe Gallagher was gone! What did he know??

Then the Pause program disappeared quietly. Was there some sort of hanky-panky or did someone get to Voris and say: Buddy, you got some bad optics going on here given your known proclivities.. And, it wouldn't necessarily have to be Voris making a pass at one of these young men. Queers in an organization draw in more just like cats call in strays. It is already public knowledge that Simon Rafe liked to write gay themed thrillers.


May 3, 2020 at 6:21 PM 


Angelo Colombo said...

It would probably be a good idea for CMTV to not throw stones from their glass house. They've had a lot of defectors over the years and once they starts spilling the beans, the floodgates of perversion will open


May 3, 2020 at 7:42 PM 


Tancred said...

I'd be happy for CM to be professional about reporting this stuff, because they're not doing the alleged victims any favors as things stand.


May 3, 2020 at 10:41 PM 


Jolly Llama said...

CMTV has nothing to hide and has been completely transparent about this issue. And, they’ve done hit pieces on OD.
This soundš like another SSPX deflection.


May 4, 2020 at 6:01 AM 


Tancred said...

And yet, Voris has lied about his Opus Dei connections.

For my part, I’m not SSPX.


May 4, 2020 at 6:23 AM 


Amateur Brain Surgeon said...

Remember when Voris was outed?

Voris wasn't about to be "outed" by The Archdiocese of New York and there is no proof of his accusations it was going to out him. SHOW US THE MONEY QUOTES, VORIS,OF THOSE WHO WERE GOiNG TO PUTATIVELY OUT YOU.

If you believe Voris about that phony confession and his self-absolution for his sins, then you wil believe nearly every other of his narcissistic follies.

Te BEST things the SSPX can do is ignore this media clown

His effusive anticipatory epicaricacy if the SSPX does not do what it is told to by Venomous Voris illustrates just how sick and twisted he is.


May 4, 2020 at 8:01 AM 


P.M.LADUCA said...


"CMTV has nothing to hide and has been completely transparent about this issue. And, they’ve done hit pieces on OD.
This soundš like another SSPX deflection."

Doing a single piece on Opus Dei is no proof that Voris has no connection to Opus Dei. The man does. It's out there for all to see with his buddy Chris Brammer and his having taken spiritual direction from Fr. Paul Nicholson. (The same priest Voris was helping set up another sham apostolate called "The Cracker Jack Club."

Do some research and vet your sources.

The deflection is Voris "telling" you that he's telling the truth. Using BOLD advertisements about "Find the TRUTH" at CM. Sorry, but that's a marketing tactic wherein one excoriates their perceived competition only to "claim" that they are reliable.

Follow the $$$. All of it. That tends to lead to the truth about motives.

Spiritual and psychological abuse are sins, too.


May 4, 2020 at 10:38 AM 


Jim Wizz said...

Amateur Brain Surgeon:

You are very correct on this. The archdiocese of NY is very insular and , with exception of Joe Zwingling, no one in the chancery even knew who he was. Michael opportunistically claimed it was the NY archdiocese that was trying to out him because policing social media got to be so onerous with all of the men claiming they slept with him and fingering him as Big Gary Peyronie, his handle on Grinder.

As for Michael's Schadenfreude regarding the SSPX, this goes back to his brief time in Rome (Angelicum STB) when he tried to proposition an effeminate looking (wide assed faggot look) SSPX seminarian. Well, he wasn't gay and he beat the living poo out of Voris.

You can verify it all here


May 4, 2020 at 11:00 AM 


Jim Wizz said...



May 4, 2020 at 11:02 AM 


Dave Lewis said...

Any one taking bets on who's going to be left standing?

1. Voris
3. Both fall
4. Both standing

I'd like to see the odds before placing my bet


May 4, 2020 at 11:20 AM 


Amateur Brain Surgeon said...

SSPX will still be standing.

Neither a Pope or a Dope can stop them


May 4, 2020 at 11:23 AM 


Irenaeus said...

Well, perhaps we should take him at his word?

The question we all should be asking is: "Are the allegations about sexual pederasty within the Society true, or are they not?" So far, only Church Militant has been able to give us any sort of answer.

Fussing about the Opus Dei connection (if there is one) is distracting away from the issue. Sexual pederasty is a serious issue. A pederast is a pederast no matter how trad. Michael Voris is not the problem here. The pederasts are.


May 4, 2020 at 1:08 PM 


Tancred said...

His word isn't very good, unfortunately.

He's even been threatening alleged victims with doxxing if they back out. And yet Virus portrays himself as a champion of the good.



May 4, 2020 at 1:19 PM 


Irenaeus said...

Where is Mr. Voris threatening alleged victims with doxxing if they back out? That's a serious accusation.


May 4, 2020 at 1:22 PM 


Giles Dickerson said...

I'm surprised it took so many traditional Catholics so long to accept that Voris is a phony.


May 4, 2020 at 1:24 PM 


Tancred said...

@Iraenaus, so is lying about the people who pull the strings and pay the bills and lying generally about the substance of various accusations and trying to mischaracterize and organization as "protecting predators". This is especially so when Voris can be accused of doing the same thing when it came to Perrone on much better evidence.


May 4, 2020 at 1:41 PM 


Aqua said...

I recommend “The Great Stalin” Twitter account for CM commentary (among many other of his chosen topics). He has been doing an outstanding service, investigating the CM investigators. Nothing says that only journalists get to investigate. We still have our 1A freedoms of speech and assembly.

TGS (Benedict Carter) has some very interesting observations and, as time goes by, information on this attack.

His latest is inquiry into how Michael Voris came to have $1,000,000 of his own money to invest in his fledgling CM studios - in support of the question: *who* is funding all of this reporting? Follow the money.


May 4, 2020 at 5:49 PM 


Amateur Brain Surgeon said...

The question we all should be asking is: "Are the allegations about sexual pederasty within the Society true, or are they not?

No, that is not what we all should be doing and what makes you think your personal opinions are normative and morally binding on others?

The SSPX should NEVER respond to this person Voris


He has no authority, delegated by legitimate authority or otherwise. His rogue rage will destroy his CMTV venture

All he has is his perversion-based Pride and his Look-at-me Haughty, They-are-naughty schtick is wearing really thin.

Let him continue his self-destructive ways. Let him bleat, bitch and moan. Maybe he will hold his breath until he looks like Papa Smurf

May 5, 2020 at 4:43 AM



Amateur Brain Surgeon said...

Church Militant TV is tacking credit for the SSPX review board whereas the SSPX said its protection program was already in place.

Voris will lap up up the credit just like one knew he would.

C'est la vie.

ABS believes the SSPX


May 6, 2020 at 9:35 AM 



Own comment: 

There is no veririable proof that Michael Voris has fallen back to his previous sodomitical ways after leaving that wretched lifestyle. It is high calumny to suggest that without offering proof.

That being written, those living in glass houses should not throw stones and that saying applies very well to ChurchMilitant.tv. They should stick to real news and not attacks on the SSPX which at least from the outside loooking in, seem driven more by hate than a desire for truth or justice.