Pope Francis And The Non Violent Jesus


Annie Mundabortgmike    

Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 23:30
Article link: 



The priest at Mass said that yes, Jesus did make a whip, but of course He didn’t actually touch any person or animal with it. And the priest knows this exactly how? Why would the crowd be intimidated by a man who makes a whip and then only swings it over His head or strikes the bare pavement and walls with it? Wouldn’t you think after a few minutes they’d start jeering at Jesus as they sat back down and continued to do business as usual?

Exactly. If someone just swings a whip in the air I tell him “go away, you moron, before I call the guards…”



According to Haydock’s footnote, Origen considered it more miraculous than the wine at Cana that the guards didn’t arrest Him. Or perhaps, as suggested in your next post, the Apostles stood around with “Open Carry”. 

The answer to this is very simple. It was divinely wanted that the guards did not arrest him, and they wouldn’t because this was obviously a religious issue not linked to public order in the sense interesting to the Romans. The man wasn’t being seditious, merely teaching orthodoxy to Jews, somethign indifferent to Roman soldiers.








Own comment: 

From either dumb-as-a-brick or evil-as-they-come Bergoglio we have news that Jesus did not drive out the moneylenders and merchants from the Temple violently out of fear for the guards. I must admit not to having read the statement from Bergoglio himself, but it sounds just like the kidn of nonsense that is par-for-the-course with Bergoglio.

If these people really think so little of Christ as not to grant him full freedom of the will in what he did on Earth, then why do they bother following Him - or claiming to anyway, since it's very clear they don't actually follow Christ.?

If God came down to Earth and was restricted by the rules and customs of the time then he cannot have been true God.

These people should openly declare apostasy and openly proclaim a religion of their own making. Svenska Kyrkan will do, but they will have to fight for the scraps that the feminists leave behind.

At this time, the only doubt one can muster with regards to God's free reign has do do with why He allows such evil men as Bergoglio to go around blaspheming Him and leading people to damnation. At least it would be reason to doubt if Christ had not warned us of this very thing - about false shepherds and all.