the new evangelization in Poland


Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas , Anonymous,Aqua, PaulZW, Kathleen1031           

Monday, October 1, 2018 - 23:45
Article link: 


It is a virus, a vicious one.
Just went back home to Poland. I am sure many Poles find this embarrassing though I admit, they would not see it as dangerous, a fast ride down a slippery slope. Gaining on speed right now, I suppose.


I spent the better part of a year a few years ago living in religious community with a bunch of Poles in the Holy Land. In many ways it was wonderful. But there were a few things that ultimately felt dodgy about the situation. Nothing major, just subtle things.

The priest who was my patron there, a few years younger than me in his mid thirties, was one of those shiny penny JP II vocations. He was charismatic, smart, generous. But he had that all too typical clerical sense of privilege and attitude condescension too, and ended up showing what seemed to me like a lack of faith in weird ways.

One example: he seemed to enjoy scandalizing me with modernist opinions. Thomas a Kempis and the Imitation of Christ are terrible, retrograde spiritual reading. Abraham didn't actually exist historically, but is just a character based on a Cananite fertility deity. He was wishy washy in the confessional. Stuff like this.

I had multiple gut reactions that something was off about him, and a few other Poles I met through him that stayed with us, that I couldn't articulate.

I left them happy for the experience over all, and glad to have met them, but also weirdly ambivalent that not everything is kosher in Poland, based upon the these uncertain instincts I have about these Polish friends I met in Israel..



  1. The few remaining faithful, orthodox laity will bear the burden, some day, of re-evangelizing the wreckage of the Catholic Church; its Clergy, its Religious. One far off, unseen for now, future day, with the assistance of the few remaining faithful Clergy in the Apostolic Line, in the smoking heap of what was once the glorious manifestation of God's Heavenly Temple ... we will do that.

    What has been will not survive in its present form. The Novus Ordo generation will implode into itself as into a Black Hole. And good riddance. Good riddance to whatever that is, pictured above; poor misguided women.

    What you show above is simply the "Cult of Man". Orthodox Catholics see this and flee for their spiritual lives. It is time to retire to the "cave"of Isaiah and listen for the Still Small Voice of Jehova.


  1. I have taken similar videos on the vigil of Corpus Christi in front of the Cathedral in Kraków, 2017.
    Now, even most of charismatic churches do not go into that kind of dancing frenzy . It's ok to rejoice ,but not in this kind of fashion. Too wild. Worship with modern music is ok ,but not disco !

Unless Catholics are entirely aware and also entirely discerning about Modernism and Satan, they are going to be easy prey for so many cultural pitfalls they will surely end up in pretty much the same place as the secularists. This contemporary cultural pull is strong, and it exerts a constant force on everybody. You would have to be really insightful about things to resist it.
When nuns in habits do things like this, they show the rest of the world, see, we're just like you. This doesn't win anybody over, but the globalists on the inside tell you it does. And today's nuns just want to have fun too.
Hilary White just wrote a column about the gullibility of nuns. It's at What's Up With Francis Church.

Do they know how silly they appear?

I am Polish. The song in the second video is a religious song about believing (in God) like a child. The first video has false music (fake!). Many are defending dancing of clergy and nuns this way: pointing on King David and his dancing for God stated officially in the Bible. Also, Jesus participated in the wedding in Kana. Dancing in Jewish weddings is a normal thing. Expressing JOY FOR GOD in this way is not a sin. Saint Therese of Avila always was reminding her sisters, that to see the devil everywhere is very wrong and is against the power of the Holy Spirit. Nuns need to move and exercise also - if they jump for the GLORY OF GOD - what wrong do you see there? Aren't we sometimes more holy than THEE???





Own comment: 

I am half-skeptical about what is going on in Poland, so I am not surprised to see dancing nuns.

Unlike one of the anonymous commenters, I don't buy into the idea that this was just physical exercise. For sure, physical exercise is good and nuns are not only entitled to it but it is beneficial as well. However, even if we accept the notion that this was just exercise - which seems extremely far-fetched - we are left with the notion that someone filmed this and put it online most likely on the basis that they thought it would show a good and humorous side to nuns, that they are hip and modern and all of that.

The optics are really bad.

 I also take aim at another commenter who wrote that "worship with modern music is ok ,but not disco !". I would have to ask what the author means with modern music. The music proper to worship is sacred music, not 'modern music', so even if it falls outside the scope of disco modern music is to be kept as far away as possible from the sacred space so as not to profane it.