US Rotates To Ukraine As Location To Start Conflict With Russia


uhland62, jimbobrown, ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 - 23:30
Article link: 


4 days ago

Not quite so fast. One of the IMF bailout conditions was purchase of Ukrainian agricultural land by monsanto.

These land holdings should have now passed into the hands of German Bayer. Germans are generally less in love with wars (after WWI and WWII), so as a NATO member Germany will not allow that war because Bayer has a very bigly influence on the German government. That is why they favour a European military, i.e. reduce the destruction loving influence from Washington. 


1 week ago

Is "rotates to" the new trendy term for "pivot to?" For a few years now everyone likes to talk about "pivoting to" this and "pivoting to" that .... maybe they were as sick of it as I was, so now they call it "rotating to."

4 days ago

This word 'rotation' is to mask that the American base is a permanent influence on your country. Of course all bases in another country are rotational because the individuals of the military personnel never stay for good. 


1 week ago

Trump the candidate said he was going to get us out of all this mess.  What are we still doing in Syria?  It's gets sickening.  I would be lying if I said I think America is a peace-loving country.  We need to eliminate the neocons and war-mongers before they kill us all. 


1 week ago

I think that both; Putin and Trump know well who the instigators are and they may just be looking to see how far they will advance.  I don’t believe for a moment that Trump will allow them to start it; if, however, he is dumb enough to go with the recommendations of the neocons then we’re already doomed and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it, so why even worry?

1 week ago

The problem with Trump is knowing whether he's in the swamp or not. Evidence goes both ways. Eg: Appointing John Bolton (a swamp creature if ever there was).

His campaign rhetoric was clear that he intended to drain the swamp but very little has been done on that, perhaps because he's discovered the resistance is far heavier than he anticipated.

OTOH, he may only have intended to replace the High Command of the swamp with HIS people.

As in: "he may be a son-of-a-bitch, but at least he's my son-of-a-bitch".

The jury's out on this.


1 week ago

I doubt the Empire is really trying to start WWIII.  --Not because its sociopathic leaders aren't evil enough, of course:  If they thought that their own interests would survive a nuclear conflagration, they'd happily start it up.  But they don't show any evidence of being insane, John Bolton notwithstanding, which means they know that the systems they prey upon would be obliterated; and with their sustenance gone, they themselves would not last long.  And that's if they actually believe the Russians would not be able to find where they are physically and nuke them too, and they can never be assured of that.

No, WWIII isn't in the cards--at least not intentionally.  What they want is to ramp up tensions to the point where the US and European subject-sheeple will be scared into another unlimited-budget "cold" war, a venture that will take all our social programs and any chance for a lifestyle richer than wage serf.  And the reason you know they don't really want WWIII is that it would be incredibly easy to start one:  Just launch the goddamn missiles unexpectedly.  All of them at once.  That would both start the war, and would offer the best chance to win it.  After all, they wouldn't be worried about any political repercussions, since there would be no polity left to repercuss.  And the longer they wait, the more militarily powerful the newly-awakened Russia becomes, so delay isn't rational.  They are coldly logical, as sociopaths are wont to be, so if nuclear war is what they wanted it would have already happened.

What they want is bad enough.  But a "hot" nuclear war with Russia ain't it.

1 week ago

Fair comment except that it doesn't consider that there are plenty of people inside Washingtown who have convinced themselves that they can win a nuke war and contain the damage to other countries. Putin frequently makes it clear that would not be the case and he would drop bombs on US cities. Not sure if the likes of Bolton have taken that on board yet.


1 week ago

Our becoming involved in this mess is a bad idea. Ukraine is a financially failed state and while we can point to its potential, its massive oil and gas reserves by all rights should belong to the people and for their benefit. The IMF, however, points out that Kiev needs billion in loans and grants just to stabilize its economy after more than twenty years of massive levels of corruption.

The article below contends the war in Ukraine is about America wanting to sell LNG to Europe and seems willing to start a war to make it happen rather than Russian aggression.

 http://Ukraine War Is About Money Energy And Power.html


1 week ago

And for a picture of the "two warships" that the USA is sending to Ukraine, go here:

1 week ago

Even the Pentaconners are nickeling and diming the dumb Banderista NAZIS for every last cent they can squeeze out of the potato heads with these obsolete rusting "gifts". Russia must be cracked up over this ****.

