Osservatore Romano Praises +Marx for Praising Marx



Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 23:45
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  1. The comments by Cardinal Marx and Osservatore Romano respecting Karl Marx illustrate the degraded intellectual state of the Vatican and many prelates in the Catholic hierarchy.

    It is a simple historical fact that once Marxists assume power they rapidly militarize the state, assume dictatorial authority over the people, destroy the national economy, impoverish the people, jail political opponents, oppress religion, abolish free speech, prohibit free assembly, manacle the media and ultimately murder a goodly percentage of their crushed citizenry.

    Cardinal Marx and his episcopal ilk are odious, autocratic, often morally corrupt and degenerate modernist heresiarchs, who live affluent lives on the backs of the laity. Let them be anathema.

Does anyone know if +Marx is related to Karl Marx?


The main question should be is he a Jew and has he infiltrated the Church for the benefit of his Hebrew brethren.


Maybe his one of his great great Uncle





Own comment: 

There seems to be a tendency among many to bring up Jews whenever a sinister person comes up. It is quite unseemly at times.

That was my first reaction to Cardinal Marx praising Karl Marx but at closer inspection I did start to wonder. After all, Karl Marx the communist political theoretician was Jewish, or so they claim anyway, and Cardinal Marx the communist homosexualist, shares the same last name as the political dude.

It occurs to me that it is precisely for investigating Trojan horse Jewish converts that the Spanish Inquisition was instigated, and I dread what an authentic inquisition would do to the Church in Germany today. It is sorely needed nonetheless.  I doubt there would be many Jews among the Church hierarchy today, but communists, pederasts, sodomites, protestants, atheists and the like surely abound. All the enemies of the Church are within her bosom in Germany, and they need to be rooted out. Her external enemies are inconsequential in comparison.

Of course, a proper inquisition today would need to start with the Vatican...