The Rhine Flows Into Hell

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - 23:30
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Yes, the Germans created Protestantism, progressive philosophy, Two World Wars, Communism, Vatican II, The New World Order, Pope Francis base of support, etc. It is obviously the devils playground and country of origin.



A Papal Bull of Interdict should be promulgated by the Apostolic See for all of Germany…that Mother of the deepest Hell, and putrid pit of vilest evil. Long has it been the Church’s torturer, ban of the Gospel, and the most perverse of our Holy Mother’s daughters….the pagan whore of Europe.
Where is a Pope St. Gregory VII when you need one?






Own comment: 

Some speak of the 'Jewish problem', and what that means is certainly open to interpretation and argumentation.

What cannot be argued, however, is that the Church has a 'German problem' and has had one for a very long time. I definitely agree with Larry Duncan who wrote that Germany should be put under interdict. For that though, we would need an authentically Catholic pope, and it will take an act of God to bring one about from the sorry mess of episcopates we have in the Church today.

I am afraid it will have to get a lot worse for the world before things become better inside the Church, and before Almighty God grants us a holy pope.