US Bishops Oppose Appeal of Johnson Amendment – Why?


Tim, Baseballmomof8, Camper, Margaret Costello, virtuouscitizenship , JTLiuzza  , Joseph D'Hippolito , skeinster, tg,dthy, Tantumblogo, Richard Malcolm,  . FRLBJ      

Friday, March 10, 2017 - 00:00
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1. Tim - March 7, 2017

They don’t want to give up one of their smokescreens that they use to justify their desire to be worldly and not teach the TRUTH.

Baseballmomof8 - March 8, 2017

Took the post right off my keyboard…. they LOVE the excuse the JA gives them.


2. Camper - March 8, 2017

Wow. What a pack of lowlifes. Anything to keep from preaching dogma and enforcing canon law.

3. Margaret Costello - March 8, 2017

Yup, I thought the same thing: money and showing the schism within the Church. Can’t mess with their gravy train i.e. the government. And can’t take the cover off the facade that “all is well” when that would show each Church, each diocese etc. is saying conflicting things i.e. promoting different candidates. Archbishop Lori is a modernist and pro-sodomy cleric. Check out Louie Verrechio’s blog about him. God bless~


5. virtuouscitizenship - March 8, 2017

Give me a break! These wolves have for decades preached the Democrat dogmas from the pulpit – and of course were never indicted for it. They do not want any priest ever saying anything contra-democrat religion from the pulpit. Guy Mcclung, San Antonio, Texas

JTLiuzza - March 8, 2017

Exactly right. Just last week San Diego bishop McElroy brazenly encouraged everyone to “disrupt” the administration. These leftist parasites are already free from the Johnson Amendment. As long as they toe the marxist leftist progressivist line, they will not be touched. But if they dare get political in ways that are not “correct,” watch the outrage and the leftist toadies screaming to revoke tax exempt status, bludgeoning anyone they disagree with into silence.

The Johnson Amendment supposedly applies to ALL 501(c)(3)’s, not just churches. That includes universities, the ACLU, the NAACP, the Southern “Poverty” Law Center, and on and on. Any political activity or political speech coming out of those outfits? That’s all they exist for, especially universities.

The Johnson Amendment is a one way street. A bludgeon selectively used to silence only those not on the vile left.

Repealing it is an absolute no brainer and is simply leveling the playing field. That in the horrendous state of the modern church we have sorry excuses for bishops like Lori that don’t have the stomach to state the obvious and, instead, mumble and equivocate, is not a surprise. Worse yet and more probable is that he sees the Johnson Amendment quite clearly for what it is and is fine and dandy with it. Hirelings all.


6. Joseph D'Hippolito - March 8, 2017

“US Bishops Oppose Appeal of Johnson Amendment – Why?”

Simple. The bishops — not just in this country but around the world, especially in the developed world — have sold out to the Satanic world system that seeks to oppose Christ. They’re not the only ones within Christianity, either.



8. skeinster - March 8, 2017

What was that our Lord said about serving two masters?
“Hate one, love the other?”
Too bad the government won out.

Altough, I do think back in the very early days, the lure of more money for charity was probably hard to resist. The Catholic agencies just didn’t count the cost…


12. tg - March 8, 2017

The bishops want to have an excuse for not preaching against sodomy.

13. dthy - March 8, 2017

The statement, “I think it would have a tendency to unnecessarily divide our congregations” is really ironic. We’re already divided. We have in this diocese now, in addition to the Mass in English, Spanish Mass, Polish Mass, Kenyan Mass, etc. There are many things that divide us, but it was nice when, at least at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we were all one family.

Tantumblogo - March 8, 2017

Yes. I could almost accept the archbishop’s justification, but what he is talking about is not an actual increase in division, but only its becoming more public, more open. At present I doubt 5% of those who claim the name Catholic accept all the Doctrine of the Faith. 2/3 of self-described Catholics think the Eucharist only a symbol. Even among the most “devout,” weekly Mass-goers or even daily Mass attendees, I know from personal experience that error and the deliberate holding of opinions contrary to the Doctrine of the Faith – such as acceptance of fornication and contraception – is rife. Maybe 20-25% of frequent regular Mass attendees accept all the Doctrine of the Faith as they know it on MAJOR issues, let alone relatively minor points of theology that have been forgotten or ignored in the post-conciliar period, and weekly Mass goers are about 10-15% of the overall population. That right there points to maybe 2-3% actually living in accord with the Faith.


14. Richard Malcolm - March 9, 2017

I’m all for confessional states as the ideal of political arrangements, but I really do think that one of the best things that could happen to the Church in America would be a total cutoff of all federal and state funding for all its activities. I think I’d include vouchers, too (I far prefer tuition tax credits – the money really does become that of the parents). Ween them off state largesse. Some offices would need to close, but honestly, they need to close.

15. FRLBJ - March 10, 2017

Incredible! These bishops exhibit no leadership. Follow the world is what they do!
My Dad talked to a fellow who was paid by someone in the Johnson campaign
to take some ballot boxes into Mexico and party it up there for a couple of days in the 1948 US Senate election.



Own comment: 

You do not need to convince me that the U.S. bishops are frightful of the Johnson Amendment being rescinded; I have been saying that for a while. Now we have proof.

These people, many of them spinless, others true destroyers, have been hiding behind that amendment in their corruption of the Church, using it to claim they are being forced into silence while the evil objectives they secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) support are rolled out.