Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass

Monday, August 26, 2019 - 23:15
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torsdag förra veckan


The mass of all ages, indeed it is!



23 aug.


God bless Fr. Johannes Nebel and God bless his bishop for allowing him to offer the Mass in Latin.

i går


No priest needs his bishops permission to allow him to offer the TLM.



23 aug.


Not only the liturgy, but the doctrine. And they have also changed the sacrament of priestly order.
Own comment: 

The only future for the Church is that which is rooted in Her past; in Her Sacred Traditions and customs.

We probably have to do it priest by priest but at least the priest featured by is doing his bit. If a  priest in Austria can discover and embrace authentic Catholicism there is no excuse for any other priest anywhere.