Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 00:30
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Trinity says:

Was WWII the only war ever fought? Why wasn’t there any Bolshevik Hunters? Lazar Kaganovich, a Jewish Bolshevik was a mass murderer of epic proportions but yet he lived to be an old man and never had to worry about being tried for his crimes, certainly he never had to worry about Christian Gentiles hunting him down and demanding justice for the Ukrainian and Russian Christians who suffered because of a POS like Kaganovich.

What about all those America soldiers who suffered while being imprisoned by the Japanese, Koreans, and North Vietnamese. Did America go after Japanese servicemen after the war with the same tenacity that it goes after 90 year old “ex-Nazis?” Was General Sherman ever tried for committing war crimes in his March To The Sea? Hmm, so it is only when Jews are the alleged victims that war crimes actually mean anything? How about those “Nazis” who died in the Rhine Meadow Death Camps, or the ones that were incinerated in Dresden? Was anyone held responsible for those uncivilized acts? Will they be going after the grandsons of “Nazis” when they run out of actual “Nazis?” 


Lot says:

While the actual nazis are dying off, prosecution of neonazis has barely begun.

Personally I support the first amendment, even for evil and/or mentally ill neonazis. But polls show I’m a dying breed, most people my generation (Millennial) don’t believe it letting nazis have free speech protection, and the younger zoomers even less.


My uncle was a handsome, bright 19 year old, US infantry man killed in November 1944 in France. Apparently, his life was worth quite a bit less than some Jewish communist pressed into labor in the Majdanek camp who survived the war. I’ve never understood this. And I increasingly hate this horrible reality. 



“‘Every time that somebody is brought to justice, even from 50 years ago or longer, that is a message to the world. Because we are not going to stop until everybody is brought to justice. Even if it’s something you did years ago, it will catch up to you.’”

Be careful what you wish for. This sword cuts both ways. One day the shoe may be on the other foot and a different group of people–not your people–will not stop until you too are brought to justice for persecuting this innocent man.

Jews drag their past around with them. Their past is their present is their future which is why their view of history is cyclical. They never progress, never get anywhere, just go round and round in the same old circle. Talk about being chained to the Wheel of Kharma. They are slaves to their past, living embodiments of the Buddhist notion that attachment is sin and sin is attachment.


Z-man says:

Hollywood is aiding and abetting in this farce. There’s a Nazi hunting series with Al Pacino and another one smearing Lindbergh. I think they’re both on HBO. They should both be flops. 


Forgiveness is chivalrous but stupid. It’s the way of the world for the victor put the vanquished to the sword and enslave their women. The fault of the individual enemy soldier, the grunt who followed orders or be shot himself, is quite beside the point. Spielberg portrayed that principle nicely with the scene in Saving Private Ryan of the Nazi soldier who repaid Tom Hanks’s magnanimity by killing Hanks. Lesson is, exterminate your enemies or they exterminate you. 



Berger is not an ex-Nazi. It appears from this article that he was never a Nazi. He was a 17-year-old conscripted by his country in 1943 when his country was as war who was an unarmed also-present at a concentration camp because that was his duty.

“Ferreting out hidden Nazis”? He was not one. 


It is corrupt that the OSI did not recuse all Jews from membership. If Jews have a vested interest in revenge on anyone who might half-plausibly have been a Nazi generations ago, the US government had an absolute duty to discover whether an applicant for the OSI job was a Jew and exclude all Jews.

Manifestly, being, simply being a Jew is more evil than being, simply being a Nazi.

But with a deeply mad, deeply corrupt government and system called the USA that doesn’t matter of course. 


Wally says:

Giraldi said:

“Neuengamme was in fact a complex of as many as 80 camps and subcamps that were relatively low security. Berger was at a subcamp near Meppen. Jews, Poles, Russians, Danes, Dutch, Latvians, French, Italians and political opponents of the Nazis were imprisoned in the camps and it is believed that some of the prisoners, mostly Russians, were the victims of medical experiments or were gassed to death”

– There is simply no proof of heinous “medical experiments”, nor is there any proof for homicidal gas chambers at Neuengamme or at any other German site.

– The fact of the matter is that the alleged ‘Nazi gas chambers’ were scientifically impossible.


