"Suicided" Neurologist Andrew Moulden Unwrapped Vaccine Swindle


Sandra , Stephen Coleman , Peter  , Essel      

Monday, May 18, 2020 - 09:00
Article link: 


Sandra said (April 4, 2019):

Henry, one of your commenters, Victoria, stated,

"Like many, he is a former proponent of vaccines who changed his mind upon doing some research. As a layman, he takes a common-sense approach to the topic and therefore, looks at the ‘forest’ rather than peeling back the bark and inspecting the cells of individual ‘trees’, as ’scientists’ are wont to do. He has recently written a book entitled ‘Crooked-Man-Made-Disease-Explained’ in which he takes note of the plethora of crooked smiles and out-of-sync eyes in today’s young people, and suggests that these are the result of post-vaccine, mini-strokes in a child’s brain (just as Dr. Moulden suggested).

Holy cow. So it's not just me who's noticed this lately! Almost all babies, young children & young people have these weird wonky eyes. On the other hand, I have also seen this in a few babies who I know were not vaccinated, were breastfed, etc. etc. So, something is going on over & above vaccines. Well, I am glad mine have normal eyes, and always have. Such ominous symptoms. If this isn't the Kali Yuga for sure, I don't know what is. As in autism, there are unvaccinated who develop that way as well - which doesn't mean that vaccination is not a major factor, just that it's not the only one. As in people who don't smoke and are not exposed to excessive pollution also get lung cancer.


Thanks for your work. 


Stephen Coleman said (April 4, 2019):

Two more medical professionals should also have won the Nobel Prize, only to be persecuted and have their lives ruined. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and Prof. Yingqing Zhang of Shandong University.  


Peter said (April 2, 2019):

It's not the failure of the germ theory, but the parasitic germs that are trying to kill and maim all us goyim scum.

Jim Stone today reckons that it is the squaline oil in vaccines that is causing myelitis and autism. He also last month covered the Italian Government's sacking it's entire immunology board after the government conducted a study that showed that there were NO antigens in the 5-in-1 vaccine.

Not surprisingly I tried to search now for that last fact and all the MSM articles omit it and imply that this was political interference. There is a special place in hell for doctors who lie and do harm.


 Essel said (April 2, 2019):

That's awful. In this category, in France, there was the Mirko Beljanski scandal at the end of the last century ( http://whale.to/beljanski.html etc.). Cancer generates such large sums of money that the golden goose should not be killed, i. e. find the solution.

But, like absolutely everything else, this is only possible thanks to the latent complicity of the masses, who are ready for all cowardice so as not to be ridiculed.
Last but not least, the financial aspect is perhaps only the instrumental cause in the service of an even darker final cause, which is spelled out in the Georgia Guidestones ???




Own comment: 

The Covid-19 plandemic has exposed the politico-pharmaceutical complex as perhaps the most dangerous of NWO monsters.

There is little doubt in my mind that they could have someone killed who was threatening to expose them, regardless of the merits of evidence to that end in the suspicious suicide in this particular case.