Position on Immigration is Leading to Decline in Pope’s Popularity


Anonymous, James


Monday, August 13, 2018 - 21:30
Article link: 


Anonymous said...

I have always commented here that Francis is very unpopular in Rome. He is even hated by large segments of the Italian population. They despise him in Castelgandolfo, where Popes always used to vacation at the Papal summer palace. I know firsthand from friends in Rome that many young priests across Italy dislike him, but love Benedict XVI and the memory of JPII. More and more people in Italy are learning what he really is, a radical liberal dissenting heretic. And his popularity is crashing accordingly.

Damian Malliapalli


Anonymous said...

Checkmate. You are exactly right about the dirty little secret that homosexuals despise women.


James said...

I’d rather have a mitre on a plate of spaghetti as the pope than liberal, dictator Pope Francis.

Anonymous said...

Doesn´t help when he snarkly mocks Italians ¨If you want to be happy eat pasta¨ as he walks to Santa Marta for a plate of kosher food.