Next Step in Germany: Holy Communion For Moslems

Sunday, March 4, 2018 - 23:30
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They're just making their sacrilege 'official'.
mccallansteve19 feb
More blasphemy and mortal sin. The Vatican must be thrilled.
HerzMariae19 feb
Can we just admit that most the German Episcopate does not even believe in God anymore but are too old for a career Change?
Jungerheld19 feb
It is terribly scandalous that the bishops push for what they have already accomplished. This strategy reminds me very much of my estimation of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.





Own comment: 

We are asked byHerzMariae :

Can we just admit that most the German Episcopate does not even believe in God anymore but are too old for a career Change?


I would not go so far as too suggest that their age is what limits them, although that may well be a reason.

For most of them though, it is much more honest to suggest that they realise that only the Catholic Church would pay such vast salaries to such inept, incompetent and disloyal management. In any other line of work they would have been fired and sued for misappropriation of funds, if not outright hostility to their employer.