Marriage On The Fly - In More Ways Than One



Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 23:30
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It is way past time for the calling of an Imperfect Council.

This guy is now COMPLETELY out of control.(as the saying goes) The most painful part of this entire Papacy is that we have to sit here and watch him blow up the Church and all we can do is pray, fast and do what we can locally. It feels like that is akin to putting a bandaid where a tourniquet is needed. Thinking about it though, faithful priests are much worse off than we are at the moment. Pray for them, they are the ones on the front lines along with the few Bishops and Cardinals we have left, that will actually defend the Bride of Christ. It's apparent at this point, however, that he is in pursuit of actively destroying the (institutional) Church. The man is suffering from diabolical insanity. Fr. Amorth stated before he died that the Vatican was in need of an exorcism. The man knew exactly what he was talking about.