Not a single forensic study of the alleged ‘Nazi gas chambers’ was presented at Nuremberg or at ANY of the Show Trials . Ever.

However, the Soviets did present a study which was accepted at Nuremberg which ‘proved’ mass extermination in steam chambers.

Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.” 



Crazy Horse says: • Website

Another Israeli 5th Columnist perverting the judicial system. Gee what a surprise. Funny how they continually commit acts that any decent individual with a conscience would consider reprehensible and then whine about “antisemitism”.



Personally I support the first amendment, even for evil and/or mentally ill neonazis

Personally I support the first amendment, even for evil and/or mentally ill sadistic greedy Jew supremacist extortionist war criminals — and their legions of supporters.


Mulegino1 says:

The Jewish hive is insufferable. What the hell will they do when all of the former “Nazis” are dead? Whom will they impose guilt and monetary extortion upon then? The children? The children’s children? They really need to shut up and count their blessings and stop bothering the rest of the world. They are akin to malarial mosquitoes or plague bearing rats. They simply cannot keep silence. They are unable to feel any sense of shame or decorum. They have outlived the capital of their fake suffering among the gentiles.

The solution:

Get out of Palestine and stop hazarding the peace of the world for the sake of your failed settler state.

Learn to live in civil peace and equality with other people; stop the constant victim card.

Stop whining about your perpetual victim status and learn the art of collective introspection.

Apologize for the Talmudic hatred of the rest of humanity which you have practiced for the last 1900 or so years, and learn a little decency and reciprocity in your behavior.


eggplant says:

The defining characteristic of jews is vindictiveness. 


Easyrhino says:

I assume we’ll also pursue justice against the pilots who strafed, napalmed and murdered 34 crew members on the USS Liberty…..right? 



According to traditional Jewish religion, all “Amalekites” (a codeword for so-called anti-Semites) must be exterminated until the last child — literally, even their pets must be killed. In the Old Testament, one of the Hebrew kings is driven mad, and his entire family killed by G-d, as punishment for sparing one (1) Amalekite after killing all the others (1 Samuel 15 et seq.). In the Talmud, the rabbis return to the important moral of this story several times. Viewed from the perspective of Jewish religion, the Jews are G-d’s chosen people. Thus, any slight against them is a slight against G-d himself, and must be punished as the sacrilege it is, at all costs.

Of course, not all Jews todays are literalist believers in their holy texts, but this cultural background and general mentality helps to explain the mania of even the secular ones for revenge. This then is part of the reason why, in a way that appears inexplicable to normal people here in the West, they are so insistent on hounding and tormenting helpless old men in their nineties who were privates or corporals in the German services literally a lifetime ago, and even then (usually) committed no obvious crimes against anyone. To us, this seems like pointless sadism, but we belong to a Christian tradition that has taught our ancestors for many hundreds of years not to boast of ourselves or seek revenge. The Jewish culture, over even more centuries, has followed a different evolutionary path.

As you allude to, it’s also a one way street. Even as the German privates and corporals are hounded mercilessly, veterans of the Soviet Communist NKVD and the Polish Communist secret services, who tortured and murdered thousands, are allowed to live in peace in Israel. One of them, in fact, used to be in charge of the official Israeli department of Holocaust propaganda, Yad Vashem, until not so long ago.

Again due to our differences in cultural mentality, the irony of this is honestly lost on most of them. 


…the pursuit of World War II’s possible surviving criminals is more about revenge than justice.

It’s even more about keeping the Holocau$t Propaganda Machine running at full throttle.


Philip Giraldi,

If you & the Unz Report had half the circulation of the Jew York Times, I’d be an optimist. 



Own comment: 

One would not think it possible that high-ranking officials in the U.S. would be citizens of another country, but when that country is the zionist state then apparently all rules are waived.

When the U.S. does eventually collapse, it will surely be noted that part of the reason was that many of its politicians were more loyal to a foreign state whose people looked down on them than they were to their own country.

Perhaps if we can ever have an 'outsider' in politics who gains power while criticising the sort of policies mentioned in this piece - locking up 90+ year olds because they were conscripted into services by the Nazis - then the U.S. will have a chance to rescue itself from it suicidal path. Until then, the self-destruction will just accelerate because it seems the Talmudists - we really ought not to call them Jews as that confuses the situation - seem to be just getting bolder.