1 week ago


Hell, and there I was thinking these two ships were fully functional battle cruisers sizzling with missile launchers and the rest of it!

Now we learn they are clapped out coastal patrol boats in need of major refurbishment.


1 week ago


Russia is an IMPEDIMENT to Apartheid Israhell's design for the region.

Without Russia, ASSAD would be long gone and IRAN would have been bombed to oblivion, and Greater Israhell would have been fulfilled and ruling over the MidEast.

In other words, the conflict with Russia is PAYBACK.



1 week ago

Trump won't be baited into WW3. He know NATO's warmongering tricks. So does Putin. NATO is what needs neutralizing. The nukes should be turned upon NATO.

1 week ago

They already are. The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization states would be the first to go. 


1 week ago

What a load of horse dung. So we have a Tyler that works for the GRU??? Keep this up tylers and you will lose readers..............

1 week ago

You wont be missed

1 week ago

OK Saudi trades in US dollars

We need dollars to be valued

But, now we got more oil than Saudi 

Things change

1 week ago

No you don't, moron, US still import 4-5 MM barrels of oil a day.

And the fracking depletion curve makes US fracking too expensive.

1 week ago

The US needs 36,000 drills to produce almost the same than KSA while they need only 400 drills. That tells you the whole story.

1 week ago

As I understand it KSA is sitting on a virtual sea of oil just below the surface so their extraction and exploration costs are very low.

1 week ago

Not today.

Saudi's Ghawar was the world's largest oil field. Numerous experts now believe it has peaked and the oil being extracted is heavier oil requiring ever larger amounts of hi-pressure water to extract it. Matt Simmons reckoned before his untimely death several years ago that the "water cut" was over 50%.

That tells the story...

Now there is the Saudi IPO of that oil field along with Aramco which is further evidence that it's peaked.

Additionally, the new bossman of Saudi is on record saying he wants  Saudi to diversify its economy. He wouldn't be saying that if Ghawar was still in full flood.


1 week ago

By having more oil than KSA you mean you have more shale debt? because producing oil at a net loss its not a sign of independence, let me tell you.


1 week ago

And, Russia who has Gas, has been the leader in getting gas from unconventional geological sources..

Read Hot Deep Biosphere

Dont let Europe drag US into another war.

1 week ago

What, no fracking in Western Europe, or Poland , Chech, etc, not nat gas

There was no nat gas in Penna,either until fracking @ Marsalis Shale.

Why? Penna dairy farmers own the mineral rights beneath their farms....and the gladly sold the rights for $$$ the drillers and pipeline companies

France and Germany..the state.. own mineral rights

Rather than WW3, change the law and let the fracking begin

1 week ago

yeah, I'm sure splintering all that bedrock won't have any repercussions.  Nope.  You know, walking on splintered rock is just like walking on concrete.  No difference.  Nobody will ever care.

Until they do, and they'll try and try to put that genie back in the bottle.

Irreversible environmental damage.  Those Pennsylvanians one day will pay dearly for their unbridled greed.


1 week ago

What happened to the Ukrainian gold reserves, flown out in the darkest night?

What happened to the Libyan gold reserves, flown out under Hillary's watch?

Where are the Iraqi gold reserves these days? 

The US supports fifteen or twenty super bases in Iraq. This is expensive.

The US is building numerous bases in the north of Syria (Kurdish region). Oil rich area, deny the area to the

Turks, and transit area for supplies from Iran. The US never gives up bases unless thrown out, or Mt.

Pinatabo (volcano) at Clark airbase , Philippines.

  There has been an effort to remove the US dollar from reserve currency status (Petrodollar). The Saudis

are the last leg of this system. They have offset the US trade imbalance (energy imports) by massive

purchases of US defense equipment. This is being used to bomb the crap out of Yemen as we speak. A war

crime which we are enabling by our assistance to the Saudis.

1 week ago

Israel is conspicuously absent from this piece by *** Zuesse. So too is reference to Neo-con great influence over US foreign policy, especially re Middle East.  Syria he writes is primarily about Saudi agenda. Israel, he implies, not so much. Thus the piece both informs and dis-informs.