Mel Gibson meets Bishop Gracida


Michael Dowd , geoffkiernan ,  From Rome Editor , Maureen Avila (@1smallbluebird) ,  Chris Benischek ,   Em S ,  Paul Dale  ,  grandmaintexas             

Friday, July 10, 2020 - 23:45
Article link: 




  1. This is good news. Thanks Brother. Maybe Mel will make the real 2 Popes movie.



The local press (Australia) is saying that Gibson referred to Jews as ‘Oven Dodgers’. Is this correct??




  1. I do not know. I do not read the Australian press, or follow news about Gibson.

    What I do not know, is that the one who kindled those fires, Adolf Hitler, was Jewish on both sides of his family, even if according to religion he professed to be a Christian. Genetic studies show he has a lineage which traces itself back to Morocco, at least in one ancestor.

    But the Australian press won’t tell you that, because they are racists who only want to attack Christians and blame everything on Gentiles.



Another religious movie from Mel Gibson would be welcomed.




  • Chris Benischek

    St William of Vercelli, & Blessed John the Spaniard, Hermit
    25th June, A. D. MMXX

    Well, Bishop Gracida is a man of heroic virtue. I consider him or Archbishop John Paul Lenga–and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò–as my bishop because the ones around me are plainly simply not Catholic. Cf. Te Igitur where my pastor commemorates Pope Benedict.

    Cards. Dolan, J. Tobin and all the rest of the bishops of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are Apostate BigTime to one degree or another. They illustrate well Fr. Malachi Martin’s declaration just before he died that the institutional Church has become Apostate. Fr. Malachi said this means the Vatican, the cardinals and bishops, the seminaries and parishes.

    This is a key to understanding Francis and the Destruction of the Catholic Church. In the United States. In Italy. In China. In the world.

    I await Archbishop Viganò declaring for Pope Benedict, when the time is right. To do so now could well nigh get poor Pope Benedict killed.

    Three cheers for Restaurant Cavaleri’s down in Texas!

    “Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, alone thou hast destroyed all heresies throughout the world!”



Em S

  • Having visited a friend near Mel’s home in Malibu, I know he belongs to an elite, self-enclosed, sede vacantist sect. He owns his own chapel (“Holy Trinity”) inside his propert and there was a bishop who would come celebrate their sacraments from abroad but is now too old to travel, maybe even deceased. Mel may be looking to hire a new Bishop, but I hope that having met Bp. Gracida turns into a sincere acknowledgement (on his behalf) that PP BXVI was and is the true pope. Mel’s sect believed no post-conciliar Pope was ever a legitimate pope.



Well, then, Bishop Gracida is doing an apostolate. Let us pray with him for Mel.


Paul Dale


Mel Gibson blind-sided Hollywood with his film The Passion of Christ. They didn’t see it coming. His father is a well known sed yes, but Mel’s film did untold good. Indeed let us pray for him.




  • I believe Gibson is currently filming a sequel to the Passion. It has something to do with Christ Jesus descending to hell before the resurrection, I think.

    Same actor as Christ.


That movie has been completed. It was supposed to run in theatres at Easter but the Plandemic stopped it.




Own comment: 

The understanding I have is that Mel Gibson is a sedevacantist. The good bishop Gracida is a Bergoglivacantist, as I refer to them - i.e., he believes that Pope Benedict XVi is the true pope, which seems more and more to be the case mind you.

Also, I do not believe that the sequal to The Passion of the Christ was supposed to come out this Easter, but I might well be wrong on that one. It seemed from what I gathered to be quite some way off, and I was under the impression that they had not even started filming but were scouting locations. In any case, that is not a project I have followed closely and I gladly yield to more knowledgeable folks.

The comment of the day surely has to go to Michael Dowd, who wrote:

This is good news. Thanks Brother. Maybe Mel will make the real 2 Popes movie.

We can certainly hope.