Pope Francis is an enemy of the people of Europe and North America



Trad101, Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas ,  Michael, Johnno


Monday, November 5, 2018 - 23:30
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Trad101 said...

Jorge Bergoglio is the chosen tool of the anti-Christian liberal-globalist alliance, but he isn't saying anything really new, there is more stridency but his message is similar to the Encyclical Pacem in Terris. That document should have raised alarms back in the early 60s.
What I find most distressing is the whole attitude of the Vatican since Vat II. The Vatican machine and those who command it appear to have made a knowing and willing alliance with evil. The whole power that the Church historically commanded is subverted and directed to evil ends. This turn of events is quite unprecedented: an egregious abortionist is publicly praised, ecclesiastical preferment is conditional on homosexual practice, and the growth of hostile Muslim populations within at least nominally Christian countries is praised and encouraged. All of these things are detrimental to the physical and spiritual welfare of the majority of people in Europe and North America.
I suspect one of the reasons the Vatican machine is eagerly aligning itself with what we now know and identify as the 'New World Order' is their naive hope that once the plan is largely implemented the global bosses will reward them with a place at the councils of "World Gov". Such stupidity and folly can be expected to motivate the lower level apparatchiks, but their bosses are under no such illusions, they know a global slave state can only triumph if Christianity is crushed. So there we have it, a 'pope' working to destroy Christianity, and not for the first time.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

I am speechless.
What an intellect!

Michael said...

Pope Francis is an enemy of more than just the people of Europe and North America. He stands against what the Church in Africa stands for as well. Actually, when you think about it, Pope Francis is an enemy of everyone, because his behavior jeopardizes souls.


Johnno said...

Indeed. It is pretty much an invasion and I believe the scale of it is also something that is very well orchestrated.

But let's also admit something quite frankly.

Many of these nations haven't been helped by the USA's disastrous illegal wars, sanctions and foreign policy that have further accelerated conditions on those nations and therefore provide the perfect excuse for the people to flee and demand they be taken in.

Gadaffi himself warned Europe what would occur. They had him killed. And now Europe is being overrun.

The West has played its role in de-stabilizing the rest of the world, and now the world is rushing its doorsteps.

Conservatives have been behind much of the wars and drone/missile strikes and other such 'peace-keeping.'

So is the left, but the left is even stupider because they even open the doors to the people they've bombed, so that they can look and feel good in their own bought and controlled newspapers.

In that regard, the West has earned it. And its own people are too busy voting in the Democratic circus and pony show over issues intentionally designed to keep them occupied - such as gay rights and transgenders - while the military industrial complex does as it wilt. Democracy, being a religion, truly is the opiate of the masses.



Own comment: 

Had Europe not been once been Christian I would not care one bit for it, given that most of today's insults to God originate from Europe, and my concern for North America is practically non-existent, save for the large swaths of traditional Catholics on those shores.

I therefore am inclined to agree with who comments:

Pope Francis is an enemy of more than just the people of Europe and North America. He stands against what the Church in Africa stands for as well. Actually, when you think about it, Pope Francis is an enemy of everyone, because his behavior jeopardizes souls.

I must also agree with , at least in these parts:

But let's also admit something quite frankly.

Many of these nations haven't been helped by the USA's disastrous illegal wars, sanctions and foreign policy that have further accelerated conditions on those nations and therefore provide the perfect excuse for the people to flee and demand they be taken in.

Gadaffi himself warned Europe what would occur. They had him killed. And now Europe is being overrun.

The West has played its role in de-stabilizing the rest of the world, and now the world is rushing its doorsteps.

Conservatives have been behind much of the wars and drone/missile strikes and other such 'peace-keeping.'

So is the left, but the left is even stupider because they even open the doors to the people they've bombed, so that they can look and feel good in their own bought and controlled newspapers.

In that regard, the West has earned it. And its own people are too busy voting in the Democratic circus and pony show over issues intentionally designed to keep them occupied - such as gay rights and transgenders - while the military industrial complex does as it wilt. Democracy, being a religion, truly is the opiate of the masses.

The arrogance of the anti-Christian West has brought destruction right at its door-step. Any future conflicts will be the well-earned reward for mocking and insulting God, as they have been doing for 2 centuries now. As for North America, it would see that it is well along the path of implosion brought about by internal strife, again because it decided to mock God and His just commands.