Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 23:45
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Republican used to mean something respectable. The last Presidential election was an example of how the Establishment Republican Party Elites were the same as the Democrats. For years, the GOP has been selling out conservatives. All the Moderate Republicans have been helping to push the GOP agenda to the center and now to the Left. The GOP establishment always threw conservatives “a bone” by nominating a candidate that would say something to appeal the conservative base. But, in the end, they always betrayed Conservatives by preventing or blocking the conservative candidate and nominating a Moderate. One only has to look at the last 30 years of Presidential Elections to see the proof of this. NOT ONE of the Presidential Candidates nominated in the last 30 years has been a true conservative – even the one from Texas!!!
The conclusion many of us drew during the 2015-2016 campaign season was that the Republican Party and the Democrat Party were ONE BIG Party! It became an issue of elites vs. grassroots because the RINOs controlling the GOP were busily engaged in moving the party to the Left, making it more “progressive,” more “moderate” to appeal to some “invisible” voting block that was on the fence or undecided (what % *really* were the undecided). They always felt that the conservative agenda would never “appeal” to moderates or independents or the undecided voting block. So, they preferred appeasing moderates/independents/undecided and selling out the conservatives.
Well, many conservatives had just about enough in 2016. Many conservatives finally left the party and became independent. And the beauty has been watching the RINOs squirm in their seats and be at such unrest when Trump actually one. Trump was the payback for all the years that they sold out conservatives. Trump helped “flush out” some of the RINOs (i.e. Kasich in Ohio). The GOP truly has a new face now.
Lastly, it’s pretty clear that RINOs and CINOs have a lot in common. It used to be that almost all CINOs were exclusively Democrats – with some Republican exceptions, of course – because the Democrats held the larger Catholic voting block. However, the fact that more RINOs are being labeled CINOs is proof positive that the tide has definitely shifted.
The question remains: Which party do faithful Catholics support? We KNOW that the Democrat Party is off the table, which leaves only the GOP. Although there has been some draining of the swamp in DC, the GOP is still riddled with Democrats operating under the cover of Republican (and some of them as Catholics, too). Until a great majority of these RINOs are flushed out, the GOP is still not safe to return back to. Faithful Catholics are on the fringe, not really having a home to go to.





I KNEW this was ultimately about immigration. These FOOLISH liberal prelates! Immigration is a PRUDENTIAL decision. It’s not an INTRINSIC EVIL like abortion. These Democrats in vestments have elevated immigration over abortion because it lines their pockets with millions of dollars every year from the federal government to resettle these people. These WOLVES put Judas to shame, trying to use Christ and His teachings to further their personal political agenda. Shame on them! I doubt they will lose their tax exempt status because of this, even though they deserve it. They will, however, incur costly legal expenses, which ultimately, comes from the pockets of the faithful. They’ve also further damaged the already blugeoned reputation of the Catholic Church with their prideful political hacking.

Pray for Cardinal Sarah, the next pope, to clean house!





I’ve come to the conclusion that most bishops have no faith in God. Many times Michael will ask at the end of a Vortex something like, “Do these bishops really believe they will not have to give an account of their actions to almighty God on the day or their judgments?

The answer, Michael, is Yes, the bishops really believe they will not have to give an account. There is no blinking at this fact any longer. There can be no more “charitable interpretations” of their actions.

These bishops have no faith. The Catholic church is, for them, an institution whose (diminishing) status they can use to bring about the social change they desire. That’s all it is to them. They are the cancer within.





As harsh as this may sound, my first reaction to the Church losing it’s IRS tax exempt status and possibly bankrupting it… Good. It’s about time. As long as the current model continues, nothing will ever change. This reminds me of 2008 when all of DC was going nuts over the housing bubble stock market crash. At the time my reaction was the same. They need to let the whole house of cards collapse. Yeah it would be painful, for about 3-5 years. But on the other side of that, is a much more stable beginning. But, we know they didn’t, and 10 years later, things are worse. The sooner the rug is yanked out from under their feet the better.