Meet The Child Pope And His Discredited Bishops


Akita, MundaborKate R,              

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 23:30
Article link: 


So are you saying it would most consistent for the bishops to ignore Vigano because in doing so they would demonstrate the same behavior as when they went along with Amoris Laetitia? That the world viewing them as money grubbers is the greatest good? Seems to me there is only one choice—heed Vigano. Who cares what the world thinks. This post lacks clarity, M. 



Certainly not. I am saying that the bishops will, even if they “rebel” to the Pope, show that they do it not for love of Christ, but for the desire of the approval of the world. They are all infected with the same disease. We will see improvement when we see bishops heeding Christ, not the world.



Dah! He is an odious person. It has long been noticed that he relishes the opportunities to show he is the boss, the czar. You will do what he says, and if you step out of your place and dare, he will publicly shove you back into your place with an admonition. He has done this numerous times, if one cared enough one could make quite a narrative about it. I don’t care enough. Remember Cdl. Sarah, dared to ask for ad orientem? He not only had to rescind it, but what, apologize for it, publicly? Yes, public humiliation, that’s the thing. That’s the way to inspire filial affection. Brute force is all this type respects. He has a nasty, vindictive, shall we say, really bitchy side, that’s very telling, when you think of it. There’s nothing more vengeful than an old Queen.

It all makes sense, doesn’t it.

I agree. There is something so disquieting in his burst of rage.
It’s as if Elton John had become Pope.









Own comment: 

Well, the bishops will not disobey Bergoglio and take a stand against sexual abuse. They have no spine left, if they ever had any that is.