The Pell Fallout Continues, And it Has Implications for the Whole Church

Sunday, March 10, 2019 - 22:45
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      Let's just hope and pray that this is only his Lent and at the end of it there will be for him and the Church a proportionate Easter. Surely he did not have to go back to Australia to face these charges, but presumably went back trusting in God and in the people of Australia to give him justice. Now, as was Jesus Christ, he is in disgrace, his enemies triumphant. Yet all this can be reversed in a moment, his enemies confounded, his good name restored, his cause advanced. May the Lord bring abundant good out of the evil which He has permitted to befall Cardinal Pell.



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      Innocent priests are already serving time in jail for crimes they did not commit. One such priest is Fr. Gordon MacRae, who has been jailed in the New Hampshire State Penitentiary for 25 years. Father MacRae has no hope of ever being released. His case is well documented at These Stone Walls. You will find it difficult to contain your fury and anger when you learn the details of his case.

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    Father MacRae's case, as I've come across on These Stone Walls years ago, is heartbreaking due to OUR SILENCE........and ............OUR NOT SPEAKING OUT.

    Same thing with OUR COLLECTIVE SILENCE in NOT SPEAKING OUT to our priests, bishops, cardinals and popes about what we all knew for decades was, and still is today, wrong with the predatory, homosexual filth that has infested the Mystical Bride of Christ and that remains to this day elevated to the very top.

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    Thanks for referring to this. I just went and read most of case files on These Stone Walls.

    One of things that struck me was the behaviour of the diocese (with a bishop fearfull of upsetting some of his priests). Given Fr MacRae's account of his attempts to rectify the behaviour of his fellow priest one wonders how much he isn't also the victim of the homosexual mafia in the Church in the aspect of his case where he was afforded absolutely no help by the Diocese.

    I'm increasingly wary of the calls for "lay oversight" and "purifying the Church" because it seems to me that the real sleaze balls are still in there after every such initiative whereas any good priest is villified.

    The Church needs to get its act together firstly by returning to God and secondly by actually ensuring that bishops take there juridictional responsabilities both in dealing with offenders and defending innocent priests.

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    I think we've discussed this before, but if you want to put together an article about this case, we'd be interested in looking at it. In a case this well-established over a long period of time, it'd be helpful to have someone very familiar with the material and developments.


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    It is cases such as that of His Eminence, Cardinal Pell, that make me shiver when I hear some righteous (but all too emotional) Catholic say that we need the criminal justice system to investigate The Church in order to clean out all of the sexual miscreants. We should expect nothing from the judicial arm of secular government except persecution, for the world was not meant to be our judge. They will hate us as they hated Christ and will condemn the innocent along with the guilty in order to hurt His bride.


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    And it is also well known that the Argentine is more aggressive with the weak, but is intimidated by the few who resist him to his face.

    Yes, in short: Bergoglio is a bully, exhibiting classic bully traits.

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    no he is not, not in that sense but he is bipolar and a manic depressive. My family suffers with that mental illness and his reaction to anyone who questions him is a strong indicative trait

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    Bergoglio is a horrible human being.

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      And he’s not the pope. I knew it the minute I saw him standing before the crowd in St Peters Square. He didn’t look right to me. He didn’t look at the people. He kept his head down as if he was embarrassed. It made me very uncomfortable. Then there was that incident of the crows attacking the doves Francis released from his window. The bolt of lightning that struck the basilica the day Pope Benedict resigned. The “who am I to judge” comment and his speculation that mothers shouldn’t breed like rabbits. ( I have 11 children and I don’t like carrots). Then we heard the stories about the Vatican bank, the Lavender Mafia and the dossier that Pope Benedict commissioned and read shortly before his resignation. It is obvious he was forced out, perhaps blackmailed, (he continues to remain silent despite all the damage Francis is wreaking) and that would make the ensuing conclave illegitimate. No true Vicar of Christ could say or do what Francis has said and done. Until they both finally die, nothing will change for the better.



Anna Silvas knows what she is talking about. She understands the toxic nature of the attacks on Pell which came about because he does not back down and comply with the progressive agenda. Pell also cleaned up the Sydney seminary quite thoroughly when he became Archbishop of Sydney bringing into line with solid Catholic teaching. The Victorian Police are known for their level of corruption and set up a 'get-Pell' basically looking for victims (advertising?) before a complaint had been made.

Follow the money someone had to oil the wheels in interest.



"A chastisement is coming indeed.' it's already here. It's only a matter of time before they start jailing faithful Priests for not divulging confessional information. I think it's going to be harder and harder to be a professed Catholic in the public sphere. It's only going to take just the right catalyst to start the snowball rolling.










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The Cardinal Pell case indeed has scary implications for the whole Church, and the world. The enemy is so brazen in his attacks that he can plan a show trial in plain sight and get away with it.

Mark my words: This will not be the last kangaroo court in Australia if the authorities are allowed to get away with it. If they can convict someone on no evidence - not even on fake evidence - then they will simply keep on until they have hushed all their enemies.