Mexican Priests Burns Three Pachamama Effigies

Thursday, November 14, 2019 - 23:00
Article link: 



5 nov.


Nothing is more revealing about Mexico than churches need bars to keep the parishioners from stealing the statues.



Father Valdemar, gracias! That's pretty clear!
God bless you.



6 nov.


His ordinary backs him. If it were not for his Archbishop, he could have found himself menaced and forced to hide, if he didn't want to be put into a psychiatric hospital, which happened. Too many V2 bishops can pubicly advocate for faggotry, and attack those who hate it, these days.


Own comment: 

It is surely true that God can bging good out of evil and this is no clearer than when the pachamama  promotion of Bergoglio's Vatican leads to a priest burning pachamama statues in Mexico. Furthermore, it is alleged that his bishop supports that.

I can only assume by his attire that the priest is tradition-leaning at the very least.