Joe Biden, Dumber Than Dem Voters, Picks Failed Phony Kamala For Veep


 Michael Dowd  , Angela Malek,  Akita,Mundabor          


Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 23:45
Article link: 




  1. Question: Can two losers be a winning combination? Democrats are betting on the stupidity, sentimentality, and malleability of the American public. Are they right? Given their cowed reaction I’m not so sure they’re wrong.

    Trump will make mincemeat of this pair, of course. But this election will be no lay-up.



Pre. Trump said Kamala was his first choice. Beautiful!





  • Kamala Is no phony when it comes to militating for abortion—gets 100% favorable rating from NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League).



I think she comes from at least a middle class family. Her dad was talking about their ancestry, which he knew in detail. Their ancestor did own slaves in Jamaica. That will be downplayed, only white people are expected to answer for their ancestors. Her mom is Indian and her dad is Jamaican and European. She will call herself a black woman because that is a definite advantage, but already lots of black people are raising eyebrows about that.
She’s not liked, but she must have been the best of the worst.
Mundabor I hope you don’t mind, I want to mention something tangential. America lost a beautiful little 5 year old this past weekend, and his death is being ignored by the media. A little boy, Cannon Hinnant, of North Carolina was executed while riding his bike by a 25 year old neighbor, who ran up to him and shot him in the head in front of his two sisters. This story is being ignored by the media, it does not fit their “white bad black good” narrative, but this child and his family deserve this to be talked about. The shooter is black and the child was white. America has a big problem, a lie about race and crime in America is being perpetuated by the media and this has got to be addressed at some point. A column written about this tragedy cites some statistics that need to come to light, but will probably surprise people who don’t live in the US but not many who do live in the US. When whites experience violent crime in the US, 90% of the time the perp is black. When blacks experience violent crime in the US, 9% of the time the perp is white. You’d never guess that from the narrative you hear. It is roughly the same with police officers, very similar. Most unarmed people shot by police in the US are white, almost double the number of unarmed blacks shot by police. So almost twice as many white people die from police shootings as black people. Whites are 62% of the population in the US and blacks are 12%.


No riots about this, methinks…



To make a choice more significant than “eeny, meeney, miney, moe” is beyond jojothemonkeyboy’s current capabilities.
This choice could be as the result of her offering him a bribe (at one time this would have required millions of dollars, today perhaps no more than a ham sandwich) but more likely is the result of a decision made by whoever is behind jojotmb and this political scam.
The commitment to back jojotmb was made well before his descent into whereever but his backers had set too much in motion to allow his cortex-collapse get in their way.
Amazingly the policies being set forth in his name are even more demented than he is.


Own comment: 

It is almost as though the DNC wants to lose this election. With picking Kamala Harris, they have elected the most bitchisly elitist slag they could have found.

It's amazing that anyone thinks this is a winning move - although whether winning is the objective is certainly questionable.