Priest preaches at funeral, world falls on his head


Julia_AugustaSawyer,  Roble   

Monday, December 17, 2018 - 23:15
Article link: 


Julia_Augusta says:

I am confused. I thought people who committed suicide don’t get a Catholic burial. Has it changed?

[Yes, according to the circumstances.]


Sawyer says:

Although it is true that nothing in the Church’s Canon Law nor liturgical norms suggests treating a funeral as a “celebration of life,” there is this in Sing to the Lord, the USCCB’s document on music in the liturgy: “244. The Church’s funeral rites offer thanksgiving to God for the gift of life that has been returned to him.”

Yes, that stupid statement was approved by the US bishops.

Of course, hardly anyone has read Sing to the Lord, so that’s not where people get the wacky “celebration of life” idea from. It’s poor catechesis and our culture’s general discomfort with death and with sin and with thinking about the possibility of eternal damnation.


Roble says:

I have been tempted to suicide on several occasions. At such times the thought of damning myself definitively was all that prevented me. At the root of contempleting suicide is a person’s desire to escape Hell, not enter it eternally.

How the diocese has wasted this opportunity to help the vulnerable: to give them some pause before they try to kill themselves. A “celebration of life” of a suicide is not what someone tempted to that sin needs to see.

I too pray for the young man and his family and the priest, but especially for anyone living whose temptation to suicide is not lessened by its destigmatization.





Own comment: 

Here is a perfectly good law: No funerals for people who commit suicide.

As one would expect, that perfectly reasonable law command was dispensed with at Vatican II, putting priests in all sorts of uncomfortable situations, as demonstrated by the case in point.

It used to be that the Church obeyed God and understood human nature. Nowadays, God seems to be the last thing on NOChurch's mind and NOChurch's understanding of human nature is non-existent, at best.