The Restoration of Traditional Belief and Praxis Is the Only Solution to the Crisis in the Church


Elizabeth Forshaw , thetimman,  Tina, Magdalene P           

Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 00:00
Article link: 

Elizabeth Forshaw said:

March 24, 2018 at 2:50 pm


You are absolutely right. I am 91 and I have lived through all this . We need the Consecration done correctly.


thetimman said:

March 26, 2018 at 5:56 am


I agree that the consecration of Russia is the only way out of this disaster– in terms of ecclesiastical action. And I think we need to live holier lives, and have confidence in God’s sovereignty in the end.




I read and saved Patrick Archbold’s article. I was born pre-Vatican II and was a teenager during the Council. We were hijacked. It’s a long way back home and I’m hoping I’ll be alive to see the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church restored. That’s why we need you to write. You and other bloggers have a gift and the power, through this medium, to help mitigate this disaster. I support and I’ll pray for your efforts to defend and restore traditional Catholicism.



  1. Magdalene P said:

    March 25, 2018 at 8:30 am

    Yes, I agree that only the age old teachings, traditions, and the Mass of the Ages can be our future. Pizza parties and the preaching of ‘tolerance’ will not hold the youth. Nor will ‘listening’ to them about how the Church needs to be “up to date” which is to say to compromise, or worse yet, to agree with the evils of the present day hold them. No, only the Truth will do. The Church has been greatly undermined by the continuous scandals of the day. Trust has been eroded and for good reason. No longer can we look to modernist, infiltrated Vatican to uphold moral truths at this present time. But all things pass and God never changes. We must remain faithful and seek holiness which is the pushback to the evil.

    • thetimman said:

      March 26, 2018 at 5:58 am

      That’s why I read Patrick Archbold’s article as a refreshing slap to the face. We are not helpless or hopeless. It is merely going to be hard. Hard work and thankless. But a glorious end awaits us if we but persevere.




Own comment: 

This is an article based on another article which I used as the day's comment for the 8th of April, 2018.

You can count on me to agree wuith the notion that the restoration of authentic Catholicism is the only solution to the Crisis in which we find ourselves.

The scary part is that I am convinced that most of the hierarchy knows this as well, yet they persist on this destructive path.

Make of that what you will!