Italian Government will allow State of Emergency to end on July 31


Walter Covens

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 23:00
Article link: 


Walter Covens


In France to wear masks in public closed premises will be made compulsory as of next Monday.




Own comment: 

If shutdown measures do indeed come to a forced end in Italy at the end of this month, then perhaps we can hope to see an end to this shutdown madness.

We can  hope that other countries will demand that shutdowns or any Covid-19 related measures end when there is no uptick in deaths in Italy. 

However, I trust the plotters will not go quietly into the night, and that they will attempt to create a scare so as to strongarm politicans into passing new shutdown measures. Let us hope that there is some sense in Italy and that they resist!

Sadly, my trust in the sense of Italians has decreased greatly over this whole affair. If there was one place I would have expected pushback it would have been in Italy. This has sadly been lacking where it counts.